This morning while putting on my sandals which I keep outside by the front door, I was hissed at by a fat tailed gecko who was sheltering under my walking boots! The lizard sounded just like Lucky. It this an example of convergent evolution?
She was lucky to get a special treat today |
We have another wobbly walker. His name is Phantom and he is a delightful fellow. He had a fine time exploring the play place and loved the tunnel. . . so much so that I carried him in it to get him back into his condo. (He had made a big mess there so it was easier to clean with him not in it.)
Phantom |
Later in the day we let him wander around the main cat room. He was having a quiet time with Robyn when he saw a friend and staggered over to meet Yin.
Phantom + Yin
Tibby seems a little steadier on her feet. She is probably getting more exercise with us.
Pluto is back. I don't know why. She seems a bit sad.
Pluto |
And Leo is a new surrender. His owner had to go to Israel and reduced everybody to tears when he was delivered on Saturday. He came with an enormous elephant toy and has refused to eat anything since he arrived. He even refused my chicken which I brought in specially for him.
Leo |
A woman came in to do the paperwork for Phoebe who is in foster care at Claire's. She checked out everybody else just to make sure that Phoebe is the one she wants. She is. She is also the mother of Diego and Dora and is a tiny cat with a normal tail. She is to live with a boy cat as big as a Maine Coon. Unfortunately the computer decided not to open Shelter Buddy when she was there. But I took her money and gave her forms the others will have to be generated and emailed tomorrow.
Later on a mother and daughter came with a donation of Bravecto. Their cat died two months ago and they really need a cat. They looked at everybody and the daughter eventually convinced mum that JJ would be perfect and that they really needed to take her home today. Mum checked with her vets about the snuffles and sneezes. One vet said that they would have to don complete PPE before attending to her! Another vet was not so frightened of cat flu. By the time they made their decision, the computer was almost working again. So JJ has gone to a loving, experienced home . . . . . wrenched away from the loving arms of all my volunteers!
We left Ginger in the Top Cat overnight. He just wants to chat. Robyn and I think his name should be changed to George. He is playboy regal.
Ginger George