Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Back up

 When I arrived this morning, good and early because the traffic was so light (although it was freezing: only 13deg C for Dec 29! Thank you la Ninha) I counted the cats: 88 which is down from the 95 on Christmas morning. Imogene's kittens all got adopted as well as Rula and Maxwell.

If I hadn't taken the time to count them I might have got more rubbish bags in the neighbourhood bins. But I arrived with my first trolley load just as the garbo truck was pulling up to our curb. And they had already been down our side of the street. By the time I got back with a second trolley load, another garbage truck was emptying the red bins on the other side of the road. Bugger.

And by the time I left we were back to 95. Two boarders arrived and Cookie and her four kittens were delivered by their foster mum. Evidently Cookie had been very sick while raising the kittens with some kind of liver complaint. She certainly was not happy that they were to go into the same condo as her.

Cookie in the box. Kittens scattered.

Blink is boarding. He looks just the same.

Blink, not too pleased to see me

We have had lots of boarders coming and going with the associated bedding change overs. It has proved that we have enough bedding. We do NOT have to accept any more donations of towels, sheets or blankets. I rearranged the laundry shelves to put all the bath mats on the lower shelf of the middle row. They were on top with the towering pile of fluffy beds on top of that. Most unstable. Much better now.

TIDY: keep it that way
Joy took lots of lovely photos. I can't resist this one of Tigger matching his sock heights. He has come out of his shell since his brothers got adopted.

And of Tux and Baby drowning in a fuzzy bed.

Tux and Baby

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