Thursday, December 30, 2021

Adoption tails: Sometimes it takes longer

 Champ Adopted 24/10


1 day: Champ is settling in nicely. I got beautiful photos of him cuddling his new owner.
1 week: Champ has settled in really well. His eye is no longer weeping.
1 month: Champ/Boots has settled in beautifully. He seems to love living with his new parenta. He is curling up on a lap as soon as they sit down.

Sammy & Daisy: Adopted 6 Nov, 21 [I was surprised that these two were adopted together because they were in separate stand alones in the cattery, and different ages]


1 day: Both Daisy and Sammy are settling in well. They are in separate rooms. When their new owner was in Sammy's room and just sat there playing on her phone he came out to greet her. She was a little surprised to find that Daisy was a lot older than she expected. She was under the impression that she was an older kitten as well. She received kitten food for both. She had a few questions around food and Irene  spoke about Daisy's age and how she might run into problems when she comes to register the cats. Irene advised her to take one of her parents with her in case she needs to sign the cats over to an adult
1 month: Sammy and Daisy have settled in very well. They play in the morning and sleep most of the rest of the day

Tiger, adopted Nov 24


Day 1: Sweet Tiger stayed glued inside the carry box the entire day I brought her home. Set her up in one room with all a cat would need and gave her quiet and peace.
Next morning her food bowl had been sampled and litter box used ... but cat hidden. She's in my office. This morning same proof she was somewhere in the room, but she's hidden.
I've cleaned her litter box and changed her almost uneaten food bowls. Even put water bowls in a few 'hidden' corners but so far she barely has moved and remains hidden.
It is sad. I try to talk with her now and then to let her know she is safe and loved. I hope she does settle. We will see.
Are you one who looked after her? She looked and seemed so lovely at your facility.
Perhaps she felt safer with you and her other carers. 
I will continue to be patient and hopeful. I long to hold her but it must be her choice.
Day 3: Irene has a long chat with the new owner and she has since set up a large cardboard box in her office and everything Tiger needs is in it. She is prepared for Tiger to take some time to go back to what she was like when she met her at the shelter and progress even further.
1 month: Tiger is still using her bedroom and rushes under the bed to safety if someone else approaches. She is however adventurous, clever & quite funny. She loves to fall asleep in her  owner's lap or shares her pillow at night.  Her owner has discovered she is a Norwegian Forest cat and loves high places.  All very good there.

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