She was taken away by Ainsley's sister (and her mum). To be fostered. They brought a cat carrier but we couldn't convince Sydney to move from her circular igloo. So I suggested that they take her in the igloo. We wrapped it up in the cuddle rug that usually sits on top of it. Tied knots on the top. Had the hole carried against A's sister's belly. And away they went. They don't have too far to go. We didn't hear back so assume that they all arrived home safely.
I swept up her enclosure but had to move it out so that I could get to the litter between the walls. While I did that several nuts popped off. I have put them, and other washers in the drawer with the bulldog clips. I think the enclosures need some kind of flooring to keep the litter inside each one.
Trude & Prue, blank, Mia
Elsa's first lot of kittens have been adopted so the next lot moved into their enclosure. I turned their hammock over.
Nick, Chester or Blake
They all fit on it.
Most of Gracie's kittens have been moved to stand alones in Welfare. The boys, George and Gino are together. And the girls, Gemma and Gwen are in another. They all seem calm if a little shy.
Gemma and Gwen
George and Gino
Winnie has come in from Foster. She is in Jane's condo below PC. She is shattered.
Winnie |
But PC is looking very spruce. A lovely vollie Gumptioned his condo. She even wiped his face with the cloth she was using and got some dirt off!
PC |
We got a new kitten in Incoming. Her name is Tinker Bell and her right hind leg doesn't work very well. But she seems happy and is very pretty.
Tinker Bell
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