Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Too busy

 Sue forgot that I told her that I would be late today as I had to take DH to the eye doc for another injection. She thought Tim would be on today but he
is not well. So when she arrived at 9am, nobody had been fed and the trash hadn't been taken out for collection. Then Mariko was hijacked by her bus driver and had to walk further than she expected, Robyn's car wouldn't start, other vollies decided they couldn't do today. Plus there were deliveries of large boxes of food, bags of litter and other mystery boxes.

Now, some heavenly person has cleaned out Opies room. It looks habitable. The table is clear, the floor is clear. Even Lola deigned to go in there to sit on a vacated shelf this afternoon! But there wasn't enough room for all the stuff that was delivered. So we left it in the corridor. [Sorry tomorrow].

On my heals, when I arrived at lunchtime, were visitors. The first lot was a young man who met us at a Dog and Cat show in town and bought a T-shirt. He later ripped the T shirt while skate boarding. Today he brought his (girl) friend to buy another T-shirt and meet all the cats. I introduced them all. And met Kenzi for the first time. He is in Rocky's condo because Rocky was adopted earlier in the week. They loved Dexter who was happily passed from arms to arms. He bought another T-shirt and a hoodie for his friend and left. 

As another group arrived. This was Charlie's family. They are considering another cat for their 16 year old. So I showed them all again. Dexter was happy with cuddles.

Then a happy previous customer arrived with friends who wanted a kitten or two. We went around the possibles again. There were 3 of Grace's kittens in the play place. They finally settled on two of them. They were two of the boys. The last remaining, all grey kitten is a female. I did the adoption. . . slowly and inefficiently.

Then a previous visitor came to see who was available. But they really wanted to see Dexter who they rather fancied. He, by this stage, had had enough of being picked up and admired. He latched onto his potential owners arm with teeth and claws. We had to pry him off. Her skin is AMAZING. She hardly bled. If he had done that to  me I would have been shredded. They were amazing and continued with the tour and admired Kenji. Who wouldn't!

Nobody got to have play time except Aslan for a while and Charlie and Champ. (Champ is getting more adventurous).
Charlie and Champ

Poor Cindy didn't get fed nearly often enough. Why is one kitten not in the clump?

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