Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Maggots in March

 I missed the Willoughby rubbish collection this morning. So I didn't get our surplus bags out into other folk's bins. I filled the Cousins bins (with their 30Kg only) after they came in the middle of the day. Then I put the rest of the bags on the verandah into the empty Willoughby bins. The bags at the bottom of the pile were oozing maggots. Good thing I was raised in Queensland or I would have swooned.

The maggots are in the bins in the basement and the maggots on the balcony have been tromped on. One found its way into the play place water bowl. Sabrina's kittens didn't notice it. They were too busy watching ants wandering across their floor. (I have decided that the loud Sabrina kitten should have his name changed to the name of a famous male singer who sings LOUDLY). (Alternatively he could be called Banshee. I tried him out on that name this afternoon and he liked it. . . . we had a contrapuntal game going. . . Banshee . . . yowl. . . Banshee. . . yowl. . . )

We were three vollies down today but two kindly stayed into the afternoon to help. Sue was kept very busy answering the phone  and accepting boarders for the coming (Easter) weekend all morning.

As I was about to leave not having taken any photos, she asked me to take photos of Queen Victoria:

Queen Victoria
And Gigi who used to be called Venus. But her foster mum didn't like Venus and called her Gigi. She seems happier now that she has her own name back.

Pickles and Salt have moved to the condo below her. Salt had a fabulous time playing with a ping pong ball on the bare ground floor space in the morning. They were all tuckered out this afternoon.

And photos of Betty's remaining two kittens who have moved into the Nursery/Quarantine. You can tell that they are feeling better because they did not stay still for a photo.

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