Monday, March 18, 2024

Adoption Tails: Elsa's brood


1 day: He's doing wonderfully. Eating, drinking and using his litter. Loves his cuddles.
1 week: He's doing great!
1 month
: He's great. Nick's had his flea and tick treatment but is being treated for ringworm at the moment. The owners love him!

Marti, aka Smokie

1 day: He is happy, started drinking/eating and using the tray already. The daughter renamed Martin to Smokie, based on his fur colour. He is still trying to get to know the family and the room he is staying in, having already started playing with the daughter too.
1 week: Smokie had a bit of a cat flu flare up with watery/teary eyes. He is quite healthy otherwise, eating well and running around all the time. He has a sneeze once in a while so the owners will keep an eye on him and take him to the vet should things worsen. Smokie is a bit lazy during the day but very active and playful in the mornings and evenings.
1 month
: Smokie is doing well, he is the little king here and treated with utmost respect. "He has brought joy to us."


1 day: He is doing well! He previously stayed in the laundry room but it was too noisy and was moved to the owners' bedroom. He used the kitty litter and have been eating little bits here and there but not having any water. He is very affectionate and seems to be fairly confident with the owners but just gets scared of noises. He is meowing/crying quite frequently and the owners are unsure if he is bored or scared. 1 week: He is very confident around the house now. He does meow fairly often but a lot less than when he first came home.

1 month: He is doing very well and seems to be happy and healthy. He loves the owner's laptop and window hammock!
Loz  aka Leo
1 day: Loz, now Leo, is doing great. He was extremely scared on the first day but has settled in quickly. He’s playing with the boys and adjusting to their resident cat. He’s eating lots and has used the litter a few times. “I think he’ll be a great new addition to the family.”

2 days: “The cats seem to be playing well. All in all great success.”

Leo at 2 days with new big friend
1 week: “He is gorgeous. He has made friends with Milo and settled into the family. He eats a lot though.. about 3x as much as Milo. Hopefully we can slow him down soon.”

1 month: “He is awesome”

Hallie aka Sissy

1 day: When they brought her home, she was playful at first but as the night progressed, she grew very shy and scared. She had some dinner and hid in one of the shelves in her safe room. She stayed there the whole night. She didn’t want breakfast at 7:30 but eventually ate around 11:30. She inappropriately pooed outside of her litter box but has successfully peed in it. Her owner was working in her safe room today and she had a nap while her owner was working. She had a lot of play time this evening and is finishing up her zoomies. She’s been renamed Sissy as “she’s now one of many sisters in our circle of family and friends”.

2 days: She’s had another awesome day in her safe room. Her appetite and toileting have been great. She knows where to go to the bathroom and doesn’t hide as much. She was asleep on the office chair when they found her this morning so it’s definitely better than sleeping on the shelf on the first night. She’s been itching to come out of her safe room every time they leave and cries when her owners aren’t there.

Sissy one week

1 week: Sissy’s doing awesome after a week of having her. She’s out of her safe room and settled into the rest of the home. She isn’t missing the toilet, is drinking water and cannot wait to eat her meals. She tends to sleep in the wardrobe and scratches to try and get in when it’s closed. “Her personality has grown so much and we love having her”1 month: “She’s doing great - she’s found her groove and is such a character to have around the house”. She loves attention, cuddles and doing zoomies. She went to the vet and it went really well - she’s had her second immunisation and a flea treatment. They’ve found that she’s hungrier than usual. She doesn’t meow for food but she sits next to her food bowl. The vet advised them to base her portions around her as she’s still growing so they’re trying to figure that out. Other than that, everything else is going smoothly. She’s a playful, funny and sweet kitten and they love her so much.

Blake aka Smokey
3 days: He is settling in extremely well. He’s eating, peeing, and pooping. He is very affectionate and loves their bed. He has been renamed Smokey and is very much at home. Smokey will be well-loved just like their autistic son’s cat Lily. She came from SAFE around 2 years ago and is a “match made in heaven” for their son.

1 week: Smokey is going well. He has been in the hallway outside his safe room and this afternoon, he progressed to the kitchen. Very much at home and has a routine already. He sleeps all night and is eating and drinking well. He is a beautiful little boy and is very affectionate. He just likes being with his owners and follows them around. He also loves watching tennis with his owner. 

Smokey one week

1 month: Smokey is very well. He runs and owns the house. He now weighs 2.35kg and has been to the vet for his F3 injection. “He is such a beautiful affectionate little boy we love him to death. We are glad to give him a good home.”


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