I got to Safe Haven early-ish because the tennis group folded early because we were one person short, one person with a bad back, one person with a chest infection.
Enough already, we said after 2 sets.
So Sandy and Joan were just finishing up and Tim had taken cats to the vet:
Kit Kat (or Maggie) was checked out to be better than expected.
Buffy is on antibiotics. Her skin is looking better.
The D kittens are still off their food. But obviously not REALLY sick.
Sandy and Joan were worried about Freda who is off her food too. She was due to be picked up by her foster-to-adopt person. Her bum was a bit red and sore looking. But she ate her lunch (when Tim got back) and was still passing formed stools. So perhaps it is just a reaction to having been vaccinated on Tuesday.
The family who is to foster to adopt Ginger plus Freda came. The mother loves cats and had them as a child. The husband doesn't know cats so is worried about hairs on everything. The two little girls are just thrilled with the idea of having a kitten. They are about 5 and 7 so if Ginger and Fred go home with them, we will never see them again!
While Freda was having her lunch (she ate well and he polished everything off), Bailey performed fabulously for them. He let them pat, brush and love on him. Personally, I think that he would be a better match for the family but having F & G in a foster home would be better for TIm. They went away, catless with instructions to call on Sunday to see how Freda is and whether she is well enough to leave Safe Haven.

My friend Gina was supposed to visit but she couldn't get a taxi in time. I will pick her up at home next week on my way! I think Bailey will be perfect for her too.
I spent time organising stuff.
I put labels on the wheely cages. Tim remembered where the blue labels were so I added them, later.

Angelo inspects the label
And I spent time socializing:
Blossom: she is much more relaxed since her thyroid is appropriately medicated.

Bonnie: who is off her food. She managed to eat two dental crunchies and some mouthfuls of breakfast wet food.

Candace: who, if you give her enough time, really likes to be patted, stroked and generally loved on. She, and Bonnie, will be desexed next week. Tim and Chris (the vet) hope that the assigned day will be a good one for them because they both still are flu-filled. Candace's purr is deep and rumbly. She wouldn't pass a Corona virus test!
