Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 Tim told me yesterday when I called to get the running orders for today that the naughty corner had been moved to Dr Kim's suite. Our hand over conversation usually happens at 4pm. Yesterday Tim was busy then so I said "ring back when you have finished". He called back at 6:30pm. The cats who have been moved are in a state of shock today. I imagine that Tim and whomever helped him also spent the day recovering from the transfer. At least it is nice and quiet next door. And cool with the air conditioner playing on them. But Remi is not happy. She has retreated to the back of the upstairs nestbox and didn't even hiss at me!

Peach, Blueberry and Blackberry next door

But this has freed up all the condos out back for boarders who are streaming in. Many are "our" cats/kittens and it is lovely to see how they have grown.

I happened to check the list of animals and the most recent entry was Fat Louis at Safe Haven. He is listed as a white Rat. I couldn't see any rats anywhere. It was reassuring that there were no condo cards labelled with "Fat Louis" or I would have worried that he had escaped. Very intriguing. Every condo has a label.

I resurrected the small stand alone that we used when Incoming was separated into a quarantine area and an incoming area before the condos were moved there. There was a mum in the small stand alone. I can't remember her name. I will come to me. . . . 

Two kittens Baby and Tux, both girls who were desexed yesterday, were added to the play place which is now the home of Imogene's kittens. 

Baby or Tux

They are younger than Imo's kittens and were overwhelmed by the boisterous, bigger kittens. Not to mention they are sore post op. So I unearthed the small standalone from the store room, with Catsie's help. It was a good thing I did because Frankie arrived, unexpectedly, from his foster home to be desexed. It wasn't on the list but Tim will sort it out now that he has rested.

Charlie is taking it all in his stride.

PS Jumi and Victor have been adopted. As have Anvi (Dusty) and her two kittens. The woman who found them in her back shed decided to give them all a home. What a lovely lady!

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