Thursday, December 2, 2021

Not enough players

At tennis this morning we were one player short. So some of us had to play cutthroat. After a follow on set of doubles, I and two others had had it on this, the first hot morning of summer. So I went to Safe Haven early to find that there were not enough vollies there either. Helen stepped in, a new vollie had a trial by hard work and Geoff came to save the day. I did Incoming.

While there I overheard Tim arranging a foster carer for Coco . . . . . if the partner agrees. I got Cococ a lovely Liquid amber log to chew on but she is more interested in the Chinese greens. All the grass pots have been chewed down to stubble.

I had lunch with Finn who is in the play pen. I tried to wash off the accumulated ointment on his shoulder. Don't think it worked but he liked the attention.


Tinker is back. It was claimed that he put too much emotional stress on the adopter. She wants her money back. Really! 

He is back on the adoption list along with Aster and River who were in Boarding with their brothers who will be adopted by their fosterer on Nov 27 (?) 

Aster and River: a bonded pair
 They will all probably get adopted this weekend. I had a call asking for a kitten. . . any kitten.

At five to four a family arrived to adopt Hercules. Their preteen son had chosen him and was determined. They have not owned a cat before. I tried to talk them into Tinker. I even taught  Dad to hold him (he had never held a cat before). Then the boy who held him while Tinker purred. But the boy's mind was made up. He wanted Hercules. So I explained that it would take a long time before Hercules would settle in with them. But he wanted Hercules. They took him home.

We now have two resident Max's:

Max of the too big bed

Max and Gus, of the too small box
From their reaction to chicken, they should be called Max and Guts. Don't know who is whom.

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