Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Mia Row


Mia is the only cat left on Better Row since Hugo has moved to the Main room (despite still being somewhat stinky). So let's change the name, again. Christmas week only has one single and one double condo available for boarders.

Blossom only has 2 kittens left in the Palace. The black and white ones were adopted over the weekend. One of the little ones has a DIRTY nose. Don't know how that happened.

I enticed Max out for a walk with a brush. He loves to be brushed. He put himself back pretty quickly. He doesn't love meeting other cats.

Later Ted came out. He had to pass Lola, the office manager cat

Ted moving fast past Lola
To get to the front door. Look at that amazing tail!
He was interested in the boxes that contain our new wire cages that need to be assembled.

The three kittens who were by the front door are in the play place because they couldn't be put back into their stand alone yesterday. The stand alone is blocked in by those boxes now so they will probably stay in the play place. And Sunset got adopted this afternoon so it is just the two boys, Angus and Logan.

Logan and Angus
 Pickles still hasn't had her kittens in the Nursery. I will bring a newspaper in on Friday to see if the old trick of shredding a newspaper brings on kittens. (It is probably an old wives' tale similar to the one about putting butter on a new cat's paws to stop it going back to its old home. But Pickles has been pregnant for such a long time that we need to try any old trick.)

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