Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Some fun, some not so much

 Tosca loves her box.


Mabel loves to stay in her carrier while Tori makes love to any available hand that will tickle her tummy.


Chia came out this afternoon. She watched the other cats wandering around for ages and eventually plucked up courage to explore.
Chia playing peek-a-boo with Sydney
Kenzie's mouth must be feeling better since she had some teeth removed. Or, she likes being fed soft food only.
I dropped off one of Elsa's kittens at the local vet's on my way home. He has a mass of poo stuck to his bum that we couldn't soak off while he wiggled and screamed. Elsa hasn't felt well enough to clean up her baby's bums for a while. And somebody in the stand alone threw up a hair ball laced with a worm! A job for professionals!

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