Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Lucky day

 Lots of vollies today. I cleaned only one condo which took a good half an hour. Some clever person had put a pot of grass on one of the upper shelves in Luigi, Maria and Princess's stand alone. Some cat knocked it over. There was dirt over everything. Plus one of the ties on their hammock had broken, and water was everywhere and the litter was mostly under the stand alone and not in the litter tray. I forgot (couldn't bear to) take a before photo. Here is the after photo to prove that they can stay clean for more than 5 minutes.

top to bottom: Princess, Maria, Luigi

Ginger Meggs is in boarding again. He is to get play time every day. But he refused to come out of his condo today. Perhaps tomorrow. In the meantime, Milo got a good wander. Last time he was out he came when I called him. This time I had to search. He was on the very top of the boxes on top of the food shelves . . . . just to prove that he is a big, strong, athletic cat (and butter wouldn't melt in his mouth).

Simon likes high places too.

The surprise of the afternoon was Lucky boy. Cammy had him out on Monday afternoon and said that after an initial hiss, he was very friendly. He was the same this afternoon. He is a delightful fellow, with a kink on the end of his tail. He is good for a pat, a purr, a play and is willing to meet other cats.

Lucky boy

But the lucky cat of the day was Maxwell. Cammy was determined to give him a bath. I was going to help with the bandaging afterwards. But the cat shampoo was locked in the medicine cabinet. He missed out.

Roger's dirty face and grubby coat is probably due to ringworm. He must have the same fungus that Maxwell had when he arrived.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Adooption Tails: Jewel litter

 No updates for Ruby the mum.No updates for Garnet.

Mittens, previously Diamond

1 day: Diamond has been renamed to Mittens. The girls have fallen in love with him.     1 week: Diamond (now Mittens) got his tail caught in their reclining chair, they took him to Northside Emergency Vet and they said the tail needed to be amputated. SAFE agreed to help pay for the surgery and transferred him to the affiliated Vet-O Brookvale.

Mittens wrapped up
1 month: Mittens is the most loving perfect little fit for their family. Although he had a rough start here, he is so loving and loved by everybody in the family. The owner is so happy with SAFE and has told many people about SAFE. 

Nature, previously Emerald

1 day: Emerald has been renamed to Nature. She is looking better than the owner expected. She did spend quite a bit of time under the bed and sofa. Currently, she is purring and sleeping next to the owner.

1 week: Nature is really naughty. Willing to play with the owner and even wake them up in the morning. She is really enjoying her time at her new home and already very familiar with it.No 1 month response

Ace, previously Sapphire

1 day: Sapphire is now called Ace. He is settling in fine, loves the attention and sleeping in the bed with us. He has been eating, drinking and using his litter tray.3 day: Ace is in the bedroom and resident cat has the rest of the house. Resident cat will hiss and make noises at Ace. The owner was wondering how much attention to give to each cat and has been forwarded SAFE's guide to introducing cats for clarity and emphasised the concept of cat territory and resources.

1 week: Ace and resident cat are chasing each other around and playing now when the owner is home. Ace is kept in the bedroom when nobody is home. The owner is hoping that the two will be used to each other completely over the weekend.
1 month: Ace and Cleo the resident cat are getting along nicely now. They're both happy and settled in together.

Suzie previously Topaz


1 day
: The owners (Alanna & Denny) have renamed Topaz to Suzie and she is adorable! She has had both dry and wet food but they have yet to see her drink water or use the litter tray. She is ok in her safe room and has been pretty playful and affectionate but does get a little scared with loud noises. They are still getting Denny's cat (Vader) used to having a little kitten around and introducing them slowly by feeding them on either side of the door as Vader is a little territorial. Suzie is so sweet and we love her.1 week: Suzie was taken home (Alanna's home without Vader) on Sunday as the owner had to work from home over the week. She adjusted very well - settled in well and was happy, playful and affectionate. "She's beautiful!" Over the weekend, Suzie went with her owner to see her partner and Vader. She has her safe room set up there and they continued introductions between Suzie and Vader. Vader was unsure of Suzie at first but after slow exposure, the two are now bolting around the apartment and loving it and playing together. Their play is always supervised and Suzie stays in her safe room when nobody is home. Vader has hissed at Suzie during mealtime so they eat separately in the saferoom and kitchen. Vader has done a wee in the corner of the lounge room and Suzie did one next to the fridge in the corner of the kitchen. Other than this, the two seem very happy and love to play with each other.1 month: Suzie is the most gorgeous little girl. She gets up on the owner's lap which is so adorable! They love how affectionate she is and her purring is so cute too! They are currently working through Suzie and Vader eating each other's food by having them separated during mealtimes and clearing the bowls.

I had a cat called Suzy. She moved into the preschool where a neighbour worked and took charge of the doll's beds. The headmistress didn't like that (or Suzy's attitude to small humans) so my neighbour brought her home to live with her four boy cats. Suzy didn't fancy being number 5 so moved in with me. Eventually I moved and took her with me (to the ex neighbour's relief). She was a great hammock tester, She didn't need them to be tied up: just freshly ironed.


Adoption Tails: Chikka, Oreo, Duchess


Chikka at Safe

1 day
: Chikka is wonderful. The owner does not believe she has used the litterbox yet. There is lots of water and 2 litter trays set up. She has also added some water to the wet food. Chikka slept on the lounge last night and did not come near her although the door was left open. The owner was planning on blocking off access to the first floor balcony so that Chikka cannot jump down. She has now retracted her ideas given Chikka's large amount of white (especially on her nose and ears) that increases likelihood of developing skin cancer so she will remain an indoor cat as far as her new family is concerned.1 week: Chikka is an adorable cat, settled within a few hours. The owner is adhering to the diet as recommended and Chikka has no complaints.1 month: Chikka is very happy. The owner is having her claws cut by the Greencross vets close by and will get her weighed and then monitor her weight from now on. Chikka is sticking to her diet and finds it is quite enough

Artie, previously Oreo

1 day: The daughter has decided Oreo needed a more "dignified" name so the family is trying out Arty/Artie (short for Artemis). They will keep us updated on the name. Everything is going well. Arty seems happy, eating well and located the litter tray successfully! He is very playful and keen to explore. They are following the guidance for introducing him to the family dog so at the moment, the two are separated which is not popular with either of them - Arty wants to get out his room and explore all the time and when he meows, the dog gets very excited. The family will carry on the slow introduction and think it will be fine eventually, once the novelty wears off for the doggo. Arty does not seem one bit worried about the dog.

Artie, aka Oreo

 1 week: Artie seems very settled, really friendly and exploring the house when he gets the chance. Unfortunately, the family dog is not taking this well, the family is persisting with the distanced introductions for a few minutes 2-3 times a day. There is possibly some improvement, the dog has come down from complete crazy to whining and pulling on lead. Artie is fairly unbothered by it all and watches from somewhere at a distance. The family lets Artie have free run of the house when the dog is out walking and he has his own room with the door shut.

1 month: Everything is going well. There is still a little chasing from the family dog but more because of wanting to play than anything aggressive. Artie holds his own and hops out of the way when he has had enough!

Angel, previously Duchess

1 day: Duchess has been renamed to Angel. She's a beautiful girl. She spent the first 2 hours or so hiding but came out to explore pretty soon after this. She's been eating, drinking and using the litter tray. At night, she spent some time by the windowsill. Angel is very calm, not a troublemaker, and the owners adore her!

Angel = Duchess

 1 week: Angel is good, starting to be more playful and cheeky. She brings so much joy to their lives.1 month: "It's been a month since our beautiful girl appeared in our lives. We love her so much, she brings so much happiness, joy and love to our lifestyle!" The owners are very happy to have found her. Angel has settled in well, she is very cheerful and sometimes quite vocal. She is doing well in her home, very playful and loves to hunt and tear the pieces of paper the owners throw for her. She loves her food and treats and has even learnt to "sit" upon request when fed by hand. "She is definitely Mummy's girl!"
Angel on the duchess

Adoption Tails: C Kittens -- Claudia, Cordelia,

 Chia, previously Claudia

1 day: Claudia has been renamed to Chia. She spent some time initially hiding under the bed but after a few hours during the evening, she was an absolute playful darling. She ate all her meals, drank some water and di her wee. "Chia is such an adorable kitty, we just love her."1 week: Chia is doing fine so far. A little slow with exploring.

 1 month: Chia is doing absolutely well. Just a couple of times, she vomited last week and the owners assume it was hair ball (looked like tubular excretion with some dry food). They are keeping an eye out if it continues to happen.

Socks, previously Cordelia

1 day: Cordelia is settling in very well. She has been eating, drinking and using her litter tray. The family will probably call her Socks, although they have yet to take a final family vote. She was left alone in her safe room and was settled in within 15 minutes. They discovered she has a good set of lungs and vocal chords at 3:30am this morning, up until which her meows were quite muted. "she's a confident, fearless and active explorer" She has just curled up in the owner's lap after chasing a belled ball and dust mite/seemingly invisible insect like a crazy kitten. "We're off to a great start!"

1 week: Socks has explored the whole house with confidence and made friends with the cavoodle. She has also met Tilly the resident cat. there is a bit of hissing they come within 50cm of each other but they can voluntarily be in the same room and Tilly will eventually nap in her usual spot on the couch after a lot of quiet observation of Socks' crazy activity. Socks is full of kitten energy, purrs and cuddles. She has been amazing!1 month: Socks is now registered at the council. She has been amazing with the whole family (sons and cavoodle included). She is very affectionate and loves sitting on a lap when she's used all her energy exploring and chasing "goodness knows what". The relationship between Socks and Tilly (resident cat) is still developing, they nose touch hello but still hiss occasionally. Tilly has tried to join in on some crazy kitten play in the evenings. When all is quite, they can be found quite close to each other. 
Socks close to Tilly
The family is concerned to whether Socks can hear anything. When she's asleep, she never wakes when they come home (her room is next to the door, off the main living room and has a window along the carport) or into the same room. The owner can tap on the window and Socks does not seem to stir nor does she respond to loud noises (clapping, dropping keys, clattering tongs on a bench top etc). They are interested to know if this is a reasonable concern but do not mind either way but would be good to know so that they always keep her indoors (more challenging during the summer months).

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Adoption Tails: Puss, Macadamia, Smudge, Cocoa

 Puss aka George

1 day: His owner has just gotten home and has given George some wet food. He is doing well. He had a few accidents in the carrier on the way home so they had to wash him. He is friendly and happy. “He is happy to walk around the apartment and likes to sit on the couch”2 days: “All he does is sleep. He’s sooooo happy!” He seems ravenous so they had to feed him more than the recommended amount of dry food. He met the owner’s partner for the first time today and they get along great. “I am really really happy he’s an amazing cat I am so blessed.”

Puss/George, 2 days

3 days: They tried the bed but George was greatly offended when they took him off the bed (as he was on their partner’s side).1 week: “He’s soooo happy. All he does is sleep, eat and cuddle. He’s amazing. I feel truly blessed to have him. He’s such a happy chilled cat. He’s very easy pleased.”1.5 months: “George is amazing”. He was a bit unwell for a few days with digestive issues. “He seems to have allergies to food bless him”. He was boarding at the vet when his owners were on a cruise and is all good now. He’s been home for a week and hasn’t vomited since. “He’s such a fun cat and loves cuddles. He gets brushed morning and night and loves it. He meditates with me every morning which I love.
Puss/George meditating
 I’m very allergic which is disappointing, but in the process of figuring that out. He is very loved and seems so happy and he’s the best decision I have ever made.”
“My partner, the same guy who said “we aren’t cat people baby” has bought him a blanket and absolutely adores him.
Puss/George 1.5 months

 Smudge, aka Walter Smudge

1 day: He has settled in well! He has been renamed Walter Smudge. After a few hours, he was very friendly and bold. He is also comfortable. He has started exploring the house under supervision. He has eaten, drunk and used the litter. He stays in his owners’ room at night and is very affectionate. 

Walter Smudge, 1 day

1 week: “Walter is now the overlord of the family. He has explored other parts of the house with supervision. He is very affectionate. He is used to new guests and all the loud noises etc. And he loves watching TV.”
Walter Smudge, 1 week

1 month: “Officially we live in Walters house now. He is very affectionate.” The vet said he is possibly half Maine Coon. “The only concern I have is that if we go away we might not be able to cat board him as he is very involved in everything we do!”
Walter Smudge, 1 month

Macadamia aka Champers

2 days: He’s doing quite well and knows the house because they were his foster family. He immediately settled back in after being returned a few months ago. His name is Champers. He can jump up onto furniture but can struggle to get down. He can jump onto the couch by himself but often uses a box to get onto other pieces of furniture. They have multiple cats already and a dog, but Champers is the only cat who gets along with their dog, who loves Champers to pieces. Champers is always hungry so they monitor him constantly.


Cocoa, aka Coco

1.5 weeks: Coco is great. They decided to keep her name but shorten it from Cocoa to Coco. “She’s such a sweetie.” She’s still a bit scared and unsure of noises, such as when the neighbours come in and out of their place. She’s been keen to come out of her room so she’s been exploring the apartment a few times in the morning and evening. “She’s active in the morning and evening for cuddles and stays in her little safe spot during the day.” She’s very affectionate with the owner and their husband when she does come out. “Lots of head butts and tummy rubs! We’re both in love and at her mercy already”. She moved into a bookshelf on the first night so they made it cozy for her.

Coco(a). 1.5 weeks

1 month and 1 week: “Coco is amazing and really settling in well.” Coco is showing signs of heat so she is getting desexed tomorrow. “A bit sad that we have to upset her so soon but hopefully she will forgive us.” She snuggles in with her owner every morning and evening but is still a bit unsure of their husband. “She likes to sleep in an empty drawer under our bed in the daytime, so we’ve made it comfortable for her and that’s her safe place now!” They're hoping she can still fit into this spot when she has her cone on after surgery. 
Coco(a), 1 month + 1 week

 1.5 months: “Coco is much better with my husband now and is starting to chill around him. She nuzzles when he comes to her but runs away if he stands up. She even curled up beside him when he was sleeping one day which he loved to hear!”