Friday, December 24, 2021

The thirty nine sneezes

 Figgie sneezed 39 times in a row. With all that snot flying around it is amazing that Darcy never sneezes.

snotty Figgie

I was a bit worried about Max yesterday because he was so quiet. He seems back to normal today.

And it looks like Amy's kitten really loves her but she is only licking food off her whiskers.
Amy and kitten 

This is our Riley who is boarding. She wants more attention.

And Marmalade is back for another weekend. He was chatty today too.

Thanks to the enthusiastic vollies (who really did have somewhere better to be) we finished early. All cleaned and washed up by noon.

Be careful of the door latch in the condo where Anvi (aka Dusty) was with her kittens. I couldn't find the screw driver to tighten up the screw so stuck on a bit of cardboard with stickytape. It won't last long.

There were a couple of (email) enquires for Imogene's 4 kittens. But the phone didn't ring all morning!

One of the boys persistently sucked on his sister's stitches. I tried to remove her but that didn't last long. I put a plastic collar on him. He walked backwards for 5 minutes and figured out how to get it off. But it stopped him sucking for a while.

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