Friday, January 5, 2024

Hanna Holyday

 She was adopted today! The man who adopted her previously adopted Myrtle who unfortunately was bitten by a tick and died. Hannah will be kept indoors if she does not like being anointed with Bravecto. Sharon didn't realize that until she went to spend time with Hanna after doing two people's work in the morning shift. Gone!

We convinced Sharon that Billy need her "Hanna love".

Billy considers chicken
One of our vollies, Harper is moving to Perth to study so spent the afternoon with us to say goodbye. Rocky said that she could stay and cuddle him all the time.

Rocky loves Harper

I made new hammocks for the enclosures. Prue and Trude rejected theirs. No way were they going to lie on anything that smelt so NEW. But Elsa's kittens snuggled onto their new one. They are only 3 now, instead of 4. And Elsa's last two were desexed today.

Elsa's three big ones
Ark was in this afternoon. He reports that Opie and Pearl are doing very well. He was super useful in cleaning Cindy's kittens who might have got some aftereffect of her explosive poos on Wednesday. He had to time his cleaning duties between Cindy's feeding kittens times. He did very well.

Angus had an adventure after being let out that ended with Ark rescuing him from the top of the new enclosures.  Later he and Harper helped fill the Cousin's bins. Clean slate for poo bags tomorrow!

I got to cuddle with Jack (Luna is easy). He has a lump on his tail that feels as though it is bony. . . maybe a kink. And Elsa's black girl has a lump on her tummy (?post operative).

A lovely Liz arrived to spend time with Roxy and Trixie. She is very keen on them but needs to rehang the door to what will be to their safe room. 

A three generation girl group came (at 10 to 4) to check out our kittens. As they previously decided that they want a "white" kitten (ie before seeing any real kittens in the flesh, aka Elsa's 3) I suggested that they wait a while until Cindy's kittens are ready. I wasn't specific about how long that would take. And if Cindy et al goes to a foster home they are locals and can visit frequently.

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