Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Adoption Tails: Blossom's kittens

Peanut = Wasabi


1 day: Peanut is doing great. He was shy yesterday but is out and about exploring his room today. He has eaten and used his litter. He’s still looking for his mum but comes purring to his owner every few minutes. He is very affectionate. He has been renamed Wasabi. 
1 week: He is doing great. He has the run of the house now. He has become his owner’s little shadow and follows them everywhere. If his owners sit, Wasabi is on them within seconds. He loves to play and isn’t scared of anything, even the vacuum.1 month: He is doing great and is a very friendly cat. He loves to play fetch with his ball every day. They took him to the vet last week for a check-up and his vaccines were updated.

Butter aka Boots
This is how he sleeps. It's hysterical

4 days: Butter is the cutest thing they’ve ever seen. He has been playing under the door with their 8-year-old resident cat. They’re thinking of renaming him Arlo or Thor but haven’t decided. There have been 2 hisses with the resident cat but she sat on Butter’s bed so they think they’re getting used to each other. They’ve also kissed noses. He’s eating well and has a good routine - everything is super positive. 2.5 weeks: “He is the absolute sweetest thing ever. The intros have gone well. They seem to like each other more each day and have started playing.” To be safe, they don’t leave them together unsupervised, but they’re super confident that they would be okay.1 month: They’ve settled on the name Boots. He is very loving and cuddly. “Follows me around the house. Won't leave me alone. I love it”. Their resident cat Nikitta likes him but doesn’t love him yet. He eats well and loves to play with his toys.

Cherry aka Isis

1 day: The owners have renamed her Isis after the Egyptian queen! Her new brother is Osiris, after the Egyptian king so they fit very perfectly. Isis has toileted and is eating perfectly fine. She is very affectionate and playful as well. "Thank you so much for all of SAFE's hard work in helping us adopt her!"
1 week: Isis is doing so well. She is very desperate to go out and tries to run out of her safe room so she's had a few unplanned interactions with Osiris but all is good. The owners will get some extra treats and play with each of them in the same room to further the introduction process. Their supervised playtime was successful, with only a brief second where Osiris hissed. Isis and Osiris managed to be in the same room, she was totally fine and happy to do her thing while Osiris kept following her out of curiosity.
2 weeks: Isis had some sort of infection/dermatitis rash on her ears for about 2 days. She is not overly scratching.
1 month: Isis' ears started healing on her own and now it is completely cleared. Osiris and her are besties. They get along very well now. The owners are so happy they stuck to the process because they have both adjusted excellently. "Thank you for all the work that you guys do and constantly being so helpful! We are so grateful!"

Jam aka Taeyeon

4 days: She has been renamed Taeyeon. “She has been incredibly well behaved and very adventurous. She wanted out of her safe room after 60 minutes, and now enjoys patrolling our apartment looking for hair ties and toys! She's brought a lot of fresh energy into our home and we love her!”2 weeks: She’s very comfortable and now wanders where she likes. “She gets plenty of exercise and plays constantly. She's great.”

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