Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Adoption Tails: Yin and Yang

 Yin and Yang aka Coco and Chloe

2 days: We're happy with the 2 girls, who are now called Coco (Yin) and Chloe (Yang). They are eating (mainly at night) and drinking and weed into the litter box. So far, no big businesses have been placed in the litter box yet. They're still scared (of course) and stay mainly in their cardboard boxes located in the safe room.

Yang in previous foster home
10 days: They are still timid but definitely more relaxed. Coco and Chloe eat well and use their litter box. At night, they're exploring the safe room, but it's still early days. We believe we can't leave them out of the safe room for another 2 weeks. It takes time for the girls to adjust.

Yin in previous foster home
 5 weeks:
Both are doing well. They have been working on inappropriate toileting.

Joy reports on the Cat Lovers Festival

Did the SAFE stand on Sunday morning at the Cat Lovers Festival. Louie was the star cat being so energetic until lunch time when he flaked out! I noticed he was missing from website following day so daresay someone fell in love with him! 

Big Khuna was so chilled and out walking on the table with his harness on. He’ll make a lovely pet. Bubbles was a bit stressed so didn’t really participate. 
 Don’t think it was as busy as last year but this time I did a Sunday (rather than Sat). 
It was good to see so many small local animal shelters from various parts of Sydney and NSW 
like us unfortunately not government funded but at least they exist & are trying which is a plus. 

Lola stayed at home.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Adoption Tales: Foodie litter

 Miso, aka Maya

1 day: Miso, now called Maya, seems to be doing well. He's still adjusting to his new name and eats a few times a day. They've changed his litter twice so far. He enjoys hiding or sleeping in the wardrobe and sometimes on his chair. Maya isn't shy around the owner; following around and even watches the owner brush her teeth or cook. He's very curious about everything in the house and enjoys watching out of the window and playing with his toys. He's explored every corner but still hides from the owner's partner sometimes. Maya's quite hyperactive, often running and playing by himself during the day. He eats well, enjoying both wet and dry food and he's curious about the owner's food too. He prefers pats over cuddles and seems to like the treats and cat milk. "He is such a gorgeous boy!"

 1 week: Maya is doing so well. He settled in quickly, eats a lot and plays around. He follows the owner everywhere when she is home. Every morning, he would meow and wake her up for food. He loves to watch the owner paint and clean. "He is so adorable. We love him so much. So grateful for Maya coming to our lives."

 1 month: He loves his cat tree. He is so adorable.

Milkshake and Cookie

1 day: Milkshake and Cookie have been picked up from foster and will be spending a few days in the main bedroom for a few days to help them adjust. They are doing well. Eating, playing, accepting scratches and purring up a storm! Cookie jumped about all night, has eaten and used the kitty litter. Milkshake came out of the cupboard in the night, visited the bed but is more reserved than Cookie. The owner is not sure if he has eaten but will encourage him today.

 1 week: Milkshake and Cookie are out and about, having lots of fun! Louis the little one and the kitties are loving each other.

 1 month: Milkshake and Cookie are so happy! They are playing, eating, sleeping, purring and are a delight to the family. They now go into the backyard a few times during the week when the owner is home to supervise. They love it out there, climbing, smelling, digging and terrorising lizards.


No updates

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Joy's Wednesday

Billy in main cattery
Hilda and white kitten in Incoming

Gracie on Better Row

Pebbles just inside the door

Valentina in Boarding

New boy LeClerk in Cat Palace

lookalikes. . Mum and son: Heidi and Axel

Monday, August 19, 2024

Adopotion Tails: Stella, Luna, Rayne and Muffin

Stellaaka Shiso

2 days: She is doing really well. She is already friends with their resident cat (Basil) and dog (Spinach) and even prefers using Basil’s litter box instead of her own. She is still being kept in her own room to sleep in for the time being. She has a great appetite, drinks lots of water, and has pooped a couple of times. She has been renamed Shiso. She is still sneezing but is otherwise very playful and energetic.

Stella and Spinach

1.5 weeks: Her flu symptoms have improved. There is almost no sneezing now and Basil didn’t get any flu symptoms. Shiso still has some eye discharge and eye crusties but her owners are hopeful they’ll clear up soon.

Stella and Basil

1 month: “She’s good!” She absolutely loves her food and is eating lots. “We have to put her food bowl down first in the morning as otherwise she will steal our dog’s food”


1 day: She is settling in very well. She’s eating, drinking, and using the litter tray. Her safe room is a master-sized bedroom and she’s fine in there but has been out exploring the apartment at supervised times. She’s also slept through the night. Her owners will not be renaming her as Luna suits her. 

Luna in foster care

2 weeks: She’s doing really well. She is happy and doing all the right things. She’s adjusting well.


1 month: “She’s going well. She’s a sweetie just still very gradually getting Miss Minx to get used to her.”


1 day: “He is absolutely delightful and has settled in without any hiccups”

Rayne, 1 day
10 days: “He is absolutely delightful and settled completely.” His owner says he is a very clever boy.
Rayne, 10 days
1 month: “He is an absolute delight”


1 week: Muffin is doing great and everything is on schedule. He’s eating, sleeping, and using his litter tray. They’re slowly introducing him to their resident cat.

1.5 weeks: Muffin and their resident cat are “doing fine with each other”. Their resident cat is still slightly uncomfortable. She’s a bit territorial so sometimes, if Muffin gets too close, he gets a warning slap. She has been less anxious lately, “less slapping more sniffing”

1 month: Everything is fine. Their resident cat and Muffin are now playing chase together.
Muffin and resident cat

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Adoption Tails: Misty, Eric


1 day: So far so good with Misty. She's a very friendly cat, the owners have her settled in the master bedroom. She's found a few hideyholes but comes out often. She's eating well and seems happy with the litterbox. They're planning to keep her name. Misty is adjusting really well to her new environment. All so far really has gone without a hitch. She's since discovered the living room and that's quickly become her favourite place. The owner is especially pleased she gets along well with his son, loving to just lie next to him on the couch.

1 week: Misty seems to be very happy exploring the apartment. Her favourite spot remains looking out of the window in the master bedroom but her favourite relaxing space has become their living room couch.

1 month: Things are going great, Misty is well adjusted.



1 day: He is settling in more than well. Used the litter tray, ate, drank and is overly affectionate. He already tried sneaking out of the bedroom. He also used the scratching board. He woke the owner up at night but then settled until 5:30am, the owner tried to push out brekky but then gave in. After that, he fell asleep again. The owner will try not giving in so soon but didn't want to be so hard on him on his first night at home and he is hard to ignore when he is roaming around your head.

3 days: The owner is concerned that Eric might not drink water. She has yet to see him drink water from the bowl and has tried to lure him to the bowls a few times. He is having wet food for dinner which gives a bit of hydration. She will start adding some extra water into his dinner too.

1 week: He is doing great. The owner's friend spotted him drinking water the other day when his bowl was moved into the living room. The owner has also been putting water into his wet food too which has helped lots. Eric was allowed out of the room to explore a few days after he came home for short amounts of time over the week. At the 1 week mark, the door is open for good and the litter box has been resituated. Eric so far enjoys being around the living room but is still cautious at times and runs back into his safe space. He is cuddling with the owner in the living room right now. The owner is hopeful that he will gain more confidence over the next week or so and won't be too irritated by unexpected noises. "He is absolutely adorable, I am so in love with him!"


1 month: Eric is doing fine. A couple of things the owner is working with him on is his scratching on the carpet and he is a really good eater despite having his daily food split into 4 smaller meals. He's still gaining trust from the owner before she is confident in removing the couch cover. He has been weighed and he is definitely getting enough food. He loves attention and is still very affectionate but the owner has noticed that he is sensitive to noises or sudden movements at times. They're hoping this will settle over time but also not really worried about it. He loves looking outdoors and is even eager to get outdoors. The owner is thinking that Eric will start off with a harness around the courtyard since building an enclosure might not be an immediate solution.

1.5 months: The owner feels that Eric might be a little bored. He can be quite talkative at times and needy for attention. She is playing with him and gave him plenty of options. She will also consider doing some DIY food puzzles/games with Eric. He loves floppy balls even though he never brings them back. The owner is also adding a few shelves to the wall so that he can climb more and get used to the harness before going outside. "My neighbour says it's like a seven star hotel for him here." The scratching is still a work in progress but he is definitely using the scratchers provided. The owner and Eric are working with each other on trimming his nails. He is pretty comfortable with her playing with his paws but not when the clippers are out. 

2 months: Eric peed on the couch last weekend when the owner was away, probably too long for his taste. The owner has given it multiple cleans but still caught him wanting to mark the same spot again twice. She's started to give him treats on the same spot, hopefully to associate the spot with eating and reward. A second problem is that Eric meows a lot, especially at night when the bedroom door is closed. When the owner goes to bed, it does not last that long but in the early morning, he can go for one or two hours. Eric is so food driven and keeps meowing in the afternoon although he knows when dinnertime is, particularly when the owner is doing things in the kitchen. He is most definitely getting enough food, weighing in at 4.9kg. Last problem they're working on is outside time. Ever since she started letting Eric out for about 10minutes under supervision, he keeps wanting to go out. Going forward, she is harness training him and may consider a small enclosure. 

: Since the weekend, the owner has started leaving the bedroom door open overnight and even had a friend sleep over whom Eric knows quite well. He did meow quite a bit at the courtyard door the next morning, wanting to go out. However, during the night he was pretty good - slept with the owner under her quilt which was very cute. What was not very cute was that he will try to wake her up by petting her face when she wants to sleep. Though the bright side is that he has stopped scratching the carpet in front of the bedroom door. The owner definitely recognises how needy Eric is in terms of attention. On the inappropriate toileting issue, the owner did catch him peeing on the couch again after going into his litterbox twice without doing anything. She is getting a second litterbox and may be putting that in the living room. 

Mr Garfield, aka Ziggy

1 day: He is doing very well. Eating, drinking and using his litter tray. He was quiet overnight and has been very affectionate and engaging with the family. They will be changing his name but not sure to what yet. "He's a delight!"

4 days
: Mr Garfield (now Ziggy) has had bad diarrhea and vomiting for the past few days. He seems a bit better today. The owner has taken him to her vet this morning and they will do a stool sample. Since then, he has picked up this afternoon and his appetite and stools have improved. No more vomiting too.

1 week: Ziggy has had his last dose of baycox in the morning (done at the vet as the owner was not able to administer it). He still had some bad diarrhoea last night and vomited. He did eat a piece of cheese that fell on the ground yesterday at lunch time (which is not ideal). The owner is currently giving him small portions of food to reduce any load and probiotics. He's perky and not lethargic today.

1 month: Ziggy had Nexguard last night (not a huge fan of it!) but it was successfully applied! He's doing super well, seems to be relaxing and now sleeping away from his safe spot, which is lovely to see. The tail is still a work in progress after a volunteer has trimmed it after his diarrhoea episode at SAFE. Neither Ziggy nor the Border Collie like grooming much!



Friday, August 9, 2024

Adoption Tails: Harry and Dexter


2 days: He’s doing well. He has used his litter box to go pee and poo and is eating well. He seems very relaxed as long as his owner is around and he prefers to eat when his owner is home. He doesn’t seem to need the safe room but he gets put in it when his owner is out. He will not be renamed and has already been registered with the council.

1 week: “He’s gorgeous! He has the run of the place. Given his age not surprising that he sleeps a lot. Not particularly interested in playing but likes to be near me (preferably on me!)” His owner thinks he’s put on a bit of weight. 

1 month: “He is currently on my lap! He made a run for freedom today but I collected him from the top of the fence. I think he must have been an indoor/ outdoor cat. He is desperate to be outside. He is still having problems with his ear and tongue so is having a GA tomorrow for them to have a proper look. Fingers crossed.”


2 days: He seems fine so far. He's eating, drinking and using the litter tray. He’s been out of his safe room but seems comfortable around the house. He responds well to his name so his owner doesn’t think they’ll change it. He has attacked his owner’s arm twice. It wasn’t really obvious why as his owner wasn’t trying to pat him or anything. Mostly, it has been times when his owner is doing something like sitting on the couch or using the computer and Dexter will be sitting nearby and seems to be doing his own thing, and then he’ll jump onto his owner’s arm with teeth and claws before they even notice Dexter was interested in his owner. He stops when scolded and his owner is hopeful that he’ll learn what makes him like that with more time. 
10 days: Dexter is starting to settle in after his first week. He had a cough so he went to the vet and got some antibiotics. He’s getting better with his behaviour. “He will occasionally bite if he doesn't get his way but I think it's gradually happening less.” He still eventually bites after a while if he doesn’t get what he wants quickly enough. “He's improved from the attacks with serious biting and scratching which he started with. He seems pretty comfortable in the house and is using the cat tower and beds around for him.” He has been using the litter tray with no accidents. He will play when his owner waves around a ribbon or belt but doesn't seem interested in cat toys. “He also likes cardboard boxes. He seems pretty happy most of the time but is also definitely interested in getting out the front door to see what else is out there.”

1 month: Health-wise, he is good. He very rarely has a cough now and he had some sort of intestinal worms but seems to have cleared up with worming treatment. Behaviour-wise, he has improved in that he mostly doesn’t attack his owner when he wants something. Unfortunately, they still can’t trust him to sit on their lap or be too close for long. He’s still prone to attacking when his owner tries to get him off their lap or for some other reasons that they can’t figure out. “he seems to me to act more like an immature cat than a 3 year old so I'm hoping he still has potential settle down more with time”

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Adoption Tail's: Chai's spice litter

Nutmeg aka Mikey

1 day: The owners decided to change his name to Mike (Mikey). He is settling in really well! He has such a sweet nature, getting more curious and confident by the day. He is such a gutsy boy and eats all his food immediately. Mikey is using the litter and the owners don't plan on switching litter type as he is used to it.

1 week: Mikey's going really well! Much more confident and cheeky now that he is settled. The owner's camera roll is now just full of photos of Mikey!
 1 month: Mikey is doing really well - just got his last vaccination last week and he has grown so much! The owners love Mike and his sweet personality. "Thanks for your work in helping rehome him."


1 day: Chilli has successfully used the litter box. Her owner loves her name so they’ll be keeping it. “She was crying last night but she ended up snuggling with me in the bed. I’m so in love with her and she is the sweetest cat ever.”

 1 week: “She’s so happy and I love her so much”

 1 month: “Everything is fine she is very healthy playful and happy! I love her “

Cinnamon (aka Dash) - adopted with Scorpio (aka Ditto) from Virgo's litter - no photos

1 day: They are doing fine in their safe room. They are eating, drinking and using the litter tray. They will be renaming them but aren’t 100% sure about their names yet. “They are so cute”

1 week: “We are doing well with the kittens.” They had a few issues getting used to each other but their owners are sure they can overcome them. The kids have given them new names. Scorpio is now Ditto and Cinnamon is now Dash. “We let them come out of their safe room last night and they had a great time together playing in the house.”

1 month: “They are awesome! We are super happy.”