Thursday, December 9, 2021

Time to relax

 The (middle aged) woman who rescued Charlie came to visit him this afternoon. So he got enough pats and chats to satisfy even him.


She enjoyed meeting everybody else and would have happily taken home a few if she had space for more cats at home.

Look who is getting more friendly (within the scent of chicken). . . 

Or perhaps she was looking for another pot of grass to rip up and shower all through her condo. Rosanna left a note on her condo to "PLEASE not give her a pot of grass" because she made a disgusting mess with it. I will just give her stalks of grass . . . and see what she does with them.

The flu'y cats all seem much better. Even Casper has stopped sneezing. She loves chicken. Perhaps that blanket should be changed.

And while I had lunch at the desk I could hear somebody playing. It was Gracie who had a fine time with her balls on elastic.

No adoptions this week. But I think we can rest on our laurels for the rest of the year. I counted 280 adoptions so far this year.

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