Monday, November 6, 2023

Adoption Tails: M kittens

 Martha and Matilda, now Io and Exy

1 day: Martha and Matilda are now Io and Exy (smudge head). Io has been fine with food, water and toileting. She is already super playful. Exy has yet to eat, drink or toilet but she is coming out of her hiding spot under the bed and playing a little bit.
1 week: Io and Exy are settled well in their safe room. The owners have introduced one of their resident cats to the girls and they are chilling! Very successful! One of the resident cats is a little unhappy about the kittens but Io and Exy seem to be great at holding their own. Lots of treats and cuddles for everyone.

1 month: Exy is still sneezing but the owners have meds from the vet to help and she seems okay health wise. They've also noticed a rash and think it could be an allergy or stress. Both Exy and Io are so cute. They cuddle with the owners at night and play so much. They love to cuddle together and clean each other. Resident cats are happy-ish. One tolerates them and the other enjoys their company and they play together a little. Feeding is difficult as Exy and Io will eat ANYTHING
Martha and Martini on chair

! The owners have to keep bread away from Io.

Martini, now Gypsie

1 day: Martini has settled in very well! She didn't eat much on the first day but now she is eating and using the litter tray. She loves pats and company and to have a play. She is so affectionate and lovely, "the sweetest, most beautiful kitten ever". The owner got Martini a multi storey cat house and she is loving it!
1 week: Martini is doing amazing! She comes out more and more every day. She purrs and plays and makes cookies on her favourite cushion. She is the sweetest thing ever, they love her so much! However, the resident boy cat is still not very happy but the introduction has been taken slowly with limited interaction time.

1 month: Martini has come leaps and bounds and is adorable! The owner's resident boy cat still wants nothing to do with her but it has only been a month and thinks it will just take some more time. Martini is quite happy to be around the resident cat. The owner keeps calling Martini Gypsy Girl and will probably change her name. "Thank you for bringing such a gorgeous kitty into my life and for being so supportive!"

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful and here's to more adoptions soon 🥰
