Sunday, October 29, 2023

Adoption Tails: Olga & Milo

 Olga & Milo, a mother & son bonded pair

1 day: All is going well - both Milo and Olga came out of their room last night, eating well and using the litter. Milo, the little one, is extremely adventurous. Mumma is still working things out and that's OK. The family will keep their names - Milo stuck and mum had a laugh as the kids were calling Olga "Ogre" and then to Princess Fiona so she may turn into Fifi. Milo was very comfortable on the bed last night and Fifi was out and about, taking her time. The family feels very fortunate to have their foster carer post on their local FB community page so that they found SAFE. They are so grateful for the amazing work SAFE does - "these kitties are wonderful and that only comes with lots of love and attention".
1 week: They are doing well. Milo is getting more and more confident by the day and is wonderful with the kids, Olga has been getting braver and braver - she comes out and sleeps on the lounge most days which is a good sign. They are eating well and using the litter well so all seems good!
Olga and Milo

1 month: They are wonderful! Settling in very well - Olga even comes out for pats and loves the sun!

Lucyfurr, now Shuri Lucille Portree

1 day: Lucy arrived home in the late afternoon and spent the night hiding under a stool in her room. She's popped out this morning and is starting to explore her room (the owner's office) which is lovely. The owner does not think Lucy has eaten much yet but understands it is a huge adjustment for her and it is still early days.
1 week: Lucy is going well - starting to explore the house and open up a little. She's having a tough time deciding which chair to rest on.

1 month: She is doing very well, settled and relaxed. She's grown a lot in the last few weeks. The boys updated her name to Shuri Lucille Portree... which seems to suit her.
Lucyfurr = Shuri Lucille Portree

Adoption Tails: Tibby and Tabby

 Tibby and Tabby

1 day: They are doing well. They came out from under the bed to explore after a couple of hours. They have used the litter tray, drank and eaten. They will be keeping their names.

1 week: “They have made themselves right at home”

1 week

1 month: Tibby and Tabby are doing well.

1 month


Adoption Tails: Pete, Maeve, Samson, Delilah, Poppy

  Pete (aka Alfie)

2 weeks: “He is the most wonderful cat. He is confident and is happy to move around the house at his leisure.” He has been renamed Alfie. “He is loved and cared for.”

1 month
: “He is the best cat in the world”.


1 day: She is doing great! She has used her litter tray and she is eating and drinking. She was hiding at first but is exploring a lot now. They will be renaming her but haven’t settled on a name yet. “We are very much besotted with her”
Maeve, 1 week
1 week: She is doing great! She has explored the house a bit and has been playing with her owners too and loving cuddles! She is still mostly staying near her hiding hole and venturing out at night but definitely getting more confident. Her new name is Luna!1 month: “She’s doing amazing! And she’s managed to win over our other cat too!”
Maeve, aka Luna, 1 month

Samson, now Jeremy

1 day: He seems fine. Very shy and quiet at the moment but all looks normal. He has toileted and eaten but then vomited (which the owner suspects is part of settling in). Now called Jeremy.
1 week: Everything seems OK. However, Jeremy is pooping everywhere but the litter tray and seems to like the sink and shower.
1 month: Jeremy is well settled in and using his litter box!

Delilah, now Cassie

1 day: She's doing great! Settling in well and she loves cuddles and pats. No problems at all with eating/drinking or using the litterbox. The family has renamed her Cassie.
Delilah = Cassie
 1 week: Cassie's great! She's exploring the house this morning. Very curious kitty.

 1 month: Cassie's great! She's well adjusted and loves to play! She's very cheeky and funny, loves to run around, sleep on the bed of the owners' desk chairs.

Poppy, now Coco

1 day: Poppy was picked up from foster and has been staying in the spare bedroom. The owner bought her a donut bed but she is hiding under the vanity. Eating very well and is gradually getting used to the owner but still quite timid. In the afternoon, Poppy has popped her head out to have a good look around.
1 week: Poppy is coming out of her shell. She is eating well and the owner has been about to pick her up and cuddle her as of yesterday. Previously, Poppy was only allowing pats with lots of purring.
1 month: Poppy is now renamed to Coco, the owner's previous cat was called Poppy. Coco is doing really well.

Adoption Tails: Super Mario litter



1 day: Princess is eating and drinking well. She lets the owners pat her and seems relaxed. Has yet to do anything in the litter tray though.
1 week: She is doing really well and definitely coming out of her shell. Started to become very curious.
1 month: Princess has settled in really well. The owners have not registered yet and really appreciated the reminder.

Maria, now Pickle

1 day: Maria is slowly settling in. She has had some food and water but still a bit nervous so the owners are just leaving her to go at her own pace. They will keep the name as the daughter loves it. Though originally, Maria was going to be renamed Pickles.
1 week: So the daughter has decided to change Maria's name to Pickles after all. She is doing very well, starting to explore the house little by little. The family has slowly and in short periods introduced Pickles to the family dog and it is going very well. Currently Pickles gets to explore the whole house while the dog is staying with the in-laws for a couple of days. When he is back, the family will pick up their introductions to each other. Pickles is eating and drinking well and is in a playful mood more often every day!
No 1 month response. 

Luigi, now Pepper

1 day: Luigi has been renamed to Pepper and he is doing well. Using the litter box, eating and drinking after some encouragement. He's enjoying exploring the apartment, playing with a wand toy and occasionally snuggling up with the owner.

 1 week: The owner has noticed that one of Pepper's claws doesn't look right. He is not acting any different and it does not seem to be painful. The nail does not come out very far (all other nails are fine) and the owner is wondering if it could just be a broken nail?
1 month: Pepper is doing great! He's happy and healthy, super affectionate and playful. The owner has adopted another small rescue kitten and they are starting to bond really well.


Adoption Tails: at last

 The internet problem at Safe has been sorted. So we are back to catching up on adopted felines. More will follow.

Maisy, now Maisie

1 day: Maisy is settling into her new space very very well. The owner has been quite hesitant in terms of whether she was ready for Maisy to join her as she recently had her 17 year old cat Molly pass away. She is feeling anxious but ready to give this a good go. Maisy is currently staying in the bedroom with the owner and already kneading in the air. She loves to sleep in the wardrobe.
4 day: Owner is less anxious than she was. Maisy is drinking a bit and finally did a poop after eating small bits of dry food over the past days. Maisy is still pretty much non-stop and has boundless kitten energy left in her. She wants to go into everything. She would play all day if the owner had the time or energy (she works full time and has injured her knee). By the end of the second day, Maisy was meowing to be left out of her safe room and pawing at the door when the owner was working in another room. The door to her safe room was ultimately left ajar so Maisy could come and go as she pleased. The owner has also been spending her focused time with her and playing in the safe room rather than elsewhere in the unit (the exploration of the unit is left entirely up to Maisy's terms). Maisy has not been disturbing at night too much but usually will wake up her owner before dawn. When she settles down to rest (very rarely), she is just adorable and affectionate. The owner's main concern is that she is unable to provide Maisy with the attention/energy needs though the cat has already become her shadow.
5 day: The owner has gone out to buy some interactive toys and puzzles for Maisy. She is sticking to a good routine and the two are doing great! Miss Maisie (same name, different spelling) has settled into her new home in less than a week. The owner loves her to bits and is completely smitten. The only concern remains to be Maisie's ongoing lack of wet food consumption. She continues to thrive on attention, affection and play far more than food (even though she's a bit overweight!). The owner has tried many different wet foods and nothing is grabbing Maisie who mainly eats her dry biscuits and then a bit of the (by then crusty) wet food in the middle of the night or early morning.
Maisie just touching her owners foot
1 week: Maisie has been cracker-scratching on the furniture and the owner has been advised on redirecting the scratching. She seems to be very happy and is definitely a little shadow to the owner, wanting nothing more than to be near her. Maisie continues to have a low appetite (no wet food & not huge amounts of dry kibble either) and only had 3 poops since coming home. She is otherwise perfectly fine, adores playing which the owner is enjoying quite a lot too. The owner was out briefly this morning and came home to 2 big vomits of dry food (no fur in it).
1 month: "Maisie Moo" lives a "tough life"... Eating nicely (in her own unique way... a bit at a time over several hours, the least food motivated cat one can imagine). Maisie is all about playing and affection. Such a smooch when she is in the mood. Despite a couple of wobbly weeks at the start, the owner now can't imagine life without her. She and Maisie found each other at just the right time. After 2 years of so much grief and loss, the owner was given the cat she didn't even know she needed and brought so much healing to her grieving soul. "So grateful for SAFE rehoming."
Happy Maisie

Becky, now Boni

1 day: Becky seems pretty withdrawn and scared at the moment. She had a big day at the vet yesterday. She’s been hiding behind a set of shelves since the owner brought her home. He has since left her alone and was in another room last night. He plans to be around her safe room a bit today. It doesn’t look like she’s eaten or used her litter tray yet. The owner will give her a new name but keep Becky as her middle name. He is hopeful that she starts feeling better and settling in soon.
Boni says "what am I supposed to do with this?"

1 week: The owner has named her Bonita, Boni for short. She is going better than the first few days. She’s been eating a lot more and used her litter last night. She hadn’t been eating much before the last couple of days but is now finishing her bowls. Boni still hides under the armchair and had not interacted with the owner much except looking at him a bit when she’s eating. The owner mostly works from home, in the same room where she is hiding, so he’s hoping she gets used to him soon. She hissed at him a bit when he placed her food and water bowl near her under the chair.
Boni says: "this is more entertaining"

No 1 month response.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Another way out

 This afternoon Blossom's kittens were put into the play place so that Blossom could have a break from them and so that they can get some more handling. They had a lovely time. They figured out how to run on the treadmill and played with all the toys. Blossom curled up on her ledge and didn't bother with afternoon tea. They weren't hard to catch when it was time to take them back to their mum. They immediately lined up for a good drink from her and then lazed around in a satisfied stupor until dinner time. 

I moved Maggie's three into the play place to stretch their legs lengthwise. They get plenty of vertical movement in the Palace. While I was feeding the main room cats and Kat was having a wander, suddenly there was Zaria (or Astra) wandering with her. I had put the bottom tie on the door to keep them in. I took her back and put a weight against the bottom of the door to keep it closed. 

Later, when I was feeding Incoming, there she was again at the door. She must have swung from the multi-storey climbing thingy, pushed the top of the play place door and jumped through (to land on the floor 6 feet below!) I moved the bottom tie to the top and put a heavier weight against the bottom of the door. That kept her in. Later I moved them back to the palace so that somebody else can have a go tomorrow in the play place.

Astra, Zaria and Roman back in the Palace

Lola loved sitting on a cuddle rug on the printer this afternoon. She is holding it still with her mouth while she kneads it.

No adoptions today.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Short visit

 I had to take the husband to the eye doc for another injection today. And the traffic was terrible so the regular staff/vollies arrived late. But we made it in time and he is having a lie down now.

Just like Trude and Prue after their early breakfast.

 tortie Trude and Prue
The R kittens/cats were moved to Incoming. They are not happy. But, at least I know who is whom now.



I thought they were all girls. But Rocky is a boy.

And Maggie's kids much prefered their old digs in the play place to the Palace.

Astra, Zaria in foreground. Roman lurking on the top shelf (just a pair of ears)

Max and Ted have settled down. They are both in dire need of a good hair brushing.

I have never seen a tail as flexible as Ted's. He carries it on his back.
Ted of the Tail

Friday, October 20, 2023

Dexter is back

 He was adopted around Christmas last year having arrived at Safe in September, 22. Everything was going well until his owner had to move back home with mum. Mum has a spadoodle. Dexter took him on. The dog ended up at the vets. Not a happy family.


He is wearing a collar on Better Row. As are two big cats who are in Incoming. They came from the local "pound" which is full to bursting point. They seem sweet, although shell shocked.

I gave Thelma and Louise a go in the top cat this afternoon. Louise ventured out but Thelma (the dark tortie) stayed in the bed box. She was the more outgoing when they were on Better Row. 

Louise looking
Later Venus and Muffin had a turn. Only one came out again.

And Lola wouldn't come out even though I pulled up a scratchy pole to make the jump easier.

Lola staying put, silently
Then my camera battery ran out of battery. But I did manage to take some shots of Champ and Charlie cuddled up together in bed with the Safe mobile phone for Vicky to use for their joint profile.

Talking of the phone: the wall phone rang twice. Then the mobile rang. A woman wanted to find the stairs to bring us a donation of two large, lidded litter trays. Her two Tonkinese cats recently died, of old age and she is very sad. I had to go down the stairs to guide her up to us. She tried to donate the litter boxes that look good as new, to various pet shops in the area and they directed her to us. I imagine she will be back now that she knows how to avoid the lift.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Photo pairs

Joy spent time today trying to get good photos of our paired cats. The new website only has one photo per cat or pair of cats. So it is important to have a good photo.

Thelma and Louise

Mable and Tori

The R cats in the Palace

Kate and Helena

It is impossible to get a good photo of Arlo and Annie. He is either sitting on top of her or she is behind him or squashed on the self below. Vicky took videos of me giving him a good cuddle to prove that he is an affectionate cat. All I can say is that he has very sharp claws. This was after a worm was discovered in their litter box and before they got a worming pill each. He is 5.2 Kg. Check the FB page.

I got a photo of Venus and Muffin who both came out into the Top Cat eventually.  Not up to Joy's standard!

Muffin and Venus
The bolder of the two came out first and was interested to meet Jagger (who kept looking up to his old condo as though he wanted to jump back there but he went into the supermodels condo instead.)

Thursday, October 12, 2023


 There are only 2 cats left on Better Row: Ella and Hugo. Katie wanted to move Hugo to Jagger's condo. No, Jagger hasn't been adopted. He is in the stand alone by the filing cabinet and Maggie's 4 are in the play place. He is not too happy about it. But Maggie's lot are.

I moved Hana. It wasn't hard. And when she was moved she took up her usual position on the top shelf in her hairy bed watching. (Thank you to the vollie who dehaired the bed. It is probably just as hairy by now).

The entire bottom row is occupied by pairs of cats. Charlie and Champ are a loving pair.

Charlie, in front, and Champ

Maggie's lot sorted themselves into pairs at dinner time.

Maggie's boys on left, girls on right   

Blossom's black and white boys are heavy enough to be desexed. Her tabby girls are still tiny.

I couldn't get a good shot of the boys on the left through the hazy plastic.

Blossom's girls
And Timi is doing well. She and her sister's eyes didn't develop well due to their mum having herpes while they were in utero. Her sister had two very swollen eye balls and didn't survive the operation/anesthetic. Timi has one good eye and really enjoyed her first taste of chicken this afternoon. She proceeded to tip her water bowl into her litter tray and got wet in the process!