Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A one photo post

 Again I didn't get my camera out this afternoon. And I don't have Joy's photos to fall back on because this is her "not on" week.

Just one by Catsie:

We were quite short of vollies today so Catsie did Incoming all by herself. And she noticed that Mickey went all gooey and smoochy when she gave Louie a cuddle outside Mickey's condo. To prove that it wasn't Catsie that Mickey was trying to entice, I held Louie up to his window and Mickey was entranced.

We had trouble getting Louie to eat anything. Remember that he was under the weather last week. And he had nasty black bits in one of his ears. It turned out to be clotted blood from a wound there. And his other ear has a red spot. . . . goodness knows what! We tried kitten wet food, Mother and Baby wet food without success. Then Sue gave him some adult wet food and he scoffed it down.

 There is only one kitten left in the enclosure next to Big Kahuna. She is named Garfield. She is obviously a she because she is a tortie. I added an -a to make her name Garfielda. 

See that bandaid on my left hand. It is a skin cancer that I will have cut off next Monday. The surgeon is threatening a boxing glove sized bandage to stop me moving my hand so that the graft can knit properly. So I may not be at Safe for some time from Monday next. But the blog will continue because I get updates from folk with two hands (and I can type with one finger).

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Adoption Tails: Mouse and Ussie

 Mouse, now Loki

1 day: He's going so well! He is using his litter tray perfectly, eating and drinking lots and running around/playing so confidently! He is currently asleep in the owner's lap while she is working from home. "He's everything we had hoped for and more!" His new name is Loki - aligned with his mischievous little manner (he's already found a game for himself where he knocks chess pieces around the house)!

3 days: Last night and this morning, Loki had some diarrhoea. The owners got him some new wet food so it is most likely that as the food was not transitioned. They will feed him his usual dry biscuits today to see if that will calm him down.

1 week: He is going so well! He is such a cuddly, intelligent boy! The owners have already taught him to sit and stay. "We thank our lucky stars for him everyday. Mouse watched "The Hobbit" with the owner's partner the other night and is currently cuddling.
1 month: He is going so well!
He is such a curious little kitten, fits into the family very well.


Ussie was one of 3 kittens - Marnus, Ussie and Rain. They had parvo/panleukopenia and Ussie is the only kitten who survived. 

1 day: no response

1 week: She still hides behind the desk in the study. She eats, uses the litter tray, plays, and explores everything in her safe room. She has been renamed Mischkah. Her owners say that all is good and “she will be fine”

1 month: “She is doing well.” She’s having lots of fun when her owners are asleep but she’s also coming to them. Her owners say “It's a big house and she knows her safe place.” They will be moving her litter box and food to the laundry room, which she already comes into to help her owner dish up her dinner. They will still leave her basket in the study which is her safe room. “She is sussing out and knows places to run do we!”


Friday, July 26, 2024

More food

 What a good thing I put away (ie moved out of the passageway) the bags of food that cluttered Better Row on Wednesday. Because today a nice man arrived with trolley loads of boxes of Fancy Feast! His cat declined to eat it. A pallet full must be cheaper than a box at a time from Woolies. Shortly thereafter I observed Geoff's grooming technique on Tommy. Tommy loves Geoff's technique. That pile of fluff in the foreground is all the snarly bits from behind his ears and down his spine.

Spruced up Tommy

 Geoff wanted to reward Tommy by letting him play in the Top Cat tonight. Which means that he had to offer to move the piles of boxes of Fancy Feast. He may still be there moving them out of Tommy's play place way. Tim in is tomorrow to restore all to normal. Shawna will enjoy observing what is going on from her corner condo.


Talking of "normal." The linen shelves are abnormally full of towels. We have been declining donations of sheets, pillowcases, cat beds, etc, etc. Finally the message has been heard and we are full of towels. (Notice the empty spot where the blankets used to be. They are in the community bin).


Sooty had her first go in the Top Cat after Sparkie had a happy time there (with Sooty watching and, hopefully, learning). It took a while. And Charlie below was (?) encouraging.

Sooty and Charlie
A lady came to find a cat to go with her two boy cats who are having dominance issues. She also has 2 kids and a husband who doesn't like cats. She chose Moonlight 1. because she is a girl and will take over command of the felines of her house and 2. because Moonlight is a tuxedo and she has always lusted after a tuxedo cat. Could have picked Sooty. Or Jody. Or Riley who behaved charmingly (while Miz explored by ducking out of doors that got opened and explored elsewhere). So much choice.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Adoption Tails: Cindy Clawford's Acting Litter

 Cindy Clawford

1 day: Cindy is still pretty shy but she has been eating/drinking and used her litter tray. She even purred last night. She was very vocal during night time though, causing the owner to check in to her several times.

1 week: The family has bonded with Cindy well. She has her favourite armchair in the living room.
3 weeks: Cindy has been vomiting quite frequently, the owner thinks it might be because she is eating too quickly. She usually vomits within 30min of eating with lots of abdominal push involved. If the owner is home, they will give her tiny portions throughout the day and Cindy is OK that way. They will also try out some DIY food puzzles and scattering dry food in a cardboard box to slow down her eating as per suggested. 
1 month: Cindy's vomiting is under control for now. They would love for Cindy's story to be shared. 

Naomi Catbell, now Bunty

1 day: Naomi settled in just fine at home. She's got loads of toys to play with and various spots and corners to explore and hide/rest. The wife and two daughters absolutely adore her. "Thank you so much for all your help on the other day!"
No further response. Her name has been changed to Bunty when she boarded with SAFE at the end of May. 

Indiana Ginge

1 day: They are doing well. Both have eaten and used the litter and drinking water! They're still getting used to each other but not anything too bad. There hasn't been any physical fist fights so far, just rumbling growls. "All talk and no action thankfully." Indiana will stay Indiana (suits his adventurous nature!) and Michelle is now August, Augie for short.
 1 week: The introduction process has gone super well! Indiana and August are getting along well and the introduction to the resident cat has been super good as well.
 1 month: Indiana and Nico are doing so well! Fully settled in together with the resident cat Jin. They are growing well and are super sweet and cheeky!

Rufus Mewell, now Bean

1 day: Rufus (now Bean!) is settling in really well. His safe space is the owner's 15 year old daughter's room - as she has two adjoining rooms and plenty of space. He has been eating his meals very enthusiastically and using the litter tray perfectly. The daughter adores him and she has had a steady stream of her friends visiting to meet him so he's had lots of attention! The family has so far only introduced their dogs (two older Border Collies) for very short bursts and when he is in the safe hands of the daughter. The dogs are pretty unconcerned and have had a sniff around and then they are taken out. Bean, however, is terrified of the dogs and spits when he sees them! The family has given Bean some things of the dogs to get used to their smell and will continue to introduce them very slowly so he learns not to fear them. They are confident that a slow introduction will allow Bean to get used to them as they are gentle dogs and smart enough to know if the family is cuddling something, they need to love it too. All in all very successful and the daughter is over the moon with Bean.
 1 week: Bean is settling in well and he has certainly been exploring the rest of the house! Always under supervision at the moment but the dogs have been very good with him and he came face to face with Snow today who wagged his tail and the two practically touched noses, so cute! Bean still spits at the dogs sometimes but is gradually doing it less. He is obsessed with food, has found the cupboard where the family keeps the dog treats and has been trying to open it! He licks the empty dog bowls when he comes into the kitchen. He is very playful and inquisitive and now that he knows there's a whole house outside of his safe rooms, he's keen to explore at any opportunity. All in all, Bean is doing great!
1 month: Bean is doing great and has firmly established his place in the family already! He is getting along fine with the dogs now and has learnt that Snow is a gentle soul - even touching noses with him - so cute! He knows that their older girl Lulu can be a little grumpy so he has learnt to give her space and in turn she is much more comfortable around him. He has explored the whole house now and had his first Nexguard Spectra the other day for ticks, worms etc. The family got him a little harness for exploring the garden but he really hates it - so this afternoon their daughter brought him out in the garden while they were all out there and he enjoyed exploring with caution. He didn't attempt to run away and came back inside when called. Bean is still in his safe two rooms when nobody is home but eventually this will change and they plan to buy him an airtag for him as a precaution! He will be well loved and well looked after in his furever home!

Cillian Meowphy

1 day: The owner will be keeping his name as Cillian. He is settling in fine and is super curious of the resident cat. Sadly, the resident cat does not want anything to do with Cillian so there is lots of hissing at the door at the moment. The introduction process is going very, very slowly. Cillian is eating, sleeping and using the litterbox, the only issue being that he eats too quickly and then vomits. The owner will try out a few tips (smaller but more frequent meals & scattering dry kibble in a large cardboard box) and see how he goes over the next couple of days.

1 week: Cillian is settling in perfectly fine. The owner's resident cat has accepted Cillian and they have been grooming and playing with each other every day.

1 month: Cillian has changed so much since coming to his forever home. He has fully integrated with the resident cat now and he has completed the owner's little family of three.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dark day

 The fire alarm system was being checked and they turned off the electricity in the morning. We asked for it to be turned on if they could have it off a bit later (after the work had been done.) We compromised

Bubbles and Squeek were deliberated over this afternoon by a young couple. The kittens behaved beautifully while being observed. I didn't tell the people that they had been fighting, wrestling and generally behaving like boys all day long. The people will be back tomorrow morning (early) to adopt them and for them to be vaccinated which might slow them down for a nanosecond. 

Bubbles and Squeek (or vice versa)

I hope that Tim has rounded up Stardust by then. When I went around to Boarding to feed them their dinner, Stardust's condo door was wide open. Surprisingly, there was no cat in the condo. He hadn't gone far. And, thank goodness, he was at ground level not on top of the condos. Eventually he found a good hiding place on the lowest clean linen shelf. After the folk who came to adopt one of the fostered cats had left Sue and I tried to entice him back into his condo. No go. So we left him securely stuffed onto the shelf with his dinner in a carry cage pressed up against the shelf. All Tim will have to do is to shut the door (we hope).

We tried to entice Amelia out of her condo this afternoon. She wasn't having a bar of the big wide world, thank you. She did tolerate pats and hair brushes. But not stepping out onto the conveniently placed stracthy pole.


Moet and Jerry are on the Available List. I suspect that Moet is the cat who got at the bags of crunchies stacked on the floor beside the food shelves on Better Row. She was very keen to get the door of the play place open today. I moved the secondary latch from inside to outside and it kept her in during the day. 

As are Miz and Riley. They are supposed to be bonded but Riley prefers Champ. She makes a bee line to his condo as soon as Charlie steps out. Not for the food because the girls have more in their condo. Charlie is inclined to wander into their place on the off chance of an extra nibble. Miz is not happy to share her space. She'd rather wander around. Cats are interesting.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Adoption Tails: Teddy and Talia (above Dexter), Cass


2 days: He’s been great so far and is settling in really well. He’s eating three meals a day and has used the cat litter. They have slowly left the door open to introduce him to the house and he seems really happy to roam and have cuddles. They love the name Teddy so they won’t be renaming him. They only ever watch him when he’s roaming and leave him in the bedroom when they’re not home.

1 week: “He’s very happy and settled now. He’s taken over the house now!”

 1 month: “Feels like we have had him forever! The kids just love him, he’s definitely getting more playful but is still super chill and LOVES his food! He’s been such a great addition to our family.”

Talia, now Tilly - adopted with Cass from the black and white litter

1 day: Cass and Talia have settled well, eating, using the litter tray and are affectionate. They now have access to three rooms and Cass zooms with her ping pong balls. Tilly is much more cautious but takes a brief pat. The two of them are relaxed with each other.

3 weeks: The owner had surgery and hence delayed the response until later. Cass and Tilly eat their breakfast and will zoom around until lunch. Both generally sleep until dinner, play together and then tuck in for the night. Cass is happy being picked up but Tilly won't have it. The family can pat her but she refuses to be handled. Both are growing and tidy in their habits. "It's lovely to have them here."

1 month: Cass and Tilly are doing well, collared but still indoors, eating well and growing. They eat breakfast and then zoom and play, after lunch they mainly sleep until dinner - but can hear when anyone is in the kitchen! They are very different cats in nature, Tilly is still more hesitant but play well together.

Michelle, now Nico  she was adopted with Indiana Ginge from the Acting Litter

1 day: They are doing well. Both have eaten and used the litter and drinking water! They're still getting used to each other but not anything too bad. There hasn't been any physical fist fights so far, just rumbling growls. "All talk and no action thankfully." Indiana will stay Indiana (suits his adventurous nature!) and Michelle is now August, Augie for short.

1 week: The introduction process has gone super well! Indiana and August are getting along well and the introduction to the resident cat has been super good as well.

1 month: Indiana and Nico are doing so well! Fully settled in together with the resident cat Jin. They are growing well and are super sweet and cheeky!

John, now Sox - 6712

1 day: John has been renamed to Sox by the owners. He is settling in very well! Happily eating, drinking and using his litter box.

 1 week: Sox has been settling in very well!

1 month: No response. 

Denny, now Lewis

1 day: “Denny is wonderful!” He has been renamed Lewis and is already responding to his new name. Lewis is comfy in his safe room and his owner has practically not left his side. He has frequently used his litter box, eaten wet and dry food, and taken small sips of water. “We’ve also gotten Lewis adjusted to his new bed where he is constantly baking the biscuits. Every few minutes we give him a play with his toys. He is so energetic and playful! We treat him with dried chicken when we see that he is doing well.” Slowly but surely, Lewis and their resident pet Trillian will meet face to face. For now, they have been sniffing and seeing each other through the glass door in the room. “Both have shown no aggression whatsoever and have grown a likeness towards each other already. We couldn’t be happier with our option. We love him so so much!”

12 days: “Lewis is doing so well. We are having so much fun with him! He has explored the whole house and with Trillian too. They are sniffing each other here and there, playing and sleeping next to one another which is great to see!”

2 months: “Lewis is doing amazing still.” Everything is going well with Trillian and new visitors in the house. “He has gotten more and more playful with his toys, and comfortable with his bed that he is currently snoozing in right now. One of his favourite things to do is to bake biscuits on my oodie”

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Adoption Tails: Sabrina's litter

 Sabrina, now Muffin

2 days: She’s settling in really well. She has been eating, drinking, and using the litter tray. She’s also been moving in and out of her safe room into another room and she seems comfortable. They’re thinking of renaming her Mushroom from her colouring but are still tentatively considering other names.
Sabrina = Muffin
1 week: She’s been renamed (again) to Muffin which her owners think will be her forever name. She is doing really well. “She’s exploring most of the house now and seems to be very comfortable with us.”

1 month: Muffin is doing well! She is super active and energetic. She’s very comfortable at home now. Her eating, drinking and everything else seems to be normal. She seems to have a bit of an itchy ear so they will take her to the vet to see if that’s an issue if it doesn’t get better. Other than that, she seems to be very happy! They’ve also found she loves watching TV (cat videos on YouTube). 
1.5 months: “We’re very lucky to have her. She really loves watching youtube videos of birds and squirrels”

Sandy (6605)
No response from owner. 
Sandy at Safe

Stevie aka Willow

1 day: Stevie has been renamed Willow. She has been great! “She was a little spooked the first few hours but has really opened up.” She has gone pee but hasn’t gone poo yet. She has been eating and drinking. She prefers wet food over dry and normally leaves some dry food leftover but eats it after more playtime. “We have been playing with toys quite often too.”
Stevie now Willow
9 days: “Willow is being a very good girl. She’s getting more confident exploring outside the safe room now (sometimes a little too confident!)” She inappropriately toileted in the laundry basket last week but has been toileting normally/properly since they added a second litter box.

1 month: “She is doing very well. She’s become much more confident and she’s adapted to our routine. She’s been very good with new people around too. She’s grown a little as well - she’s growing up too fast”

Sierra & Sully, now Jesse & Kion

1 day: Sully and Sierra are doing great. The owners have changed their names to Kion and Jesse. After 1 day, they started leaving the room by themselves and are getting much more comfortable. They are using the tray fine and are both eating and drinking. They are playing and wrestling all the time. Sierra was more shy while Sully was going around exploring but they are both more comfortable now.


Adoption Tails: Schmoo, Benny, Sesame, Agnetha and Bjorn

Schmoo = Nefertiti

 1 day: She is going great. She has been renamed Nefertiti, or Nefi for short. She’s eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, and sleeping well. When her owner checks on her in the safe room, she comes over for pets and rolls onto her back for belly rubs.1 week: Nefi is going well and has been exploring. She loves her food and playing with her toys. It’s getting hard to keep her in the safe room as she wants to get out but their resident cat is not quite ready to meet her yet. Her owner will try site swapping for short periods of time. Otherwise, she is settling in wonderfully.

1 week
1 month: Nefi is going well. She is much more confident now, runs around like crazy and is more willing for cuddles. Their resident cat isn’t sure about Nefi’s enthusiasm but is getting used to her. “Nefi is such a beautiful little one and we love having her in our family.”
Schmoo/Nefi 1 month

 Benny = Mango

1 day: He’s doing great! Very much settled in, and is eating, drinking and pooping. He does long meows at night but they usually pet him to console him and then he stops. 1 week: Benny has been renamed Mango. He’s been great and started exploring outside of his safe room on the second day. He’s very inquisitive and friendly. He settled in immediately, cuddles up to his owners when he’s sleepy, plays well, poops every day and is always after their food when they’re eating. He no longer meows during the night. “We can't believe our luck, he's been absolutely adorable and lovable!”

Benny/Mango 1 week


1 day: She is eating, drinking and using the litter tray. “She’s settling in very well! She’s perfect.”

Sesame 1 day
1 week: She is doing well! She has explored the whole apartment now. She is comfortable being out in the lounge room and has made the place her own. Her appetite has improved massively and she is now eating very well. 1 month: She’s doing great. She’s fully at home now and has a good eating schedule. She’s super playful, independent, and sleeps fine. “We’re a happy family”

Sesame 1 month

Agnetha = Maggie Mae and Bjorn = Freddie

1 day: Everything is going well. They both seem as happy and playful as when they were at SAFE and are finding their way around their room. They are both eating, drinking and using the litter tray.

Bjorn: day 1
Agnetha: day 1
1 week: They’re doing brilliantly! Agnetha is now Maggie Mae and Bjorn is now Freddie (Mercury). They’re currently both gobbling down their meals super quickly. They are happy, active and growing. Their owner has been occasionally opening the door to let them explore outside of their safe room. Freddie is braver than Maggie who meows every time Freddie disappears. Their owner says they are hilarious and they clumsily prance around each other. 

1 month: Both are doing well. Maggie is getting increasingly confident.

Freddy and Maggie Mae: 1 month