Friday, July 31, 2020

My fault

On Wednesday I made a list of all Cookie and TimTam's stuff so that Irene could let the new owner know and bring a truck to pick it all up. Just making the list was too threatening. Today their new owner brought Cookie and Tim Tam back because they were not suitable in her house. And she brought back a new carry cage, a new bed, two new bowls and some litter tray liners. [Should have charged her surrender fees].

Tim Tam disappeared into the new bed and Cookie hid under an old grey blanket.

Robin dropped by to see if we need her. Yes please. Lola loved Robin and gazed out the front door looking for somebody to take her home.


Katie is always the last cat that I pat because she manages to rub herself all over my arms as I brush her. I thought it was my old, holey, red cashmere sweater she fancied, but any old sweatshirt will do.


I neatened  the other end of the linen shelves. I even managed to put together the multi-storey, crunchie dispensers that Diva and Sienna used to fight over/with. Edward and Jacob will get their crunchies that way from this evening. All the kongs are in the basket on the end of the shelf: so that if it gets knocked off there will be endless entertainment for Nom.

Molly went home (her mum did not have to go to WA after all) and the cat who was to come yesterday (Mozart) is not coming after all. Covid is mucking up the boarding schedule still.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Big Ginge

Despite the lack of a daily newspaper, the world and its girlfriend has heard about the cat who was thrown out of a car in Newport on Saturday. The people in the car behind stopped, picked up the cat and took it to the Emergency Vet Hospital  in Terry Hills. They cobbled the cats face back together again and posted progress on their Facebook page. Somewhere along the way, we got involved as the group who could put this cat up for adoption when he is discharged from hospital. They have named him Big Ginge. We are getting phone calls from folk who want to help pay for his vet bills, or adopt him, or to tell us that the vet nurse has fallen in love with him and has already bagsed him. A good opportunity for some publicity for us may just have slipped by because he is such an appealing cat. (Aren't they all!)

In the meantime, back at Safe Haven . . . .

Catsie commented that Pepper, who is in the wheely cage just inside the front door and who was looking miserably unprotected in that wide open space, with a little bit of TLC morphed into a "give me more loving -- don't leave me" cat within two shakes of her orange tipped tail. She pulled the same trick on me later on and purred in the most enticing way.


I had to give her some attention because I spent time making a list of the stuff that came with Cookie and TIm Tam. My idea is that when Irene calls their new owner to see how they are getting on, she mentions that their stuff is still here and they should hire a moving van to take it to them.

Catise demonstrating the height of the C/TT scratchie pole

In the meantime Joy took lovely photos of cats
Baby, looking slimmer and younger

Edward and Jacob being winsome

Lola looking regal

 Milo just woke up and displayed his stripes

Willow was not going to cooperate even though her eye is much better.

Friday, July 24, 2020

"Mum" came

I was late at SH this afternoon because Sam, my man, took his sweet time servicing my car. She is purring now.

Eve's wheely cage was very empty. It is now sterile and ready for the next occupant.

But the other wheely is occupied by a sweet, semi fluffy tortie called Missy. Don't know where she came from.
And below Baby, whose eye is looking much better . . . . 


Is a very handsome boy (I assume) called Tux. Don't know where he came from either.


And talking about handsome, Milo has glorious markings. I tried to get a side on shot but he is saving his best side for later.


After the vet visit on Thursday, the ginger boys are out of quarantine. But Charlie is in quarantine. And Diamond and Hera are still in quarantine.

I went off to collect the Juvies from the vet (their names are now Juju and Elle. I suggested Juju and Violet but Tim forgot about the Vi and the vet chose Elle.) They are not hissy at all and let me put their collars on without protest: especially when I got the grown up size rather than trying to cram their faces into kitten sized collars. The secret is in the colour of the braid: adults get brown, kittens red). In the time I went and returned to the vet, George and Fred disappeared. Their former owner (the one before the person who surrendered them) sent her son to spring them out of our hands. Pouf!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Where is my Mum?

I thought it was a bit optimistic of Steph to think that she could drive to Tweed Heads and back in 4 days. She is due back this afternoon (not last Sunday). Her girls don't seem too worried but her boys want to know where she is.

 Ares and Baghera above. Petal and Venus below.

Molly is a new border. Her mum rang from Queensland to ask if she could stay longer than booked because she has family issues to sort out in West Australia. We said "Of course, Molly is welcome to stay". I think Molly would prefer to go home.


The vet is to visit tomorrow and will decide if Morty is good to go. And if Pepper and Milo are good to be desexed.


And if Diamond and Hera had ringworm at all. Diamond's foot is all well again.
Diamond and Hera

Friday, July 17, 2020

L names

Irene decided that Lily's tuxedo girl (the little one) is a Lizzie but couldn't come up with three boy's names. So I chose:
Laertes, Lorrado and Laurie. Somebody else can decide whom is which. . . . or call them something else starting with an L. Perhaps L (plate) car names: Lamborghini (Lamb for short), Lancia (bit ouchy), Lexus, Lincoln. Here is a long list of names of cars:

Kimmi went home to Chatswood with his new Chinese mum who could barely hold her in her carrier so I offered to carry her down to the street to wait for the Uber. Kimmi was as quiet as a mouse. I suggested that she be weighed in the carrier before being let out and not be allowed to put on any more weight. But who knows how much was understood.

Eve has been adopted but won't be picked up until later next week. So she will have time to say goodbye to everybody. . . she is a very chatty cat, as well as a smoocher.

There are two new 8-ish month old cats who were found wandering and came to us.

Pepper is a pretty, friendly tortie. She was sitting on a damp blankie surrounded by clear and yellow liquid. Perhaps the stitches in her side (from being sterilized) were pulling. Tim removed the obvious one but there is another poking through her skin that refused to be pulled out.

Milo is also friendly but quiet. So far.

 I tried to engage Morley in a game of rolling ping pong balls but he was not interested. Makes you wonder if all that time being sat on by his ginger brothers retarded his prey instinct.

Apricot has a bare patch on the back of her neck just where the flea treatment landed. It used to be red and then got pussy. Now it looks like bare skin. I only noticed it because she reached forwards to get her treat. Tim noticed it weeks ago.

Tim wants Petey and Buddy to get out of their separate carry cases and cosy up together. So we started on Petey's level (the lower one because he is the three legged cat . . . front right leg is missing which probably explains why he is a growler rather than a swiper). We managed to tip him out but he preferred the litter tray to his comfy bed box.


Sorry about the lack of flash: I don't like to frighten the cats even more.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bos at home

The folk who adopted Bosley sent photos to show just how easily and well he has settled into their family. His favourite pose is to stretch out, full length on his back on somebody's legs with a beatific smile on his face. Ask Tim to show you the photos. And to show the photos of Lynette in her new home. She seems very happy watching squirrels and birds on the computer and cuddling up to her man on the couch.

Adam was collected. Eve cheered as he left. I moved his toys to her wheely cage and moved his cage away. 


A woman came in to compare her and Kimmi as a suitable companion. She chose Kimmi and will be back on Friday to finalise the deal.

A pair of cats, Fred (shorthaired ginger at rear) and George (outgoing, medium haired ginger at front) were surrendered. I had a call from their previous owner who passed them onto a friend when she moved but now that they have been surrendered to us, she worries that they might be separated, or unhappy, or lost track of. She will visit next week.

George (and Fred in the background).

I removed the handbags from Cookie and TIm Tam's condo because they were flat and the cats were sitting on hard, cold shelves looking soulful. I added a nice big bed. But should have put a rug in it because the Burmese has disappeared.

Cookie and Tim Tam

Wendy was brought in to have her stitches removed. I remembered how to do it from Peggy days. Although, the method of stitching has changed to a double twist so I had to learn on the job, so to speak. She is much loved. Her new name is Suki.
I carried her to Willow's condo. Neither was impressed. Why does Willow still have a collar? Because it suits her?


Lily's babies are getting bigger than her. Her appetite is growing as fast as they are.


Just as I was about to leave (a couple of minutes after 4pm), Steph arrived with her four cats. She is to go to Tweed Heads and we get to meet her fur babies. Two boys and two girls: in the corner beyond Nom. Steph wondered if Linda would remember them and be comforted by their presence. Perhaps she could be moved to the condo above them to receive their rising auras. Linda had an enema yesterday because she hasn't poo'd for 6 days. She hardly ate anything today. But she did get lots of love.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Sandy reports: The Bos has left

Just had to tell you the The “Bos” ie Bosely has left the building, isn’t that wonderful.

Adam has been adopted but was  still there this morning, 


Poor “Baby” has a weird eye. Looks like a contact lens has slipped down and the whole eye is looking a bit cataracty.
Clear eyed Baby

Liz was on Grandma duties again and the other lady didn’t turn up cos she had to take her sick daughter for a covid test!
Left the Quarantine ones for Tim to do and he said he would probably remember them when he was leaving!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Missed one

I sterilized six vacated condos this afternoon.

Two were in boarding. One cat stayed three nights but another condo was only occupied by a pair of cats overnight. They were driven up from Canberra the afternoon before for an 11am appointment next door. (?No good vets in Canberra?)

Then I cleaned the condo that Willow moved into last week. That was much easier than the condo where she and her kittens lived. She was desexed yesterday and has moved to Lynette's condo.


And the condo where Wendy recovered from her desexing. It is below Lily and her babies.

Lily and No 1 son

Then I cleaned out Buffy's condo because she has been adopted! Lucky Buffy will be so happy this weekend.


And I cleaned the condo where Adam and Eve were because they are happy in separate wheely cages. In fact, I think Eve is much happier not to be living with Adam. He is rough and tumble and she is a gentle purr girl. Clyde delivered their previous cage from the nursing home. I dismantled it and cleaned it too. We will need to refer to the photo of it set up in the home to get it back together again.


But I missed Milky's condo. He was adopted too. No surprise there as he is so beautiful. Cookie and Tim Tam got out of their handbag to see what all the fuss was about.

Cookie and Tim Tam

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Young Ones

All Willow's kittens have now been adopted. As well as the last two (Harold and Hayley) of Harriet's. And Bowie  . . . . of course, as he was the littleist. Leonard and Larry (Lucia's kittens) are still in quarantine with the ringworm. They are full of energy. One was chasing his tail so energetically that he fell off the shelf.
Another photo missed was when one of Lily's kittens climbed onto her back for a piggyback.
Bosely is everybody's favourite. . . . he is the boss-cat.

Poor Angus had to put up with hammering from next door or above today. It put him off his breakfast.


Adam and Eve were not getting on in a condo together. So they are in separate, but adjacent, wheely cages. Adam is much more interactive and engaging. Eve is more reserved.


 Morty looks good with pink.


Milky just looks good. He is a honey of a cat.


But Tara still doesn't want to know. . . . anybody.


Friday, July 3, 2020

Revolving door

Walter was adopted today. He is the first of Willow's kittens to go, at last. Of course, he is the grey.

Walter and Wendy (pre ring worm)

And Milky came in. He is less than 12 months old and was found wandering by a couple who fed him. Eventually they realised that they couldn't keep him. But they must have treated him well because he is very relaxed.


A man came in to adopt Harold and Haley but they are already promised to go to Chinatown next Tuesday. So he chose Lynette. He seriously wanted a timid cat, or two. She will reward him with devotion.


And Lola was surrendered by a family who can no longer keep her. She was adopted as a kitten from Ingleside in 2012. I don't have a photo of her from then. Perhaps "before my time".
She was not in a good mood. I had to clean the condo next to her's and she kept up a snarl every time I passed her.


And Charlie went to the dentist. He had all but his canines removed. He teeth were a mess. Perhaps that is why he was a grumpy cat. Now he just looks sore mouthed and is on soft food only. (Don't tell the other cats, they will be jealous).
