Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A Terry kind of Wednesday

 I am a little late to post because I had to send Vicky the url of a really good anatomy podcast, If, like her, you need to learn anatomy to be able to teach pilates or some other such ambition, this is the podcast to do it. Run it on a loop while you sleep and it will percolate into your brain.

Today was busy, as usual. But busy with adoptions!

A mother and daughter came to adopt Rainy at about 11am. Seen her on the web, fell in love, had to have her! Done! But she is still with us because they have to get organised at home. Earlier in the day Vicky had thoroughly cuddled all of these kittens so they were primed to be adopted.

Then around lunch time a family arrived. . .mum, dad, boy who needed to adopt Rainy, his sister and two friends of the sister who were sisters. And Rainy was adopted already. So they had a little cuddle with Micky and Henry and decided that Micky would do.
They took him home with lots of other stuff. While the decision was being made, the daughter's friends fell in love with PC. And he with them. Unfortunately they are a bit allergic to cats so don't think that their parents will cooperate.

Later in the afternoon, the woman who said that she would come back as soon as she had a door problem sorted, came back! With her son to help. And adopted Trixie and Roxy. How good is that! I put together the last carry cage on top of the enclosures and popped Trixie in without any problems. I expected to have trouble with Roxy but she allowed me to hold her firmly around her chest and front legs and to place her gently into the carrier with her daughter. Quelle relief. (Perhaps that is just what Roxie was saying. . . . . "What a relief to be leaving this place").

During all this I let out Charlie and Champ for a wander. Champ seems to be salivating excessively. And there was vomit in their condo. As well as left over breakfast crunchies. Perhaps he has a sore tooth.

dribbling Champ
Robyn took this photo after he met the delectable Molly. But I don't think that is why he was dribbling.

Now, if he had met Tinkerbelle, I might have expected some drooling. Her leg seems much improved and she is, as Joy says, a Purr Machine.

Thanks for the photos Joy and Robyn. I didn't have time to take any today.

There is a pile of towels, sheets, pillowslips, bathmats, tea towels, adult sized bibs, etc, etc, in the foyer. They are not suitable for us to use for the cats: too big, too thick, too slippery, etc, etc. But they are good for people to use. So please take what takes your fancy. Or if nothing does, please take an armful to put into a charity bin near you. With all the floods we have had this summer, folk could well need some free bedding. Or some towels to clean up the mess.

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