Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Useful blog

 Charley was surprised when Martin was missing this morning. And Callie. I said to myself "You should read the blog".

Then later she asked if I knew who was Little and who was Rory. This time I said it out loud. And brought up the blog on the computer so that I could be reminded who is who. Little has the white on the right cheek and Tory has white on his left cheek. Charley took a photo of the blog url so now can keep up.

The other way I keep up is by making a list of all the cats available on our web site and crossing them off when they get adopted. It gets pretty chaotic by the end of the month.

January 2024

March 2024 so far

 Why is Angel still with us?

I had to leave at 1pm just when a former vollie had finally decided to adopt Tinkerbelle rather than Gemma. Tinkerbelle's name will be changed. Her new owner stopped being a vollie because she kept bursting into tears. But now she wants a cat of her own and came to us to choose. Tinkerbelle was in Martin's stand alone and Gemma was happy having her next door. Michelle moved into Callie's stand alone by the front door.

 Tim had to do the adoption because I had to leave after feeding lunches. And Sandy's adopter was due in at 1:30 to pick her up, at last. Poor Tim wasn't looking forward to the mystic mumbo jumbo.

Magic has gone home with her fosterer.

When I arrived one of the boarder's condo door's was open. It didn't take me long to find Oscar. He was under the food shelves bellowing. I don't think he could get out even though he got in. So I removed the laundry bins, food bags, etc, etc and lifted up the shelf. He stood up and stepped out, into my embrace so I could carry him back to his condo. 

Sorry for the old photos but I never think about taking any until 4pm.

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