Friday, May 29, 2020

Another ragdoll

This one, I don't know where he came from, is between 1 and 2 yo. He is a bit confused and hisses but is very happy to be made a fuss of. I thought he was a tortie because he as a gingerish blob on the back of his head. He has lovely blue eyes.

Shumai are those dim sims that are open on top with pork inside and usually an orange garnish.

Shiba has had his name changed because Sheba is a girl's name and we only chose it because Shiba was written on the carrier he arrived in as well as his real name, Shifty. According to his microchip record, his original name was Saxon. . . . much better


Because I did a litter run and so arrived fairly late, there was no work for me to do so I worked on the shy cats. The girl H kittens are almost OK with pats but the boys are both skittish. 

I gave Buffy a good cuddle to check that she doesn't have any skin bumps after being on chicken for a week. . . . none felt and she seems much calmer/less famished. Fingers crossed. Her new person calls every week to know when she can come home. 

I played ball with Sienna but she didn't want to be patted. Diva is happy to be patted but is getting very thin while Sienna looks sleek and plump. Perhaps they should be separated.

Lynette was in the mood for pats. Her tail is really thick and rather short. She is shaping up well.


I met Bosley for the first time. What a charmer he is! He is from a colony in Cambelltown. I suppose he has been desexed (after maturation from the size of his head) but he is pretty roughed up with a scratched nose and smells a bit. I hope he does a Peanut and cleans himself up. He has an interesting set of vocalisations! And he is as friendly as he can be.

Jasmine is super friendly too. Get your cuddles in soon because she won't last long. She has a white spot on the tip of her nose that just begs to be kissed.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Old friends

Ham was returned. They let him out of his safe room too soon and he got confused and was noisy. Catsie cooed at him but he is still behind a modesty cloth.


Katie is back. She was beating up on another of Lauren's foster cats. I suspect that she wanted Miles bed all to herself.

Harriet was adopted. I hope she doesn't come back.
And whoever takes Jasmine would be a fool to let anybody else get their hands on her.


Chevy is good at getting out of his condo. On Monday he was found, after a long search, under the clean laundry shelves in a very small space. He should be picked up by Clare soon (and perhaps exchanged by a pregnant mother).

Chevy (another photo just in case you have to find him)

Poor Ashleigh lost two of her kittens. She has two left. Let's hope that these survive.

 WIllow's kittens are doing a brilliant job of dirtying their condos. Even Willow's was grubby. I gave them all a good cleaning and fresh bedding. The kittens managed to drown theirs in no time. Sigh.

 Willow and kittens
They don't look wormy at all so the medication is working. They really loved some new toys.

 Marmelade has to balance on the edge of his litter try and duck under his upper shelf to get to his water bowl. Good thing he is a cat and is flexible.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Change of plans

My plan was to have a quiet, short afternoon at SH smooching with the few cats who want to be loved on and taking an early mark.

Didn't work that way. A boarder arrived, Lulu, and eventually we discovered that the printer wasn't working because the magenta ink cartridge had run out. It would NOT print in black and white without its magenta. So the boarding paperwork had to be stolen from the pink folder. Job 1.

And Buffy is to be introduced to cooked chook. Tim had emailed me to pick up a chook on my way in but I didn't get it in time. Job 2.

Tim also asked me to pick up the desexers from Mona Vale vets (Harriets 4 kittens). Job 3.

And from PetO in Warringah Mall (Harriet and Apricot). Job 4.

I have just got home to the cry from both my males (Jo and Cody) "You are LATE."

The big surprise of the day is that Apricot is a girl. This wasn't discovered until she was on the operating table. What a good thing she has a non dis-gendered name.
Perhaps she looked so crushed because we gave her a boy doll. . . . despite the pink ribbon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Boss Cockie day 2

Everything went smoothly thanks to Joy (walking wounded with a groin injury) and Ros. And Sue came in (despite her wrenched knee) to meet with a marketing student who is supposed to have devised a pitch for us. The student didn't show at the appointed time -- between noon and 2pm. When Sue chased her she said "I couldn't find you". She should get a big fat F.

After all the recent adoptions (Indy, Berry, Fizzy, Ham) we are looking decidedly thin on available cats. We have several who haven't been vet checked and/or desexed. And others who have ringworm or who are super shy. Folk will just have to line up outside our door.

The woman who adopted Berry and Fizzy returned their carry cages. [I got them wrong he is the fluffy and she is the shorthaired. . . .  whatever.] She came in to adopt Indy but was intimidated by Indy's size. Her 13 year old son spotted Berry who fell in love and walked into his arms. "They chose me". She is very happy and told us her life story. Sue encouraged her to share their journey on our FB page.

A new cat was delivered by Claire who brought us Marmalade, Apricot and Dorito.

I was told that she was bringing in a pregnant mum. So I moved Tinkerbelle and Tobias (who both have potential owners hovering in the wings) into a wheely cage (the non-ringworm one) and sterilized their grubby condo for her. [We really should have a policy of moving mothers and kittens every two weeks and cleaning out their condos to prevent the poo from bonding with the paint!]

Tinkerbelle and Tobias

When Claire arrived she had Chevy, a boy. She believed he was a Cherry, another girl cat in "her" colony. It wasn't until he was on the vet's operation table that they discovered that he is male. He is shy. But he did eat his dinner.


And we have Ashleigh who had three tiny kitten after she was brought in on Sunday. She is not eating so has multiple dishes with many offerings.

 Harriet is developing into a very chatty, sociable cat. Her kittens are still skitty but pretty.
H kittens

Friday, May 15, 2020

Home again

Maggie and Kit Kat went home today. Really home. To the people that they came from. Since they have been with us the parents have moved again to a place where they can have the cats and the daughter has returned from Canada and from Canberra where she was going to go to uni but Covid cancelled that plan. Hurrah for Covid!
Maggie and Kit Kat and Fi
Their owners only brought one cat carrier (borrowed from a neighbour). The cats inspected it, with their door open for a while and decided to stay in their condo. I offered to lend them another carrier which was good because while Maggie went into her's quite quietly, Kit Kat had to be inserted backwards. By this time they should be curled up on Fi's bed. It seems that Kit Kat learned to play with water in the house they had with a pool.

Just before this happy time, a women and her daughter surrendered Shiba (or Shifty but we have renamed him) -- a dearly beloved, 8 year old cat who is the collateral damage of a broken marriage. I suppose we should be happy that we don't get the small child.
The vet came with his nurse. They peered at, poked and jabbed almost everybody who needed it. They confirmed that Willow's kittens do have ringworm. They have been moved to the condo block next to the horror wall art with quarantine signs. They will be treated with anti-fungals in their food (but not by baths as was the practice at AWL). 

W-kittens in lock down.
The vet checked and passed lots of the cats who were waiting for clearance. So now Indy is available. Tim tried to get a good photo.

As is her neighbour, Tam.


 And Berry and Fizzy who are impossible to photograph because all they want is OUT or CUDDLES.

There is another new cat, now available, Jasmine. Her kittens were accepted by AWL but she wasn't. She is so beautiful that she could be called Bengalese.
Sootie was adopted on Wednesday afternoon. I took the phone call (Tim was next door feeding Angus at the time, I think) from a bloke who had been talking to Tim about either him or some other cat. He asked if he could come to visit that afternoon. I said Sure!

After we had finished the cleaning up, I asked Ros to give him extra loving to soften him up for a visitor. It worked!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Two for one

Jaffa had a note on her name card for weeks "Save for . . . " She has gone. So I assumed she went to the lady who had adopted Jewel but didn't have the right kind of house for this shy cat. There were no hiding places for her.

But, that lady took Tessa because she is friendly and relaxed (and also a beautiful tortie). 

Then a mother and daughter came in to look for a cat. They saw Jaffa and Josie. They took both. Now when Josie gets upset and noisy, her mother can calm her down. Perfect.
Jaffa and Josie (on right)

This is Berry (Busy Berry the boy)
And this is Fizzy (Furry Fizzy the female)

They are both very friendly and desperate to get out for cuddles and play. As is Cecily in the corner below Buffy. 

Willow has a condo to herself now because her kittens have ringworm! They are in a wheely cage where the litter bags used to be. . . . they need further social distancing but there is no space unless we put them in the office which would be cruel. I suspect that Willow is coming into heat. . we will fix that for her.

Friday, May 8, 2020

One for Two

Lauren brought in Fizzy and  Berry, one year old cats possibly siblings. The girl is the fluffy but I don't know if she is Fizzy or Berry. They are very loving which is not surprising if they were fostered with Lauren.
Lauren took Katie home. Lucky Katie.



I suggested that Harriet's kittens be moved out of the corner condo as they are big enough to be desexed but while they look as though butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, they are a bit shy. The ginger and white boys are especially skitty. I have the scratches to prove it. They were scratching so I Frontlined them as I transferred them to the wheely cage.

After a while they gathered the courage to explore. I wonder if this is the pecking order: one on each level.

Diamond (tuxedo) and Hera (tabby) are still recovering from Wednesday's adventure.

I had some time to smooch with the cats. Jewell prefers to be patted through her upturned bed. She should be called Clayton (after the drink you have when you aren't having a drink: because she is the cat you don't have even though you have a cat. Avalon didn't know what I was talking about when I tried to remember the name. She came in to be trained to help with the vet visits. . . . hurrah.)

It got quite busy in the afternoon. The neighbour of the mother and son who came in on Wednesday dropped by. She is desperate for a pair of cats but lives at home with her parents who don't want cats. She was thrilled to see each cat. Would have hugged them all if I had let her. The kittens were especially thrilling as they were whom her neighbours visited. She has taken Sue's email addy and intends to volunteer while she works on her parents.

Then the nurse (small, Irish) from next door dropped by to see if we had an Elizabethan collar to fit an adult but not so big that it would get stuck in the cat flap at 3am and wake the family. I said she could have one of ours if she brought it back, washed. So she came, with her small son and proceeded to photograph all the cats for her neighbour who needs a cat. Evidently "Linda" has a 3 year old Burmese who desperately needs somebody to play with. The person isn't good enough at playing. Eventually she gave us a donation for the collar (Tim's smart suggestion) and we hope her friend will be in when the kittens are desexed.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Boss Cockie

It was my first time at being boss cocky today. And I arrived to an open condo. The igloo was neatly placed on the floor in front of the open door. So I checked the day book to see if those two shy, surrendered cats (Hera and ?) had been adopted last thing on Tuesday. Nothing in the book.
I checked behind the block of condos beside the ghastly art work. There were two sets of eyes peering up at me.
So I left them there to think about the situation they had got themselves into. With no breakfast until after Ros and Joy had cleaned all the condos and it quietened down. Then we got busy with the broom stick and blankets. I almost got the tuxedo as he tried to squeeze past me by pressing him against my back and the condos. He wiggled away from me by ripping my shirt (sorry Catsie) and shot off to the top of availables condo block.
We turned our attention to the cat still behind the ghastly condo block. Joy pushed the broom at her and decided that she was stuck. . . must be a fat cat. So I pushed against the condos and made a wider space so that I could get to her. She was just catatonic. I picked her up and took her to Candace's condo. Then I pushed the ghastly condo block back into place and further against the wall. Only a one inch wide cat will fit behind that block in the future.
Isn't it surprising how strong you can be when the adrenaline is coursing through your veins?

Back to the tuxedo. He settled down behind Katies glam carry cage but we frightened him over the top to ground level. Eventually he hid on the bottom shelf of the trolly in Boarding. I moved everything in front of him, Ros found a top loading carry cage, I picked him up and put him in the carry cage. . . . calmly. (The adrenalin was tailing off at this stage).

So he is downstairs and she is upstairs (or vice versa) and the trap door between them is open. They have food.

The rest of the day was calm. A mother and son came to choose a kitten on the firm understanding that they cannot reserve one and have to phone each Monday to find out who will be desexed the next day. They had a lovely cuddle. The kittens loved it. They have four cats already at home but the late teenaged son wants a kitten of his own. They have adopted Samson from AWL. . so are good folk.

Angus is all alone next door on Tuesday to Thursday. So I spent some time with him late in the day. I think he didn't quite know why.

Joy sent some photos as I was too busy cockying to take many.

Harriet's chocolate box top kittens





New cat arrived last night, name begins with C. . . Cecily or Cecilia

Friday, May 1, 2020

RIP Chester

As I drove to Oz-Pet in the west I followed a car, for a while that had a cat escaping from it's boot.

When I arrived at Safe Haven, Chester was on his final journey. I will forever think of him as the car boot cat.

We named kittens. The last lot were G's and then there were Jaffa's. Jaffa's two grey kittens were adopted this afternoon by a mother and son who is a JJ. .. .appropriate. They got full instructions about how to tame nervous kittens.
The new mum of 5 kittens was named Harriet. She has been moved to the main room. Her kittens are
Henry: white and ginger
Harold: ginger and white
Heidi: calico
Horace: brown tabby and white
Haley: champagne ginger

Lucia's kittens are both boys:
Leonard with the shorter hair and Larry with the longer fluff who seems mostly to be outside the maternal carry cage while Leonard is inside with her.
Willow's kittens are:
Wendy: the grey tabby
William: the tabby and white
Wal-E: the black and white
Walter: the grey
Wal-E, Wendy, WIlliam

And Tessa's are 
Tommy: black
Toulouse: dark tabby
Tobias: white face
Tinkerbelle: light tabby.

Next is I . . . . . Ian is an awfully prosaic name for a cat.