Friday, October 30, 2020

Wussy Puss

We have a new surrender, Flash who is a Norwegian Forest Cat. He is very friendly. And is grey so won't be with us for long.
But he isn't the wuss. It was Felix. He rolled around to have his tummy tickled (as did Ollie when I brushed another cat's worth of hair from him). But when I pulled the tail of the mechanical mouse, I got this reaction:
Then I tossed one of the tiny orange mouse toy's past him and almost gave him a heart attack. I encouraged Mia to eat her breakfast by patting her igloo, with her inside.
We have newborn kittens. Gracie had five but they seem very small. And Silky had four.
And Rita looks as though she has swallowed a balloon. I gave her a big, flat bed for her downstairs and she just sat in it. Lily's boys are ready to go and should disappear as soon as they are listed. They are purring machines.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A duet

This afternoon Billy and Mimi were singing a duet. Billy was calling for food. And Mimi was chiripping for a mate. Poor Mimi is in heat. Rara has been desexed. Gracie below her is about to give birth and the cat next door calls out loud. Little Mbrow/Mbro just looks confused and worried. We have some lovely, newly surrendered, mature male cats. Ollie loves to be brushed. And he is shedding pounds of fur. He is the colour of Peanut when he arrived. With time, he will clean himself up to a white cat with tabby markings.
Below him is Felix. They are from the same area but we don't know if they are friends. Felix loves to have his tummy tickled. I thought I was very brave to try it. But I saw Tim tickling his tum.
And Charlie is a love. He was surrendered by his family because there was a problem with the children. We will find him a much better home.
Ebony was up and about today. She is so handsome.
Star's kittens are beginning to separate themselves from the kitten blob. The two fluffy black ones came first.
Patchy and her kittens have settled into Quarrantine Qorner.
I was spied on by two kittens as I sat at the desk during the afternoon.
The only visitor I had today was the woman who adopted Tam back in June. She brought a corrugated cardboard couch that he rejected. He has also distained to use the stratchy pole she bought. He is faithful to sharpening his claws on carpet. . . . . any, and all, carpet. Nevertheless, she loves him and he loves her. He is smoochy, devoted, faithful, . . . . perfect.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

More chicken necks grrrrrr

As we have so many kittens, I went to Woolies to buy chicken necks. I tried them on Cody again. He licked it and left it. Not so Dolly's kittens who got the first lot. (Dolly got hers first so we could put her kittens back into the condo from their carrier). They knew exactly what to do with them except for the smallest tuxedo who had a touch of the flu some weeks ago and is still behind his siblings. He had a drink of water in the corner while they growled over their chicken necks.
Lily and her kittens knew exactly what to do with them too. Her kittens growls were louder. Luna's kittens are too small so they missed out.
Billy and Petey loved theirs. So did Rita, who is pregnant proved by ultrasound. (But remember Bonnie, Candace's sister!)
Patchy got hers first and almost swallowed it whole! But, being a very good mum, she patiently waited until her kittens had a good chew on their before tidying them up.
We have new cats some of whom are very shy. Vinnie got adopted by a man from Rozelle who was advised to come pay for him quickly because he will go fast. As soon as he walked out (without Vinnie . . . he needs to set things up at home) the phone rang with another enquiry after him. Angelique was also adopted over the weekend. My friend Gina sent me a photo of Lola relaxing at home.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Hair in the air

Tammy 6 has been adopted. A couple came from Parramatta and fell in love. Let us hope that Tammy does not equal Lil's record of adopters. Vinnie is almost ready to go. We are just waiting on his medical history. . . those hips. A couple came this afternoon and would have taken him if he was ready. They have a 6 month old girl kitten. He would love having a little sister to boss him around. They didn't know the word "sooky". They will if they adopt him. Rara has gone to be desexed.
His girlfriend Mimi is quite friendly but growls when you pat her, in a friendly way. Or perhaps she is growling at Billie who thinks any attention to his neighbour should mean more food for him.
Their kitten is quite shy but is settling down.
Below them is Gracie who may be pregnant.
I moved Angelique into a wheely cage (which came with Ebony). She didn't like it much at first but chasing a ping pong ball helped.
Patchy's kittens are Tippy (spot on tail) and Spotty (spot on nose) and PJ (dark = tortie). Hard to tell which is dirt on nose or a spot. And the one with the spot under the nose has a spot on his/her leg. So I think that one is Spotty. But the truth will be told by the tail.
Get your cuddles in with Steph's cats. She may have a home to move them to soon. They are shedding and love to share their hair.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Surprise return

Last night I checked the SH webpage to know who was available for adoption and saw Diamond/Hera and Tammy 6. So I assumed that my computer was stuck in two weeks ago. I tried everything but couldn't get it to update. This morning I found Tammy 6 back in her condo.
She has been there since Saturday. (I just didn't notice her yesterday). Evidently, the person who adopted her found that she is a trip risk. She knew that her eyesight was not as good as it used to be but, perhaps, didn't realise how much sight she has lost. She did adore Tammy and was very sorry to give her back to us. Tammy won't be with us long. I had three enquires after her today. Across from her is Mimi plus 1 who came in yesterday with her boyfriend Rara. Pretty silly name for an entire male, semi feral cat. Perhaps we could say that it is his nick name and that his real name is Rory.(We might spell it fancier. . . . Roreigh). Mimi seems friendly enough. The kitten is very skitty. Angelique and Ashleigh were moved to below where Lillie used to be. In Lillie's condo is Luna and her three kittens one of whom LOVES food.
A second before I took this photo he was spreadeagled across the double bowl with his face in the wet food. Luna couldn't get any of it. He still had food on his tummy (for later).
His siblings were happily playing in the bed, not the slightest bit interested in the food. They are only distinguished by the shape of the white line on their noses.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Tuesday news, for a change

I dropped the litter off to Safe Haven this afternoon and got my Boss Cocky instructions for tomorrow. Maisy and Tara were adopted on Saturday. Ashleigh and Angelique are not marked on the Animal Database as adopted but their condo is occupied by Mimi and her kittens Patchy, Tippy, PJ and Spotty who were named by their foster family. They may have ring worm . . . or fleas. And there is another mother and bubs in Lillie's condo. Lillie has gone back home and Toby may be still at the vets or may have been taken home as well. More tomorrow. But because we need a photo for every blog post. This is my new great neice.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Good bye Lillie

Lillie and Toby's previous owner who had to surrender them because they sold their house, came today to make arrangements for them. Lillie is to go to one friend's home and Toby to another's. Toby is still at the vets for further investigation. He either has a thyroid problem or a liver problem. We hope it is the former. The owner will pick him up from the vet to take him to his new home. Lillie will be picked up tomorrow.
Angelique and Ashleigh are back from being desexed. Ashleigh has retreated to her carrier and Angelique seemed a little disorented by her collar.
Everything was neat and clean when I arrived so I tried to tidy the metal, water bowl shelf. That is a challenge. And I went off to buy some more baby cat crunchies because the huge bag hasn't been delivered yet. Lily has developed a different call. I think she is calling her kittens to come have a milk drink. Tim didn't agree. Tara looks like she is on a cruise.
As I didn't have much to do, I spent time with Steph's cats. That is never a quick cuddle. Baghera believes he is a collar and drapes himself around your neck so that he can kiss your cheek. All this while not scratching you at all. Ares likes his cuddles standing up. As does Petal. Venus would rather not, thank you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Toby not well

Last week Toby was telling us all to give him more food and more cuddles. This week he hasn't eaten anything for three days despite being offered freshly opened exotic cans and even warmed up delicious bits. I don't think he has Angelique's bug. . . it should be long gone. But he is depressed. Notice his downturned whiskers even when he was let out for a stroll. He will go to the vet tomorrow.
Lillie hadn't eaten all her crunchies by lunch time but she grazes through the afternoon usually.
Ashleigh and Angelique will go to the vet tomorrow too -- to be desexed.
Lily's kittens are big enough to be desexed but there may be suspicious lesions on an ear so they are confined to condos. She needs more food before she can be desexed, she says.
There is a new mum and 2 kittens next to Star. She was nameless until Alison came up with the name Elona. It is from the latest Sherlock Holmes show, it seems. I took a "thrust in the camera and press the shutter" photo just for the record. Her kittens are probably all black.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Dolly's kittens

I filled in for Liz today. It was an opportuntiy to try to get a decent photo of each of Dolly's kittens. We plan to resusitate the cage cards that Joy and I made for Peggy's kittens. There was a photo of the kitten, description, who had earmarked it. . . at least. Tim would like to get our faithful followers to decide their names and wants a group photo. Good luck with that! My camera is not fast enough.
I did get photos for ID of each. There are four boys:
One of the gingers has more white. The other is fluffier.
And the tortie girl.
It was nice to see lots of boarders in for the school holidays: Smoko, Skitty, Lord Panther, Mickey to name a few. The saga a Lil concluded over the weekend. The person who was so keen to get her having been gazumped at St Ives, only managed to keep her for 4 hours on Saturday before the mother's allergy became unbearable. She was returned. To be adopted, again, the next day. There were two phone calls for her was she was taken home on Sunday. I sterilized her wheely cage. . .. for the last time, I hope. We have 24 cat collapsable, cardboard condos in flat packs that were a promotion for PetO that has passed. They are marked "Not for Sale" so we have them and plan to give one away with every kitten adoption. They are on top of the quarrantine condos.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Cuddle crazy

I arrived early this afternoon because my overlocker had an appointment at the Bernina shop in Chatswood at 11:30am. Three vollies and Avalon had all the jobs under control. After sterilizing the condos in the welfare room I got to "socializing" with the cats. I didn't get far because those that I chose demanded such deep cuddles that I ran out PPE! Lillie will eat if brushed.
Perhaps her problem with Toby when they lived together was that he acted as though ALL the food was his. She enjoyed being brushed and nibbled between strokes. Tim has also found that Buddy and Petey's mesh door swings open by itself and that they stay inside. Both of the water dishes were on the top shelf. Petey lapped all through the time I spent brushing Lillie so it must have been out of his three legged reach for some time.
Venus didn't want to know anything about that.
I washed Allie's face with a damp face washer. She didn't mind it. And she loves to be brushed. She crawled into my arms and shed hair and drool all over my shirt. Let's hope she appeals to an adopter this weekend.
Vinnie likes his tummy tickled as well as cuddles and pats. His shaved back half is probably because he has been investigated for a dodgy hip. Pelvic luxation was mentioned. (The prognosis is good). At that point I ran out of shirts and came home