Sunday, March 3, 2024

Adoption Tails: Molly, Jar, Dom



1 day
: She's settling in well, practically owns the house now!
1 week: She is doing really well! Super happy at home.
No 1 month response.

Jar (brown tabby) & Dom

1 week: Jar is settling in nicely. He does drink, eat his favourite biscuits and uses the litter boxes. Mostly at night. Still shy with the owners (as they have expected) but the progress has been good. The owner is also in touch with the foster carer who is also helping with the info. She also has Jar’s buddy Dom who is helping Jar. They play together all night!

1 month: Dom & Jar are doing really well, inseparable in fact. Mischievous as they play all night and sleep during the day. Jar is still a bit shy but accepts mini cuddles. Dom is learning from Jar everyday, asking for cuddles yesterday as well.

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