Wednesday, December 15, 2021

For a dog

Remember Alice who volunteered with us and raised a litter of kittens? She adopted one of her kittens, Gia. She came in this morning to adopt Tinker to go with her. Gia needs a friend and Tinker is just a couple of months younger than she is so they should have a wonderful life together.  

I quickly cleaned Tinker's wheely cage and moved in Darcy and Figgie. They had spent all night playing together with Aster and River in the play place. They were exhausted and slept all day long.

River and Aster always share a hammock

Darcy and Figgie sleep separately
The Palace is full of Imogene's kittens. There are 3 boys and two girls. One of the boys has one blue and one yellow eye. We should auction him off to the highest bidder.
Imogene's blue/yellow

At this point, my Mac mouse stopped working. Husband Jo's Mac mouse downstairs went berserk. I turned off my computer and Jo was able to continue working on his epidemological analysis of the Covid situation in Portugal. . . . as you do. He has now turned off his computer as I am cook this week and dinner is ready. I will try mine again after I have cleaned up after dinner. This didn't happen last week when he was cook/washer upper.
Later: my mouse seems to be talking to my computer now rather than Jo's. Which reminded me that I had a call from rabbit Coco's foster father. The meet and bond with their bunny doesn't seem to be working out. I hope Tim has some brilliant ideas tomorrow.
And I can add a photo of Maxwell who has made a miraculous leap into loving people since being moved from Incoming. These days he would rather have cuddles than food. Here I am tickling his tummy!


And then I F10-'d my hand because he is recovering from flu. . . . . as are all of the cats who caught it.

This afternoon a family arrived to look for one of our cats who would be happy to live with a 10year old dog who hasn't lived with a cat before. I suggested a pair of kittens would be less stress on the dog because we don't have an adult cat available who is known to get along with dogs. They seemed like a family who would try hard to make it work but a sole kitten would be such an effort for an old dog. They went away promising to keep an eye on our website.

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