Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years specials

It is almost as though we have a sale on and cats are going "out the door". Primrose and Patchy were picked up today by a young couple who paid for them a couple of days ago but had to get all their gear ready. Diamond was adopted. Hurrah. Robyn took home Isabella who still hasn't had her kittens. She might have had them in the car on the way home she looked so full of kittens when she went into the carry cage.
Robyn is thrilled at the prospect of being a foster parent. I forgot to tell her to give Isabella some newspaper to shred into a nest. It didn't often work at Peggy's but sometimes it brought on the litter. Irene also has a mum at home who had had four kittens by the time she dragged herself away to come volunteer at Safe Haven. We expect to get lots of Zelda's kitten sized kittens back from them both in 3 months time. My purpose this afternoon was to get decent photos of Dolly, Elona and Elliot for the website. Dolly eventually obliged, after numerous photobombs by Dobby.
But Elona was not going to smile. (And look at that odd shaving on her leg).
And Elliot would not stand or sit still. See how beautifully in focus the scratchy pole is!
Because Diamond was gone, I convinced Tim to let me move Mia and Belle into her wheely cage. They didn't like the move and hid in the igloo that Mia arrived in. But their heads came out at dinner time.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Goodbye Leo

A woman from Avalon rang on Wednesday wanting a ginger kitten. Her big, ginger boy died a month ago and the family needs a cat. The husband is working from home. Son#1 has just graduated from uni and son#2 has just done his HSC. But she is in Avalon and not allowed to come to Chatswood. Luckily, I have a bit of paper to say that I am an essential worker and can travel from Avalon to Chatswood and back. So, after my shift this morning, I popped Leo into my cat carrier and went to Avalon to see if they would fancy him.
He got a bit anxious in the car until I covered the carrier with my rain jacket. It must smell calming. The transition to "meet this kitten" to "this is MY kitten" took a nanosecond. I convinced her that he needs to be in a room with a door for a little while in a new environment so she established his potty/water bowl/food bowl/bed beside her bed. Otherwise he would have been in the laundry off the kitchen without a door! The house is full of stuff and windows out to gardens with a family of magpies and other birds. He will be a happy cat. His name will be changed. Initially she thought Covid would be a good name. The men in the family disagreed. She then thought "Lachie" or "Lockie" for lock-down . . . perfect for a red headed cat. Meanwhile back at the cattery: After 5 days off, Tim noticed the smell. So he, at least, doesn't have Covid. Is-a-belly hasn't had her kittens yet. Mimi/RubyG's smallest, hissiest kitten has a ring worm lesion on his/her forehead. Bugger. Joy took some photos as she was leaving. Billy was in good form but didn't want to head butt her: perhaps the face mask detered him. Although I wonder if cats read much from noses and mouths as their noses don't move much. Their eyes and head gestures tell their feelings.
Macey was playing at being a bat and hanging around upside down.
Peggy kept a low profile.
And there were miscellaneous, un-named kittens.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

78 and counting

I was Boss Cocky today so that Tim could have 5 days off in a row over Christmas. Considering that he hasn't had more that one day off at a time for months, he probably didn't know what to do with himself. When I arrived (super early because of delicious lock down trafficless-ness) I was all ready to shift bags of poo into various rubbish tins. But it was Tuesday. The garbos don't come until Wednesday. Bugger. But then I realised that the accupunturists in the front building are off until Jan 4 and their rubbish bin was left out front. Aha! I thought, I will fill it up with poo bags. But, by the time I got down there this afternoon, it has already been filled up by somebody else. Grrrr. The garbos will have been and gone by the time I get there tomorrow for a regular vollie morning. Not counting boarders we have 78 cats and kittens in residence. Isabella is really Is-a-belly. She is full of kittens. At least 5 to match our running average this season. Perhaps tonight. Unfortunately I didn't have any newspaper to put into her condo for her to rip up.
I tried to wash off the pink stain on Primrose's poitrine. But it is permanent. Perhaps we can market her as a punk kitten with pink hair.
Rosie is getting used to us. She now faces the mesh rather than the wall.
A woman in lockdown in Avalon called to ask if there was any chance that somebody could get a kitten to her. Everybody in the family really wants a new cat to fill the hole left by the 15year old cat who had to be put down a month ago. He was a big, ginger. She fancies another ginger (?Leo) or a tortie kitten (?Primrose). I could bring a kitten home for them to meet. And perhaps Cody and Jo would fall in love with it while it was here overnight. (Dream on, Prue). Another family came to choose a kitten for their daughter. It will have to go with their dog. So they brought the dog as well, in Dad's arms. The dog is a chihuahua with long, curly hair. It shivered in the dad's arms but didn't say a word. I think a cat/kitten would gain supremacy without any blood being drawn. The daughter took photos, they will be back.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Extra duty: Joy reports

I did my extra shift this morning with Irene and team and was asked to clean the kittens (behind boarding) so here’s a few photos. Windsor enjoying his time ‘outside’ his safe place.
One of Silky’s kittens.
All of Silky’s kittens .. they are coming on well
Kitten of Black Mum below (Sign says Mum +1 & has drop off/pick up date but they are located in kitten area)
Sima - Rag Doll/Persian in Boarding, very friendly and beautiful cat
Lulu - Burmese who wants nothing but attention ... wouldn’t keep still for her photo to be taken so it’s through the glass - In Boarding until 30/12.
Sox has been adopted and surprisingly Shadow and Leo still available!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Happy Christmas from Safe Haven

Primrose met her first elf. She is available for adoption. As is three of Zeldas: Shadow
and Sox
And we had all those exotic Z names thought up before she even had her kittens. There is a new pregnant mum. Snow Pea has been moved to accomodate a boarder. Star's bigger fluffy blacks are back with the litter now that the little ones are not so little. Star seems thinner though. Dobby still has a stuffed up nose. I changed the litter from wood to paper because he might just be sensitive to wood dust. . . . worth trying anything. Cody caught his own Christmas present and brough it in to share with us.
I thought "how nice for him to have something to play with". There are SO MANY cicadas around this year, one less is no loss. Then he knocked it downstairs and lost it. When it starts to "sing" indoors I will regret my generosity to the cat.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Door bell

Perhaps Santa will leave us a bell from his sleigh. This morning, I got to SH early because of no traffic. (One of the positive side effects of a COVID cluster in the Northern Beaches). Unfortunately, the garbage trucks benefited from the lack of traffic as well. I only got one trolly load of bags out to the curb before they came. And there was more space for the last few in SH. Bummer. So I got busy and as it was so early, I locked the front door so that I wouldn't have to worry about odd folks wandering. Sandy came early and banged on the door. I couldn't hear her from outback. She was drowned out by hungry cats telling me their sad tales of starvation rations. Panic ensued when she told Sue and Sue got Tim out of bed. My phone wasn't on (of course) and Sandy went home. Sue phoned Rod who arrived just a bit early, after I had remembered to unlock the front door. SO it was all sorted out and Sandy, herocially, came back from Mosman to slave away. She had to sterilize boarding condos because more cats came in than expected. And some went out, unexpectedly. Others came in unexpectedly early. . . it was a busy morning. There was an email asking for more photos of Patchy than what was on our website. She is so sweet.
I noticed that Suki has a short tail as well as an emaciated body.
And I took a photo of Sultan so that Liz can see how relaxed he is without her.
Joy took some photos that I will add. Cecily has the greenest of eyes. She doesn't act jealous. She is an absolute sweetie. We can't imagine how she was surrendered.
Star's kittens have been divided up to the three littles that stay with her and the two hunking fluffies that used to greedy all their food. For example:
Silky's kittens are getting to be just as demanding/loud as she is.
This morning I managed by some quick hand work to separate Rara, Mimi and Macey into separate areas to feed them. Macey took her time to eat every morsel. Rara is inclined to "help you finish that" in double quick time.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Wretched man

Didn't come back to adopt Ollie! His loss, of course. Somebody else's gain, eventually. The man who adopted Patchy's PJ and Primrose returned our carrier. When he adopted them he brought a brand new, cloth type carrier and they absolutely freaked out. There was NO WAY they were going to go into that carrier. Makes you wonder what happened to them before they arrived at Safe Haven. They have settled down beautifully with the man and his family. He bought a scratchy pole for them and we gave them two of the free, cardboard house thingies. He said that his wife is keen to get another cat, already!
A young woman arrived with a large amount of almost/just expired kitten food. She has intriguing tattoos and studs in amazing places BUT the kittens let her trim their nails. Even Mini/RubyG let her cuddle her and trim those ferocious nails. All were accomodating except Mini/RubyG's hissy kitten. S/he would not be mauled. S/he escaped and ran in circles until we corraled him/her back into Mum's condo. Because of more food, I was appointed the arranger of the food. On the top shelf: the adult food is on the left, the big kittens in the middle and the 2-4 month kittens food is on the right. On the next shelf is the Baby cat (never enough) and the surplus special diet food. How long will that organisation last? Perhaps until next Wednesday. I took a Xmas photo for next year's calendar:
Cute enough? There have been movements. Dobby and Dolly are in the condo bank between the desk and the front door. Dolly does not look pleased.
Elona, Elliot and Ezra (with a white spot on his nose) have been moved to the main floor. The kittens had a fabulous time in the play place this afternoon. They should be adopted this weekend. If the Northern Beaches are shut down, there will be a rush for our kittens and cats!
And the wild mum plus 1 have moved out of boarding so that the boarders can fit. Need space for Sultan the Magnificant.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Not sisters

I had a visitor today. He came to look for a companion for his 15 year old Burmese boy whose brother has recently died. I, of course, said that he would need a girl to go with his boy and showed Hera and Diamond who I said were sisters. Because I have always thought that they were sisters. He said "Why is one 1 year old and the other is 2 years old?". I looked up the paperwork and it is true: Hera's date of birth is 22/1/18 and Diamond's is 28/4/19! No wonder they were quarreling about food. Old(er) sisters are so bossy! (say's Prue who is the youngest of four daughters).
I showed the visitor around the available cats and he fell in love with Ollie. He will be back tomorrow morning to do the deal but couldn't do it today because he was working all day and has to set things up correctly, as per our web site, to introduce the "new" cat to the resident cat. I think that Ollie will take it in his stride and a Burmese is always ready to welcome a new slave.
Patchy's Spotty and Tippy have been adopted. They were renamed PJ and Penelope for adoption. And Charlie found a home. There is only one tiny kitten of the four who has survived. Tim takes him home every night. The others are thriving.
The biggest, fluffiest two of Star's kittens have been separated from her family to give the little ones a better chance. Luna's and family had a fabulous play in the play place today. At one point I looked around to see a kitten hanging from the mesh ceiling. It dropped to the floor. . . . at least 7 feet, landed on its four feet not on its mother and ran off to play some more! I don't know about Luna but my heart stopped. We have a new cat called Cecily. She is in boaring at the moment but should be moved as she is available. She is the sweetest green eyed girl.