Thursday, March 7, 2024


 Cass was adopted this morning along with Talia. The folk came at 10am to do the adoption. Certainly not the best time to do an adoption especially when you haven't done one for a while. But they were out of there by the time I arrived at noon. Poor Michelle is all alone in her big enclosure. 

A man whose cat has recently died came with a trolley load of food, carrier, meds, dishes, etc. He was "happy to have found us" and on the way out met all the cats including Mia who positively fawned over him. If she could have, she would have licked his hand! He was taken with her too. So perhaps he will be back.

Then a woman arrived to look at our cats because her boy cat had recently died and her girl cat is feeling lonely. She fell in love with Martin who is the same colour as her previous boy cat. Seemed to be preordained. She entertained herself during the adoption by texting all her friends, getting their opinions, getting offers of a Uber back home to Bondi Junction and offers of kitty sitting forever.

A woman rang with a sad story of her friend having found 5 kittens in a rubbish bin. The friend was bottle feeding them but Tim and Helen think they are older than needing that. So they agreed to take them in. And then their photos showed gooey eyes. So they probably have the flu, at least. Tim was waiting for them to arrive when I left.

He was also doing the adoption of a foster cat with the couple who came last week to collect some special food. Plus he was having trouble with the computer . . . . as I usually do. So I had to sign on so that he could complete the adoption. In the meantime the couple played with Callie who is now available. They had chosen a toy from the merch shelves while waiting for Tim to sort his computer problems and played with it. They noticed Callie's fascination with the toy and I gave them permission to let her play with it. She was having a fine time when I left. (I didn't sign out just in case I crashed the computer).

Didn't get around to taking any photos either so will use Joy's from Wednesday

Rory or Little

Sue says that there is more white on Little's feet than on Rory's. But when you look at their faces, One has a white left cheek and the other has a white right cheek. Little above, Rory below.

Freya's kittens have ventured out of their bed chamber. They are charming lumps of plump. Not quite so plump as Josie's though. And Betty and her kittens are looking less squinty than in this photo taken on Wednesday.

Betty's bundle of B's

squinty Betty
Mickey is getting more confidence and is Pistachio. We will have some pretty kittens for Easter.

Mickey above, Pistachio below

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