The internet problem at Safe has been sorted. So we are back to catching up on adopted felines. More will follow.
Maisy, now Maisie
1 day: Maisy is settling into her new space very very well. The owner has been quite hesitant in terms of whether she was ready for Maisy to join her as she recently had her 17 year old cat Molly pass away. She is feeling anxious but ready to give this a good go. Maisy is currently staying in the bedroom with the owner and already kneading in the air. She loves to sleep in the wardrobe.
4 day: Owner is less anxious than she was. Maisy is drinking a bit and finally did a poop after eating small bits of dry food over the past days. Maisy is still pretty much non-stop and has boundless kitten energy left in her. She wants to go into everything. She would play all day if the owner had the time or energy (she works full time and has injured her knee). By the end of the second day, Maisy was meowing to be left out of her safe room and pawing at the door when the owner was working in another room. The door to her safe room was ultimately left ajar so Maisy could come and go as she pleased. The owner has also been spending her focused time with her and playing in the safe room rather than elsewhere in the unit (the exploration of the unit is left entirely up to Maisy's terms). Maisy has not been disturbing at night too much but usually will wake up her owner before dawn. When she settles down to rest (very rarely), she is just adorable and affectionate. The owner's main concern is that she is unable to provide Maisy with the attention/energy needs though the cat has already become her shadow.
5 day: The owner has gone out to buy some interactive toys and puzzles for Maisy. She is sticking to a good routine and the two are doing great! Miss Maisie (same name, different spelling) has settled into her new home in less than a week. The owner loves her to bits and is completely smitten. The only concern remains to be Maisie's ongoing lack of wet food consumption. She continues to thrive on attention, affection and play far more than food (even though she's a bit overweight!). The owner has tried many different wet foods and nothing is grabbing Maisie who mainly eats her dry biscuits and then a bit of the (by then crusty) wet food in the middle of the night or early morning.
Maisie just touching her owners foot
1 week: Maisie has been cracker-scratching on the furniture and the owner has been advised on redirecting the scratching. She seems to be very happy and is definitely a little shadow to the owner, wanting nothing more than to be near her. Maisie continues to have a low appetite (no wet food & not huge amounts of dry kibble either) and only had 3 poops since coming home. She is otherwise perfectly fine, adores playing which the owner is enjoying quite a lot too. The owner was out briefly this morning and came home to 2 big vomits of dry food (no fur in it).
1 month: "Maisie Moo" lives a "tough life"... Eating nicely (in her own unique way... a bit at a time over several hours, the least food motivated cat one can imagine). Maisie is all about playing and affection. Such a smooch when she is in the mood. Despite a couple of wobbly weeks at the start, the owner now can't imagine life without her. She and Maisie found each other at just the right time. After 2 years of so much grief and loss, the owner was given the cat she didn't even know she needed and brought so much healing to her grieving soul. "So grateful for SAFE rehoming."
Happy Maisie
Becky, now Boni
1 day: Becky seems pretty withdrawn and scared at the moment. She had a big day at the vet yesterday. She’s been hiding behind a set of shelves since the owner brought her home. He has since left her alone and was in another room last night. He plans to be around her safe room a bit today. It doesn’t look like she’s eaten or used her litter tray yet. The owner will give her a new name but keep Becky as her middle name. He is hopeful that she starts feeling better and settling in soon.
Boni says "what am I supposed to do with this?"
1 week: The owner has named her Bonita, Boni for short. She is going better than the first few days. She’s been eating a lot more and used her litter last night. She hadn’t been eating much before the last couple of days but is now finishing her bowls. Boni still hides under the armchair and had not interacted with the owner much except looking at him a bit when she’s eating. The owner mostly works from home, in the same room where she is hiding, so he’s hoping she gets used to him soon. She hissed at him a bit when he placed her food and water bowl near her under the chair.
Boni says: "this is more entertaining"
No 1 month response.