There were 69 cats in residence today and no rabbit. Coco has gone to a foster home and will be adopted if she gets on well with the resident bunny. And Sandy had brought some home-grown spinach leaves especially for her!
Sandy also wanted to complete the adoption papers for Ashleigh who loves her cats. Ashleigh is not so fond of the people in the house but finds them useful to supply food, clean litter trays and let her out. . . . she comes back in time for food. But I couldn't find the paperwork which was a great disappointment because there haven't been any adoptions (unless you count the rabbit) since last Friday. Nipper is not happy in her condo.
Nipper |
In compensation our Wall E came in to board. He is a hefty cat these days. He wasn't happy to be back with us but got over it by dinner time.
Wall E
Dinner was fun for some cats. Darcy and Figgie have a touch of the flu. They played all morning but lay around all afternoon until I gave them dinner. Darcy was so pleased to see food that he did an gymnastic double flip out of the door into the dish in my hand that flew over the floor. I grabbed the kitten and put him back in the condo and put down the other dish in front of Figgie. There was no way Figgie was going to let Darcy waste his food or get anywhere near his bowl.
Figgie |
Darcy had to wait until I fixed him another.
Darcy |
In contrast, the other two kittens of the same litter who are "bonded" shared their food: one bowl at a time.
River and Aster
Charlie beats on his window when he wants attention or food. Which is a pretty clever balancing act when you only have one front leg.
Charlie |
And why does Tori's tongue keep growing?
Tori |
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