Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Sorry for late post

 I had to take DH out to dinner for his birthday having left for Safe while he was still asleep in the morning.

We were a bit short on vollies yesterday so I cleaned the Nursery while Sue dealt with the phone, boarders coming and going, visitors with donations, etc, etc.

Cindy had done a spectacular liquid poo that first hit the wall and then slid down under her litter tray to stain the floor of those condos that Mona Vale Vets got rid of (with good reason). I gave the kittens a towel to lie on that matches their spots. She was supposed to go to a foster home yesterday but they postponed. I hope her tummy upset is over by the time they pick her up.

Cindy's babies

Elsa is much happier/calmer now that four of her kittens have been moved to Blossom's enclosure because Blossom has been moved to Pippa's condo (as all of Bloss's bubs as well as Pippa have been adopted). Only three fitted onto the new hammock which uses Mariko's hardware.

Elsa's 4
But that is OK, because one of them has already been adopted and will be picked up this morning.

Lily was much needier than Patches. She probably wants her own hammock which should be ready on Friday afternoon.


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