Irene decided that Lily's tuxedo girl (the little one) is a Lizzie but couldn't come up with three boy's names. So I chose:
Laertes, Lorrado and Laurie. Somebody else can decide whom is which. . . . or call them something else starting with an L. Perhaps L (plate) car names: Lamborghini (Lamb for short), Lancia (bit ouchy), Lexus, Lincoln. Here is a long list of names of cars:
Kimmi went home to Chatswood with his new Chinese mum who could barely hold her in her carrier so I offered to carry her down to the street to wait for the Uber. Kimmi was as quiet as a mouse. I suggested that she be weighed in the carrier before being let out and not be allowed to put on any more weight. But who knows how much was understood.
Eve has been adopted but won't be picked up until later next week. So she will have time to say goodbye to everybody. . . she is a very chatty cat, as well as a smoocher.
There are two new 8-ish month old cats who were found wandering and came to us.

Pepper is a pretty, friendly tortie. She was sitting on a damp blankie surrounded by clear and yellow liquid. Perhaps the stitches in her side (from being sterilized) were pulling. Tim removed the obvious one but there is another poking through her skin that refused to be pulled out.
Milo is also friendly but quiet. So far.

I tried to engage Morley in a game of rolling ping pong balls but he was not interested. Makes you wonder if all that time being sat on by his ginger brothers retarded his prey instinct.
Apricot has a bare patch on the back of her neck just where the flea treatment landed. It used to be red and then got pussy. Now it looks like bare skin. I only noticed it because she reached forwards to get her treat. Tim noticed it weeks ago.

Tim wants Petey and Buddy to get out of their separate carry cases and cosy up together. So we started on Petey's level (the lower one because he is the three legged cat . . . front right leg is missing which probably explains why he is a growler rather than a swiper). We managed to tip him out but he preferred the litter tray to his comfy bed box.

Sorry about the lack of flash: I don't like to frighten the cats even more.