Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Adoption Tails: Confectionary kittens

Confectionary KittensHere are the length updates for Buttercup, Kit Kat & Skittles. The owner originally took Buttercup and Kit Kat only, but quickly adopted Skittles also when they heard that Coco (their mum) was adopted and she was left alone at SAFE. I have put in an approximate timeline based on when Buttercup & Kit Kat first got adopted. I also received quite a lot of photos, mostly a rotation of 2 out of the 3 kittens on the cat tower hammock, taking turns squishing each other. Please take a look at all three profiles (ID: 5251, 5252, 5253) as I might have missed uploading all photos on all three profiles. Confectionary Kittens1 day: The owners picked up Buttercup and Kit Kat last night from the foster carer. The room has been set up with new things. They have been hiding the whole day. First under the bed, now under the desk. They have little interest in food and the owner has put out some wet Ziwi food as per foster suggestions. Owners are worried that they do not want to eat anything and have prepared food and water in 2 different places in the room but cannot tell whether they have touched the food or not. The cats also have not used the litter tray. The owners have left the cats alone in the room, trying to minimise the noise level. They will also check with foster carer with the cat litter the cats have been using.

Kit Kat
1 week: Buttercup and Kit Kat are fine, having used the litter tray shortly after the 1 day follow up. They have slowly eaten more food and now eating a normal amount every day and drinking water also. Buttercup is a quiet girl, always hiding under the bed or desk when the owners come in. Kit Kat is quite naughty, giving the owners a scare when he went "missing" twice! The first time he was in a drawer that was never opened by the owners. They have no clue how he got in. Second time Kit Kat was found in a suitcase. Kit Kat loves watching birds at the window. Both kittens have climbed up to the top of the cat tree to explore. Buttercup and Kit Kat are quite comfortable in the room but they still prefer to keep their distance from the owners. Every time they enter the room, the two will immediately run away to hide. Kit Kat likes to stare at his owners though. The owner is thinking that either she or her husband will work in the room with the kittens next week to get Buttercup & Kit Kat used to their presence while the other stays outside with their resident cat. The resident cat has been very curious and sniffing at the door but has not seen them yet. He is a little bit anxious.

Giant scratchy pole
1.5 weeks: The owners have set up a camera to take video and watch the kittens since they are very active after they close the door. The kittens are very playful and the owners have bought them lots of toys. They have dragged everything under the bed. They are pushing back the plan to have her or the husband work from home in their room to let Skittles settle in some more first. Buttercup lets her stay 1.5m away from her and did not run away when she got this close. They were also successful in playing laser with Buttercup.2 weeks: The owners took Skittles home on Friday, less than 2 weeks after taking Buttercup and Kit Kat after learning Skittles is left alone at SAFE when Coco got adopted and went home. They were a little concerned about whether Buttercup & Kit Kat have forgotten their sister Skittles and vice versa. All was well when they brought her into the room where Buttercup and Kit Kat are staying, Buttercup came down from the cat tree. Skittles immediately ran to Buttercup and they stayed under the bed together until Buttercup left again to sleep in her favourite spot on the cat tree, leaving Skittles alone. They are very playful and the owners have bought them lots of toys. The three kittens have dragged everything under the bed.
Buttercup is the proclaimed boss of the three kittens. The owners got a new toy for them which was initially ignored until Buttercup started to play and did not let the other two get anywhere near it. Skittles was waiting for Buttercup to get tired to play. The owners have been able to watch them through the baby monitor. Kit Kat stole Buttercup's favourite spot on the cat tower while she was eating. She returned and promptly sat on top of him and forced him to go away.

Baby camera

1 month: The kittens are much bigger now and naughty too. They knocked down everything on the table and shelf. The owner does not seem to mind too much because she is happy that they are playful. Buttercup will now come to the owner when she walks into the room, the owners find it very sweet. Their resident cat is still a little bit scared so they are still separated at this stage.1.5 months: All three of them are very playful and naughty. They do not mind sitting next to the owner but do not allow her to touch them. She hopes the three will cuddle with her and her husband soon. The kittens sniff their hands during feeding. Kit Kat has been showing his belly, she thinks it is a positive sign that they will come around. She and her husband play with them every day. Skittles loves any kind of toy whereas Buttercup prefers feather toys. The resident cat is slowly getting along with them, even kissing on the nose with them.

Thank You Helen

 I slept in this morning and arrived at Safe a little late. But, thank goodness, Helen had taken home all the poo bags yesterday so I didn't have any to schlep down to the bins. I could get straight on to feeding our 62 cats plus four boarders. There will be many more boarders next week. But our Daphne (now Tilly) goes home tomorrow. She was really happy to see me today having got over her disgust at being sent back to lock up land last Friday.

Yin had tossed all his bedding into his litter tray which was in his tall space. So I tossed the blankets onto the upper shelf to get it out of the way of his breakfast. Later I found him wrapped up in his blankies.
I put the red and black spotted rug thing in his sleeping room because it might be more difficult for him to dig it out of there and into the litter tray. Later he went into that space and I removed the dirty blankets. Cats have strange ways of relating to two leggeds.

I demonstrated the erection procedure of the Top Cat play place to Terry who came by with a load of litter. (If the person who overfills the litter trays on Tuesday will stop doing that, the litter will last much longer). So now he knows how to do it.

Kiki enjoyed it. But later when we moved it, Diego escaped through the gap at the bottom.

Kiki kinda likes it

Kiki preferred being in the proper play place. A couple of blokes came to find a friend for their ginger, 1-2 year old boy. They rather fancied Duke on line. (What's not to like!) But I thought that two bossy boys was not such a good idea (especially in view of the nasty pee smell that came with Duke and Bowie when they arrived) and suggested that a female cat would rule the roost and everything would smell sweet. So they looked at all our single girls. Couldn't decide between Courtney and Kiki. I put them in the play place with each, successively, for a good while. .   for them to get to know each other. They went off for a cup of coffee and a talk. They came back and chose Courtney. 

Courtney's new best blokes
Enzo and Cleo are in Truffle's stand alone. The daughter of the house is doing her HSC and doesn't need the distraction. But said daughter and sister arrived to have a kitty cuddle today. I put them all in the play place. (I had a struggle getting the kittens out of the high-rise-hidey-hole when they left).
Enzo and Cleo's girlfriends

Later their mum and brother arrived to have their cuddle and discuss other cats that need to be rescued. 

And another woman came in to see one of the Supermodels. She will return on Saturday, perhaps, when she makes up her mind about her first ever cat.

Head to head super models
Luckily, Ann baked a banana cake this morning and brought it with her. Thank you, Ann. There are left overs.

Nada doesn't need cake. She has been on weight reduction crunchies for ages. It is not working.

And a fortuitous kitten photo. (Thanks Robyn)

Cleo plus 4

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Adoption Tails: Gina, Lola


 1 day: Gina has been settling in really well - she's been eating, drinking and using her litter. She has also been really enjoying getting lots of pats and playing with some toys. She seems to respond really well to Gina so the owner is thinking of keeping her name as is.

Gina 1 day

1 week: Gina is settling in really well and she is super affectionate and playful. She has an afternoon snooze while the owner works.

 1 month: Gina has been going really well and seems very settled. She's still very playful and affectionate! She was diagnosed with cat flu (and was congested a few weeks ago) but that is all cleared up now. She is enjoying the sunshine as the owner is replying to this follow up.

 My friend Gina adopted Lola last year. I get occasional photos of Lola who is the undisputed queen of the house.


Friday, September 23, 2022

The portable play place

 It now has a framed top (rather than a bit of netting to throw over the top with lots of gaps for clever cats to crawl through.) Geoff tried it out on the AWL condos as well as the Palace condos.

Duke looks like he wants out

Dora and Diego love it

Rosie and Callie were amused

I managed to install the new play place, named Top Cat, single-handedly. Swinging the top frame (which makes a roof for the enclosure) is a bit of a trick because the hinges are double hinged. (Who Knew!) So if you push the top frame up a bit and notice that the hinges are pointing to the ceiling, just nudge them down. That will give you the necessary ceiling clearance. This needs to be done when Top Cat is perpendicular to the condos otherwise there is not enough room to swing up the top frame. Geoff has also installed a solid hinged section on the outer edge of the top frame that reaches to the top of the upper condo when you want to let out a top cat into the Top Cat. He was organising a nifty securing mechanism for that section this afternoon.

Yesterday the family with twins who came on Wednesday looking for a pair of cats came back and adopted Truffles! That poor cat is going to be pulled in three ways. And she will love every minute of it. Perhaps it was dad who said "one cat at a time". It is a pity for our pairs.

Opie was enchanted by the prospect of chicken. I think he is rubbing his nose between his wires. Each side looks a little bloody.

Thank you Gulia for giving Kit Kat's condo a thorough scrub today. He was pleased to see me (or the chicken).

As was Ziggy who even came out of his hiding box when he heard the chicken commotion from Kitty above. He went back into his hole as soon as he had gobbled it up.


A woman came to do the paperwork to adopt Scotch. She was delighted when I said she could go pick him up from the foster home. She thought she would have to wait until the council did the paperwork! Heavens, we would never get any cats adopted if that was the case.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Adoption Tails: Domino


1 day: So far, Domino seems happy in the owners' room, played after an hour he arrived home then ate and had water. He did not use the litter yet but weed on a towel so they put the towel near the litter for now. They decided to keep his name as he is called by that name already and because they already found his nicknames, "Mino" and "Mimi". Domino is loving his bed because it is nice and dark but he moved during the night to come near the owners to sleep in their bed! He proceeded to play with their feet from 5am this morning. The owners are really happy to see him settling in so fast. They bought a tower and some toys for playful Domino. He loves scratching his tower. So far Domino seems really happy and settled.

1 week: Domino is doing really well. He is now exploring the house with confidence. He's had no more toileting incidents other than one time on his first day. Since then, he is using the litter well. The owner feels like Domino has been home forever!

 1 month: Domino had grown and he is really happy and a crazy playful kitten! He gallops and jumps everywhere. The owners find it very nice to see him enjoying his new life with them. The house is now his and he is their little baby. Mino still sleeps with them because he wants to (and the owners enjoy it too).

Adoption Tails: Suzie


Suzie newly adopted

 1 day: Suzie was stressed in the car and it was a pretty long drive from SAFE. She was put into her safe room and her owner sat on a chair in the room and talked to her. She wasn't stressed after about 3 hours and wanted attention. She spent the first night sleeping under the bed but wasn't interested in staying in the safe room. She follows her owner around everywhere and they spend all day together. Suzie is a great companion for her and she loves the company because she lives alone. She has been scratching the carpet and the lounge a little but her owner understands that it will take time, patience and consistency and is happy to work with her. She already has scratching posts. She believes Suzie has used the litterbox (she hasn't cleaned it yet) and she has been eating and drinking. She has been renamed Lovey. Her niece suggested the name Lovey for her next cat, which is now Suzie.1 week: Lovey has been sleeping near her owner’s head at night since the second day. She likes to sleep and sit near her owner during the day, and will often play at night. She is eating well and her owner is cautious about how much food she’s getting. Her owner really needed a cat like Lovey and thinks that they were destined to be companions. They are both very happy.1 month: Lovey is doing really well. She has a lot of toys and some tunnels which she loves to play with. She sleeps with her owner at night. She is very active at night and loves to play but always comes back to bed. Her daughter bought a laser pointer toy today and she loves it. She has been a great addition to the family and everyone is very happy.


Empty boarding row

 Look at that! Completely empty after Wal-E went home today. All ready and waiting for the deluge (20 bookings) for the coming holidays. What a good thing, for me, the folk didn't realise that tomorrow is a public holiday and extend their vacation by two days. (They probably were not able to change their bookings!)

 After I finished feeding the Incoming cats their breakfast I went out back to find Cyber on top of the play place crying to be helped down. I thought I had put the clip on their condo after I fed them but can't have done it right. Where was Sammy? Not down the corridor, thank goodness, not under the merchandise shelves, not on top of the condos. Eventually I found him under the dirty washing tub shelf. . . . close to the food, of course. As I had helped Cyber down into the play place, I enticed Sammy with some food, picked him up and put him in there too. Too much excitement before 9am!

Star and Truffles had a turn in the play place too. Geoff has fixed the giant scratchy pole which Star really appreciated.



 There were three sets of visitors this afternoon, all female. The first older woman came to look at a replacement for her British shorthair who died a year ago. She wants somebody who will not sit on her too much because she has a bad back. A very experienced owner, she rather liked Duke. . . . what's not to like! She will come back in a few days when she gets back from babysitting.

Prue helping the new vollie by holding Duke

Then a young woman came looking for a friend for her 12 month old boy cat. She did fancy Pearl who is a loving armful now that she has got over the indignity of being surrendered. She needs to talk to her partner.


Then a mum came in with her 3 daughters including twins who want a cat each. It was nice to be able to show the pairs. They had a good cuddle with Linda but Yoko didn't play nice. They will be back. The younger daughter liked Pluto but she doesn't sound at all well. . . . she gasps when she purrs. And Truffles loved the girls.

Cleo is getting that  exhausted new mum look and eats everything given to her.
Cleo plus 4


Monday, September 19, 2022

Adoption Tails: Akela and Rafiki

 1 day: They are still getting used to their safe room and are hiding in their carrier most of the time. Their owners are giving them time to adjust. Their owner doesn’t think they’re eating but one of them might’ve had a nibble this morning. They are using the litter tray and are drinking. Their daughter has renamed them Chimmy (Rafiki) and Cookie (Akela).

1 week: Chimmy and Cookie/Cooky are settling well, although they are still rather cautious. They are eating routinely twice a day and have been less likely to hide over the past 2 days when they’ve been feeding them. They try to poke their head out of the safe room but seem very hesitant to step out of the room. Cookie/Cooky stepped out once but scampered back to the safe room when their owner approached.

1 month and 2 days: They both love looking out to the garden. Chimmy made more progress this morning - he started meowing at his owner for food and also twirled his body around his owner. He’s definitely settling down well.


Friday, September 16, 2022

Adoption Tails: Shelley and Lily


1 day: Shelley, now Nyx (Goddess of the Night) has eaten and drunk. She seems content but does not appear to have used tray. Nyx shows no fear of the three people in her new home or of her new surroundings. The owner thinks Nyx already sees herself as head of the family!3 days: Nyx has taken over and is very content with no concerns with the owner or her son.

 1 week: Everything is going well and Nyx is right at home. The owner is trying to stop her from jumping on the kitchen bench. See attached photo of her sleeping on the printer. "If I sit still I will blend into the furniture and she won't see me!"

Nyx, office cat

 3 weeks: Nyx seems very content at home and wants to be part of the action. She is a great sleeper. See attached photo of her sleeping in some bowl on the dining table.

1 month: Nyx is still the head of the household! The owner thinks she is starting to understand the tone of “No” as part of the attempts to stop her from jumping into the bench. They now make sure the bench is left clear while she is still learning. Nyx loves people… and boxes and bags.

Lily1 day: Lily is doing very well. She slept on the owner's bed on and off all night. Lots of kneading and chewing on blankets and exploring. She was very eager to get out of the bedroom this morning to explore the house. Most of the day she sat and stared at the lorikeets outside. She has had an active day of exploring so the owner is hoping Lily will sleep soundly tonight. The owner wants to thank Lily's previous owner as she is an absolute treasure and could tell that she was loved very much as Lily is affectionate and confident.

Lily, first night in new home

1 week: Lily has adapted very well, relaxing on the owner's mother's lap in the TV room after getting her front nails trimmed. She has a favourite place in the house to watch the lorikeets during the day. At night, she is fascinated with the local possum. She will not come to bed until the possum leaves. The owners are extremely happy with her and they think she likes them too. 

Lily lap time

1 month: The owner and her family love Lily and she is confident that Lily loves them.
Lily: a gift basket of love
I added Latte to the Coffee Kitten Adoption Tail of September.