Friday, March 29, 2024

a good Friday

 The traffic was terrific. The parking was plentiful. But Cousins didn't come to empty their bins.

Otherwise it was a good Friday with 11 vollies falling over each other and lots of cuddling going on when I arrived around noon.

With not much to do, I decided that PC needed some beauty treatment. His saliva blackens on exposure to air and where he licks himself is covered with black tar-like stuff. I put some warm water in the big sink and added PC. He didn't like it much. But he is such a gentleman he tolerated it. And he didn't really mind being dried with a towel by Emily. And he really liked being combed with a fine tooth comb while sitting on the visitors chair when he was all dried off. Meanwhile Stephen Gumptioned his condo. PC was quite happy to go back to his condo and was ravenous for his dinner.

Meanwhile Marissa arrived to spend time with her Azlan. Her house is being "fixed" so he is better off with us but she misses him. She pops a harness on him and lets him take her for a walk.

Azlan walkies

While I took this photo a man arrived and said "I am here to pick up Emily". My memory failed me. We don't have a boarder named Emily. Of course not. He came to collect his daughter Emily. And to check out our torties (because he had one in his boyhood). While showing them to him I noticed that Salt was trying to suck on Pickles. He is too big to do that. . . . and she is too skinny to tolerate it. So I let her out. She immediately went back to her previous enclosure.
Pickles pickle
But Yin and Yan are in residence there now. They have come in again from their foster home where they were doing very well. I tried to make lots of covers for them to settle into/under. One had made it out of the hidey hole when I left.
Chilli was moved into Mouse's stand alone because his condo is needed for a boarder. He was transported in his plum pudding. That will definitely need to go with him when he is adopted.

I reaarranged the two stand alones so that neither Chilli or Eric is in a busy traffic lane. The trolley is back there.

Betty's two kittens are still with us. One is much plumper than the other. Guess which?

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