Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Adoption Tails: Fern, Jupiter and Venus


1 day: Fern is doing really well. Eating, drinking and use her litter tray, and playing. She only hid for a short while, then explored her room. she was a bit agitated last night, but seems very calm today. The owner just had a big cuddle on the bed... Fern came to her for it. She is very keen to explore outside her room but the owner is keeping her in for the weekend at least. They are likely to change her name to Missy but their 7 year old is being indecisive about it.1 week: Fern has been renamed Missy. She's settling in really well. Now has full run of the house after 1.5 weeks. Transitioned well out of the one room. Very affectionate. Missy has a bit of a bad habit of climbing on bench tops though. Loves her zoomies. She seems to not be interested in wet food much at all but eats plenty of dry food and drinks plenty of water. The owner loves her to bits but unfortunately her daughter is having a hard time adjusting to having a cat. An innate fear has been hard to overcome. They are working on it and will update on it.1 month: no response. [We hope that no news is good news].


1 day: Jupiter is settling very well in the study, being very playful and much adored by the family. He has not eaten very much and has had diarrhoea but behaviourally, he is very active.

1 week: Jupiter is hunting in the jungle that is the owner's desk. He is eating well, getting bolder and no runs.

Jupiter 1 week
1 month: No response. [Ditto]


1 day
1 day: The owner and her mother have renamed Venus to Bowie after the name Atticus not sticking in the mother's mind. Bowie is eating and peeing but not pooping yet. He slept on the couch last night and is getting used to new surroundings and new smells. He began talking to the owners today. His chirps are a breath of fresh air!

1 week: This morning the owner woke up with Bowie resting his head on her pillow, lying beside her. He has spent the last 3 nights in bed with her! He loves playing with his catnip filled fishing rod and red-light mouse.

1 month: Bowie completely saved the owner and her mother. The two were very depressed before he came into their lives. He has put on some weight since recovering from the flu and loves to sleep with the owner on the bed all night. He allows the owner to wipe his crusty eyes when he had the flu and loves all the affection he is receiving.

Needs must

 Some of our water spray bottles have run out of puff. I devised an alternative. Instead of spraying the cleaning paper with the spray bottle, dip it into a dish of water. Do not double dip. It works very well.  I will try to remember to buy some new water spray bottles.

Over the weekend there were adoptions: Sandy, Florence, Skittles, the last Coffee Kitten Mocha, two of Star's planet kittens and one of the supermodels Naomi. On the arrivals side we have KitKat who only eats wet food and has a sore eye.

And, another white but medium haired, Pearl.

Our Daisy visited. She had been to the vet a day or two ago to have her anal glands attended to. She was sent home with a large, opaque, hard plastic collar which she hated. She couldn't walk in it. She removed it. Her person dropped by the vet to get another. Daisy took it off in the carrier. She came on to us (having phoned before) to get a cloth collar. We will see if it stays on. It certainly looked good.

The person who adopted Hera brought in the things that she doesn't like: food, covered litter tray, metal food dishes. She is very happy with her and has renamed her Poppy. I showed her around and she would have taken them all if she had room. Bowie pulled out all the stops, of course. He likes to be held like a baby.

Rhapsody has moved into kitten Sandy's stand alone. While Sandy and I had a tea break, she joined the conversation so we moved over to beside her and she came out to sit on our knees.

Mia is a passion pussy too.

But the amazing news is that Megsy has a clean bed, at long last.


Friday, August 26, 2022


 I wasn't able to be at Safe Haven this afternoon. The kitties missed their chicken. I have a plan to give it to them next Wednesday. In the meantime, Max is back on the For Adoption list. And here are a couple more of Joy's photos from last Wednesday.

I found a really deep, high sided litter tray out back and transferred what was left of Mocka's litter  at 2:30pm into it. Most of her refilled litter was on the floor by then. I hope she knows how to use it without spreading the litter everywhere.

Yoko and Linda mostly cuddle together in one hammock these days. Except when there is food on offer.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Ginger magic

 Gina was chosen yesterday and her excited person came in today to do the paperwork. I think they will be very happy together. Gina didn't quite make the website.


The woman who adopted Coco last week thought she would be able to pick her up today after her ankle surgery yesterday. Wishful thinking, I thought. She didn't come. Skittles is happy to have her mum with her as long as possible.

Coco and Skittles
The smelly boys below Hana have been desexed. Duke is out back until a single condo becomes available.

Bowie is still on naughty row because he had an undescended testicle and had to have exploration in his abdomen to find it. He is wearing a collar (of shame). And didn't pose for a photo.

We have an new big faced ginger boy in the main room with a name that starts with a Z. . . . impossible for either Joy (thanks for all the photos!) or I. He is very chilled. [Zatoichi is his name. He was with a foster carer who named him after a blind eyed Samurai because Zatoichi had Entropion surgery done at the beaches vet. The rescuer kept him until we had a spot at SAFE. . . . thank you Irene. As it is a Japanese name it will be pronounced Za - toe - itchy]


Also new out front is Eric and Lucy. Don't know where they came from but one is friendly and the other hissy. Lucy and Eric are siblings, who were in separate foster homes for 6 weeks. Lucy was bitten by a dog and had part of her tail amputated. They were rescued from Condell Park way.

Eric and Lucy
And Leon and Teddy have moved into Suzie's double. Can't tell them apart either.


More questions. . . . Kiki is supposed to be a black cat. But when I tried out a cunning brush* on her this afternoon, her face looked black but her back looked deep, delicious, chocolate brown.

* Sandy and I sorted through the three containers of brushes, combs, nail clippers and other grooming aids. One was a glove with plastic knobs all over. To see if it worked  I tried it on Kiki. She loved it and I looked closely at her fur.

** The three containers are nicely separated and arranged now. Worn out or otherwise useless tools have been discarded.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Adoption Tails: the Beatles kittens

 Starr and McCartney

 1 day: Starr and McCartney are totally delightful. Starr is shy but both are out playing, eating and using the litter tray. McCartney has his cuddle on already. He is on top of the owner's legs and blanket in the living room so he's super comfortable and making the most of the attention while Starr is watching from afar. Still trialing the names, Starr seems to stick but the owners aren't too sure about the boy yet.

1 week: Both Starr and McCartney are doing very well. The owners have decided to stick with McCartney! Starr is still a bit shy, but she is happy and playful. She has come for the odd late night cuddle when things are quiet and slept on the owner's son's bed, so they have high hopes that she is coming around. They are both still delightful. Starr and McCartney love to play together and wrestle. Very fun to watch! They both follow the owners around and like to be in the same room or nearby at all times.

1 month: Starr and McCartney spend a lot of time chasing each other for fun! They are lovely company for the owner and her family, having settled in perfectly.

Star and McCartney (tuxedo) snuggle time

Harrison and Lennon

 1 day: The two kittens have settled in beautifully even with a toddler who just wants cuddles constantly. They have both eaten very well at every meal and been drinking as needed, they have both used the litter tray (wee and poo). They were out playing with the owners yesterday evening and today, jumping about after their toys. They seemed to sleep well and enjoy cuddling the owners' laps already. They have changed their names as they didn't seem particularly attached, they are now called Harry (Harrison) and Nox (Lennon). Harry seems to chill more on a bed or blanket whereas his brother likes to be in the action. They started exploring the upstairs of the home this afternoon but have been able to retreat to "their" room as needed.

1 week: Harry and Nox have settled in beautifully. They rest most of the day but spend all afternoon and evening racing up and down the hall playing with the owners and each other. They have even moved into the bed at night, sleeping on top of the owners or jumping from spot to spot. They have started to sit with the toddler and are super tolerant of his cuddles. They are delightful. They are good eaters and super inquisitive.


1 month: Harry and Nox have most definitely moved in and made the owners' home their own. They spend most of the day speeding up and down the hall after each other, walking all over the owner's keyboard or napping in the sun. The owner is so glad to have them join her family. The cats are getting so big already!

1.5 month update: The owner is very glad they adopted Harry and Nox together. It has been such an easy transition. They are around each other a lot of the day and play well into the evening, zooming up and down the stairs and hallway. They cuddle every day and often Nox will sit on top of Harry. They are delightful.

The little tuft of white on the tummy of one is the distinguishing factor.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Who's who in the Play Place

 The usual crowd of four been there since last Friday. At least, turning the tall scratchy pole around has stopped them from toppling it over during their night time partying. I sent Jayde in with the microchip reader to try to sort out who is who:

Sammy (.....594) has large black spots over both ears with a straight, white line between.

Cypher (....599) has large black spots over both ears that meet in a V in back and front. This looks like a white egg timer-shape on his forehead.

Bambi (...118) has tabby markings on her tail.

Thumbelina (...119) has small black spots under her nose that make a heart shape.

Katie and I think that they don't need to go as two boys separate from two girls. They seem all happy with each other although the girls are shyer than the boys.

Lily got adopted yesterday and Kiki has been moved into her condo today. Maggie was then moved to Kiki's top condo because her mum Lisa was adopted yesterday too. She didn't like it much up there initially but will get used to it. Plenty of vollies will give her cuddles. Dan(ger) moved into Lisa and Maggie's condo this afternoon. About an hour later a couple of girls came to look for a cat to be friends with their puppy. Their mum liked Dan best (she was there via Facetime). So Dan when home with them. He will be able to cope with the whippersnapper dog.

Dan's new owners
He may be back over Christmas in boarding. We got Princess and Precious out of the corner of no adoptions to the double under Nada. She must like their smell because she was out lying on the connection door this afternoon. Or was she remembering Diego's visits and discouraging any more invasions with her, not inconsiderable, weight?

Baby is back from foster because she doesn't like to be part of a multi animal home. She wants to be the one and only.

Skeley has had another name change. First she was Skeletor, now she is Sophie. Whatever the name, she is still a scardey cat.
Sophie = Skeley

After chicken, I went back to boarding and Juliette looked up at me a blinked. More chicken magic.

My Cody is being photogenic. .   he can't help himself.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Adoption Tails: Diego and Samiri

Diego and Samira

3 days: Diego has been renamed to Aslan (Turkish for Lion) befitting the name already given to his sister Samiri, which is also Turkish. They are settling in well. They have investigated her entire home and sleep in their safe room at night. They eat all of their morning and night meals and are very active, playing with toys and each other. They are also using the litter tray well. She has started to feed them in the kitchen. One of them was lying in front of the heater in the lounge and the other was settled on top of a lounge chair to watch TV for about 10 mins before returning to their safe room. She has bought a 3-level play tree with beds and scratching posts and also assorted toys for them to play with. They like to be around her but they keep a distance of about 1 metre. They’re doing very well for 3 days, especially as they have not been conditioned to be around people at all. They now eat downstairs with their owner in the kitchen. Every day they are becoming more confident and starting to show their personalities.1 week: They are settled into a routine. Toileting is all normal and everyone is getting on well. The lighter-coloured one is a good chatter and she can stroke them on the back and they follow her around a bit. The darker one is more timid, but is interacting more each day. They are playing more with their owner and now sit near her while they’re playing with their toys. She assembled a play house for them and has left it in a sunny spot by the window for them while they’re left alone today.1 month: They are doing well. Felling more at home. Their owner can pet Aslan most of the time and he comes up to her for pats. Samira is still more timid. There’s a certain time in the evening when she’s sitting by the window and she’ll sometimes allow a pat. They both sit near her and interact when she plays with them with toys. They’re both eating well and are more settled because they don’t react to different noises so easily. Both won’t allow her to pick them up but she thinks it’ll change with time. The next step will be brushing them because they'll be shedding their winter coats soon. They are very happy and well looked after. Their bond is slowly making progress. Aslan decided to sit next to her on the lounge tonight which is a new thing.

Adoption Tails: Dynamo

Dynamo and his new owner on adoption day

 1 day: He is currently very timid and is hiding in the cat house or bathroom shelf where he has shelter. He has used the litter tray, but so far she has not seen him eat - unless he ate while she was asleep. He is very gentle and will let his owner pet him anywhere, but not pick him up.1 week: Dynamo is going very well. He has warmed up more over the past week and is eating properly and slowly getting more affectionate (his owner was able to scratch his tummy for a few seconds and then he changed position to tell them to scratch a different area). He is getting used to being around his owner and new noises as he is always watching his owner. He has explored his owner’s room once and is still a bit shy and timid. He is very cautious when exploring, but he is slowly getting more confident. He is definitely much comfier now than when he was first brought him home and his owner can’t wait until he understands that this is his home and is safe. He has been renamed to Pickles.1 month: Pickles is going well. He is still very timid and scared and he still runs away when walking near him or trying to pet him (sometimes). He is sleeping in his bed most of the time so that’s a good sign, but still cautious when petting him sometimes when in bed. She thinks she’s doing okay so far and is trying to get him used to being pet before eating. She also sits next to him when he eats. She’s been very slowly trying to get him used to being touched on his feet and tummy whilst eating, but she understands it could take a couple of months or longer for Pickles to fully trust her. He is very cautious of hands but is okay with feet.

Adoption Tails: Foster litter adoptions

 Here are the follow ups for the litter from foster care. It was Chester and Mapel (adopted together), Grace and Leo (adopted together), then Fergus and Chase separately.Chase1 day: They have decided to change his name to Radley. He is settling in so well, he was almost immediately confident in the house and spends all of his time exploring and playing. He pooped in his litterbox within an hour of being there and is eating and drinking well. He is currently taking his nap on his owner and kneading their face whilst he sleeps.1 week: Radley sleeps in his owner's bed and uses their ear as a dummy. "He's having a ball, we're lucky to get him."1 month: Radley is doing very wellChester and Mapel1 day: They are doing really well. Both are eating well and using the litter tray for pees and poos. They are getting along with each other, playing and sleeping together. They have also been affectionate with the family too. Chester has been renamed to Marvin and the spelling of Mapel’s name is now Maple. They have been trying to escape from their safe room and they are struggling to keep them in. They might try letting them explore for a bit tomorrow and bring them back into their safe room. She thinks they would love to explore but wants to keep them in their safe rooms in the evening and at night. They are so happy, giving big purrs when they want to. Marvin decided to sleep on their owner’s lap in the evening.2 days: They were let out of their safe room to explore a portion of the space today. They have access to their safe room with the litter and food. They will put them back in if they aren’t being watched or when the family needs to go out. Maple wanted to nap on their husband’s lap while he is working on the computer and Marvin was with their older girls and blankets on the sofa. They are so settled. They enjoyed a big run around the living area and the bedrooms are blocked off for now. She thinks they’re going to put them back into their safe room at night until they can predict them better.1 week: They are roaming the house as they wish. They don’t want to go into their safe room anymore so their food and litter have been relocated. They have a box for comfort and places to hide. They generally prefer the top of the sofa or someone’s lap. They are happy and settled really well. They just want to be where the family is most of the time.1 month: They’re growing fast, especially Marvin. They have their last kitten vaccination next week. Super cuddly kittens. They have their very playful moments and come for cuddles when they want quiet time. “They are really lovely kittens, I couldn’t have wished for more affectionate beautiful kittens to join our family.”Grace and Leo (5302 and 5305)1 day: They’re settling in very well and are adored. They are very happy in their safe room. They’ve eaten all of their food and are using the litter box. They have kitten biscuits, kitten wet food, water and toys1 week: Little angels are up to mischief regularly. They have been in mostly one room with the owner but also a bigger lounge space, and overnight in their playpen. They're settling in and their characters are growing.1 month: Grace has been renamed Lucy/Lulu. They’ve doubled in size but Leo is bigger because he eats lots of Lucy/Lulu’s food. They’re doing very well and race and play constantly. They’re going to be introduced outside on leashes soon. Their older cat has adapted well and plays too.Fergus1 week: He has settled so well into their home and family. He is currently purring on his owner’s lap while she tries to fight a head cold. “We are so happy to have adopted him.” He has free reign of nearly all rooms and is very inquisitive. They’re keeping his name as they think it really suits him. “So much happiness in our house now.”1 month: He’s so loved. “Can’t quite believe it’s only been one month”