Thursday, January 25, 2024

Hammock havoc

 On Wednesday I wondered why Mia's top shelf was on the balcony and her hammocks were gone. Tim told me today that she seemed to be stuck on the top shelf and couldn't get down. Subsequently, she had pee'd and poo'd up there. That is why it was drying out on the balcony.

Also on Wednesday, Robyn brought in a cat igloo that her Charlie had jumped on the top of and collapsed. We decided that if it was that frail it wouldn't cope with our cats, flattened it and put it in the recycle paper bin. Today it was still there so I re-erected it and gave it to Mia. It took her about a minute to settle into her pineapple.

Mia well camouflaged on a black blankie
I also reinstalled her top shelf lower down.

Mrs Claws and co are all desexed and ready to go. They love their hammocks so I gave them more.

Still not enough hammocks but some kittens should get adopted this weekend.

Patches uses her hammock. I knew that because it is covered in hair. I managed to grab their black igloo while they were both out if it and got another two kitten's worth of fur from inside it. Later, Lily was on the top shelf looking longingly at Patches in the rectangular hammock. When I placed her on the triangular one, she stepped, regally, back onto the shelf.

Cassie is slowly coming around to being away from her foster home. She is said to love cuddles, but she is a bit hard to reach.

And Martin has come in from a foster home and is upset too.


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