Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Boarding sparkles

 Coco came in to board this morning. I think it is this Coco, https://safehavencats.blogspot.com/2022/06/adoption-tails-coco-again.html

When she was brought in Boarding Row was being scrubbed, bleached and F10'd because Katie's cats all went home last night. It required two vollies. . . one short and one tall. And took ages. 

Only Ashley left in Boarding.
So I popped Coco into D4 which is on Better Row beside the fridge. It should be nice and quiet there. 

Should be but:

Dancer escaped during the cleaning and ended up under the far end of the food shelves. A bowl of milk placed outside the shelves on the floor didn't entice her out. So I put some smelly food in a bowl up the feeding table end and she migrated there. I blocked off her escape back to the far corner with towels and gradually narrowed the gap. I put a cat carrier in her escape path out from under the shelves and put the food in there. Eventually she came out. Not into the carrier unfortunately. But to a place where I could grab her and take her back to her home.

Pretty entertaining for Coco to see me crawling around on the floor.

Stevie, one of Sabrina's kittens from the play place has an infected tummy wound and has been moved to the condo next to Tommy. She spends her time screaming for attention when any person appears. I thought it was just Sabrina's black and white boy who screamed. But now there is a chorus!

Poor Coco.

Shortly thereafter, Sue said "Why did you let Callie out?" .. . . . . I was on my tummy in Better Row! Somebody else didn't shut her door. Callie, of course, was under the merch shelves. In the very area that Sandy and I blocked off with cardboard after fighting to get out a pair of very frightened cats during their adoption last year some time. The cardboard has gone. Callie is much friendlier than those kittens were but she is still too canny to let herself be caught after only one mouthful of lovely wet food. Eventually I dismantled the corner shelf and grabbed her. She forgave me. The wet food helped.


Tinkerbelle appeared on the For Adoption list on the Safe website briefly over the weekend. We thought that she had been adopted. A family came very ready to adopt her but she wasn't microchipped and didn't have any paperwork so they will have to come back. Tinkerbelle isn't in a hurry.

And a lovely family came to check out our cats. They have just moved back to Oz from Shanghai/Taipei and have moved into a pet friendly apartment block. It will be a couple of weeks before they are ready for a pet. But the boy loved Martin and the girl loved Gemma. (I didn't show them Tinkerbell). They will be back.

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