I slept in this morning and arrived at Safe a little late. But, thank goodness, Helen had taken home all the poo bags yesterday so I didn't have any to schlep down to the bins. I could get straight on to feeding our 62 cats plus four boarders. There will be many more boarders next week. But our Daphne (now Tilly) goes home tomorrow. She was really happy to see me today having got over her disgust at being sent back to lock up land last Friday.
Daphne/Tilly |
Yin had tossed all his bedding into his litter tray which was in his tall space. So I tossed the blankets onto the upper shelf to get it out of the way of his breakfast. Later I found him wrapped up in his blankies.
I put the red and black spotted rug thing in his sleeping room because it might be more difficult for him to dig it out of there and into the litter tray. Later he went into that space and I removed the dirty blankets. Cats have strange ways of relating to two leggeds.
I demonstrated the erection procedure of the Top Cat play place to Terry who came by with a load of litter. (If the person who overfills the litter trays on Tuesday will stop doing that, the litter will last much longer). So now he knows how to do it.
Kiki enjoyed it. But later when we moved it, Diego escaped through the gap at the bottom.
Kiki kinda likes it
Kiki preferred being in the proper play place. A couple of blokes came to find a friend for their ginger, 1-2 year old boy. They rather fancied Duke on line. (What's not to like!) But I thought that two bossy boys was not such a good idea (especially in view of the nasty pee smell that came with Duke and Bowie when they arrived) and suggested that a female cat would rule the roost and everything would smell sweet. So they looked at all our single girls. Couldn't decide between Courtney and Kiki. I put them in the play place with each, successively, for a good while. . for them to get to know each other. They went off for a cup of coffee and a talk. They came back and chose Courtney.
Courtney's new best blokes
Enzo and Cleo are in Truffle's stand alone. The daughter of the house is doing her HSC and doesn't need the distraction. But said daughter and sister arrived to have a kitty cuddle today. I put them all in the play place. (I had a struggle getting the kittens out of the high-rise-hidey-hole when they left).
Enzo and Cleo's girlfriends
Later their mum and brother arrived to have their cuddle and discuss other cats that need to be rescued.
And another woman came in to see one of the Supermodels. She will return on Saturday, perhaps, when she makes up her mind about her first ever cat.
Head to head super models
Luckily, Ann baked a banana cake this morning and brought it with her. Thank you, Ann. There are left overs.
Nada doesn't need cake. She has been on weight reduction crunchies for ages. It is not working.
Nada |
And a fortuitous kitten photo. (Thanks Robyn)
Cleo plus 4