Thursday, January 11, 2024

New concrete

 The gap at the end of building 1 is due to be filled with concrete tomorrow, according to the bloke in a singlet who seems to be in charge. Means that nobody will be allowed to drive to building 2 How long does concrete take to set? Is it similar to how long a bit of string is?

Perhaps goodbye orange caps?
I told John next door about it so that they could warn potential customers tomorrow to drive into the basement and take the lift up from there. He says that the basement is closed on the weekend. So much for me trying to be helpful! But he thanked me for letting him know and they only have 2 or 3 bookings for tomorrow because their staffer is going to a rock concert.

Today I got to know Joey. He took a little while but did warm up to a lap that was sitting on the floor. I noticed that his testicles don't look as though they have been dealt with. They are pretty spectacular. But Tim assures me that he was desexed last week and that it takes a little while for the sacs to shrink after the balls have been removed.  . . . . . good to know!


Tim also agreed that Lola has some bare patches around her tail that seem to be spreading up her flanks. He suspects flea allergy. And when I was giving her some of her favourite chicken, he dripped her with the dreaded flea drops. She may never eat chicken again!


And . . . Tim asked me to move Cindy and her brood to the stand alone that Pickles brought up her kitten in. And to toilet the kittens on the way. I tucked one towel around the edges of the tray and put another towel on top of that one. 

Poor little things were very happy to pee all over my cloth covered lap but I didn't get any poo out of them. They are all rather discoloured because Cindy hasn't been scrupulously cleaning them before, during and after every feed. Once they were all in with her, she moved some of them to under the second towel. I guess she will work it out. There is nowhere else she can go in the stand alone as there is not hammock. In the condo she could wander off to another "box" when the littlies got too much for her.

Cindy in the litter tray, 3 kittens out on the towel, the others buried in the red towel.

Got to go. Two crimson rosellas want another almond each. And the rainbow lorikeets keep trying to steal them.

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