Sunday, December 31, 2023

Adoption Tails: Ted


2 days: He’s settling into his private suite nicely. He is eating well and has used the litter tray even though it took a couple of days for him to poo. He is really interested in what’s happening beyond the door. He is doing biscuits on his new mum’s tummy and is showing how sweet he is. His mum can work a few hours from his safe room so he is getting company for a big chunk of the day. He hides under the bed when an unfamiliar noise is made outside by the pesky bush turkeys who knock on the front door for their breakfast. “We are so happy to have Ted as our new little man and are hoping he will get on with his new cat brother when they finally can get together.”

2 day
1 week: They took him to the vet for his checkup and found that he may have a murmur. He was pretty stressed in his appointment so they’ll check again next time. Other than a bit of a sniffy nose, he’s all good. He spends the day in his safe room with one of his owners keeping him company. He lays on their legs or does biscuits on them. “We are looking forward to him meeting his cat brother, they are both interested in trying to get in and out of the room so that’s fun keeping them apart.” They will begin the in-person introductions this weekend.


Thursday, December 28, 2023

No lunch

 I usually eat my lunch in the car on the way from tennis to the cats. I came from home today a bit earlier than usual and didn't think to eat. I had a vague passing lunch thought at 2pm when I let Lola out so that she could share some with me. But that thought was swamped by yet another visitor.

Visitors ranged from a pair of primary girls and their mum having a treat away from their iPads to interact with some kittens. Good for the kittens and a good opportunity to teach a kid how to hold a kitten. (With any luck the parent is taking on the instructions as well). They stayed for ages.

Then a couple came for a companion to their boy cat. Kind of looking for a girl but rather liked the pair below Aslan for their fluffy tails, Luna and Jack. But they are moving within the month. So they will keep an eye on the website to see when J & L become available. They considered Pippa who trilled at them. Nice young couple.

Then some litter and food was dropped by a couple who didn't stay. (Thank goodness because everybody else did!)

Then an ?Japanese woman arrive with some donations. I think she is Japanese because she kept stopping herself from bowing to me and happily sat on the floor to admire the cats. She came with gifts. . . . items from first class airplane travel. I rejected the polyester comforters, the toothbrushes in paper packages but accepted the towel, baggie full of sugar, coffee, etc and the $50 note! She stayed until I threw her out at 4pm. She held the bowl of chicken while I handed it out. I wonder how she found us.

Japanese visitor with Dexter
Then another young couple came in to find a companion for their teenaged rescue boy kitten. They looked at and loved everybody, especially Pippa. I gave my usual advice to take photos of the ones they really liked (all of them) and keep an eye on the web page. They went home to think. They live on Victoria Ave in Chatswood. How do I know that? They were back within half an hour with a carry cage to adopt Cherry (who will get along fine with an older kitten if she remembers her big brothers). Poor Peanut is all alone (with his mum who is coming into heat, again.)
I tried to get a photo of Pickle's kittens who are getting more adventurous.

a pile of Pickles kittens
And of Cindy's slugs.
Cindy's babies

At four I still hadn't unpacked the clean washing. But Geoff came to take over the afternoon feed. So I did that and remembered that I hadn't eaten lunch.
Geoff rearranging Elsa's condo

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Bins away

The Willoughby garbage truck managed to smash one of our council bins today. There was sawdust and blue gloves all over the sidewalk. They will deliver another but it will probably take weeks. And I managed to loose the Cousins bin key. I must have chucked it in the cardboard bin with all the emptied food boxes that had littered Opies room before I flattened them. Luckily, we have spare keys. 

Yumi was adopted today. An excited voice rang in the morning to check that she was really still with us and available. She was in her stand alone so I said "come get her". Her new owner is a lovely, patient woman who sat smiling while Sue struggled to get the computer to do what it was supposed to do and to then find a way around what it wouldn't do. I only had to get Yumi into the cloth carry bag. . . . not so easy. She was very suspicious and wasn't even tempted by Greenies. But she is such a nice cat, I was allowed to pick her up and shove her in. 

Joy took photos. 

Pippa is in Welfare and is ready to go. She chirrups at everyone who walks by so won't last long when we get visitors.

Jack and Luna really enjoy having time out of their condo to play. All they need is a vollie to wiggle a wand toy at them

Luna (left, I think) and Jack.

PC has moved into Kenzie's condo. He will happily entertain visitors there. No appointment required. Just come to adore him.

Ros loving on PC
But poor Chad is still stuck in Incoming. He needs some of this loving.
 At one stage, I was the kitten holder for photos of Gracie's kittens. They don't like being held much and definitely don't like being pointed at by mobile phones or laptop computers. We had to microchip them to find the right ones to photograph via their microchip numbers. They all have G names and are mostly grey tabbies or grey and whites. The photos will appear on FB or similar.

Their downstairs neighbour, Cindy has had her kittens, 5 wiggly worms at this stage.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Pre Christmas Chaos

 Katie's cats have all gone home so their condos needed to be cleaned. And more boarders have come and gone, so their condos needed to be cleaned. The bin of bowls and litter trays from Better Row were missed (sorry tomorrow's crew). PC and Pippa the kitten have been moved to Welfare area so more condos needed to be cleaned.

Boarding is about 70% full. We have Geoff's Anya who is not particularly happy but is interested in what is going on.

In the Nursery, two of Gracie's kittens went to the vet. The boy was absolutely fine but the girl could not get the feel of her Elizabethan collar. When put into the condo she immediately rolled over and played dead!

By dinner time she had recovered enough to eat and I couldn't tell which boy had been to the vet because he was fed before he left the vet.

Pickles kittens are charming the vollies.

I think two of them are all black so don't photograph well.

At dinner time, three of Elsa's had escaped when there was nobody around except a vollie who stayed for the afternoon to play with the cats and think about practicing her English. Luckily she was in the kitchen to shut the door of the Nursery. When I came with food, it was easy enough to catch the kittens and pop them back with their mum. I don't like my chances of doing so well if Elsa escaped!



Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 I forgot to take any photos. (But that is hardly a surprise.)

The surprise is that Jane and Kenzie have both been adopted.

Jane was adopted by a woman who came in ages ago and decided that Jane was the cat for her . . .  but she had to move house first. She finally came in, since last Friday, and was very relieved that Jane was still with us and took Jane home. When Sue rang her yesterday,  Jane was in the kitchen declining to be patted! (Should have been in a safe room).


I don't know the story about Kenzie but she has been a changed cat since she started to come out of her condo and since she spent time in Jane's condo. 



A couple of people were late picking up their cats from boarding.

One family boarded their two because they had their floors sanded (to get the house ready to sell) and didn't want the cats to be traumatized by men in the house with noisy machines and smelly stuff. The men were not as expeditious as they had promised to be. The adults had to stay in a hotel for 2 nights and the kids were farmed out to sleep overs. The cats were safe with us. But very happy to see their people.

The next person was reminded by a phone call from Sue that her cat should have been picked up. "I forgot" she said. Not surprising when she told us the story of a recently dead mother, the cat is her father's, she has a 4 month old in hospital, has to find a new place to live. . . . Poor Nero will get cuddled to death tonight when he gets home.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Adoption Tails: Ronnie


1 day: Ronnie is doing well. She's been renamed to Peri (like the Peri-peri sauce). She found a safe place in the coat closet and has been nesting there for all of Saturday and most of Sunday. Around 11pm Sunday, she decided to come out and roll around and race in and out the room. Peri looked tense but decided to explore the apartment so the owners have left the room door open now for her to come and go as she pleases. She still has her closet as her own space. Peri is eating lots but not drinking much water so the owner has been mixing in water in her wet food. She likes chin and back scratches, not yet trusting enough for the owner to hold her but that is fine.

1 week: Peri's doing fine. She eats well. She sleeps during the day and comes out after 10pm and races around the house on her own, for hours on end. The owners call her "party girl". She still runs away when they come closer but would jump up to cuddle if they are in bed. Peri does not touch a single drop of water. They got her a cat fountain but have yet to see her drink from it. They have been mixing water into her food which she cleans the plate every time. She loves wet food and raw food. The owners think she is hydrated enough because she pees more than once a day and poos once a day.

 1 month: Peri's doing well. She sleeps during the day and plays at night til dawn. She has two cat trees, a cat tunnel, a cat cave made from cardboard and lots of toys which she plays with all of them. She uses the litter robot like a pro. She treats the owners like peers/parents because she likes to invite them to play from under the bed and naps next to them at night (only a nap because she will later roam around the house and play on her own). She also likes to sit by the windows, either to sunbathe or to spy on people on the street. She loves food, both wet and dry. Still drinking very little water but the owner boiled chicken bones without salt to make stock for her and she seems to love drinking that. Overall, Peri is healthy, happy and the owners love her.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Adoption Tails: Theodore, Guy and Jack


Theodore’s siblings were Alvin and Simon. Theodore was adopted from foster care, and his siblings and mom (Ruby) were brought into SAFE afterwards.

1 day: Theodore is settling in well. They’re keeping his name and are calling him Teddy for short. He’s used his litter tray three times and is having some food and water - about a third to half a full meal. It’s the same food he’s used to and he comes running when they open it. They’re watching his appetite closely and are hopeful that he’ll start eating more soon. He’s in a separate room and has started slowly exploring the rest of the house. “He’s pretty shy still and gets scared by loud noises, but gives us big cuddles and playtime when he wants to! We are besotted and looking forward to his confidence growing”. He’s met their resident dog, a cavalier, tonight from across the room. Teddy coped really well but they’re keeping them separate for a while longer. They’re trying to do things as gently as possible for him. They’ve started site-swapping and have been leaving a few dog toys in Teddy’s safe room for him to smell. Teddy was very exploratory today and was keen to walk around the house.

Teddy 2 days
 1 week: “Theodore is going well. He’s been very explorative and playful - to the detriment of my plants. We love how snuggly he is. He and my dog are getting along well, they’ve now been sleeping next to each other on the couch during movie nights and Theodore initiates cuddles with my dog much to our surprise. He loves his cat grass too!” He had some diarrhoea so he had a checkup at the vet. The vet said he was healthy and thought it was the stress of the transition. He’s been on gentle food and probiotics and has improved now.

Teddy, one week
 1 month: “He’s wonderful! He’s grown so much already, and is so chatty and cuddly. All his tummy trouble is cleared up, he just needs some sensitive food. He loves visitors and meeting new people. He’s a very happy little boy!”

Teddy 1 month

 Guy and Jack

1 day: Both are settling in well. As expected, they are sticking close to their safe room for the time being during the daytime, but they are currently just relaxing in the sofa in the sun. They are out exploring at night and the owners actually had a good play with them last evening. Both have been eating and drinking very well and have been using their litter trays. The owners have not yet made a decision about the names but it is looking like they will be keeping them as they are.


1 week: Jack and Guy only took a couple of nights to settle in. They are very active and playful in the evening and are loving the girls! Interestingly, Guy seems to have come out of his shell faster than Jack who seems more cautious. Guy now comes hunting for pats. Both have excellent appetites and are responding well to the feeding routine.
head to head
1 month: Jack and Guy have settled really well and are taking over the house as one would expect! Guy is a bit of a rascal and Jack is much more reserved. They are loving cuddles and pats and seem to have very strong appetites! Both are much more in their element now.
nose to tail


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thelma and Louise adopted

A young couple came today because she fell in love with them on our website. And she is a twin just like they are. I hope they will be very happy. But Venus and Muffin missed their upstairs mates when I pushed the Top Cat up to their condo this afternoon.

Where are they?

This was after Luna tried to find a way out of the Top Cat.

Got to be a hole here.

I had moved the Top Cat away from Jane's condo (still upstairs). Geoff positioned it there because Jane had climbed up to the top of the condos and was looking anxious about how to get down. She couldn't figure out a way of getting back into her new condo via the Top Cat. So I wheeled up Yuki, in her stand alone and Jane found a way home.

I can jump down from here

Geoff installed the rope wrapped pole prototype in Prue and Trude's enclosure. They weren't pleased at the attention and hated the drill noise. They hadn't tried the pole when I left. 

Geoff couldn't stay because he has been called to fire duty in Cessnock. He shouldn't be there too long. He has 4 more poles to wrap and install.

There are strange things happening to the Morten Bay Fig tree outside our balcony.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Terry does Wednesday magic

 A couple came in today to adopt Spot. They spent hours on the weekend deciding on her. And more hours this afternoon after doing her paperwork, revisiting all their new friends.

Spot's new people

Logan was adopted over the weekend and Angus looks lonely in the great big enclosure all by himself.

Angus alone

Perhaps he should swap with Mia who loves to play catch the dangly toy on a stick, with her door wide open, as demonstrated by Ainsley this morning. I was so impressed that I gave Mia a proper bed, rather than the small, folded towel that she had. She was pleased.We took down her modesty sheet and she seemed fine with that as well.

Sundae has been moved to where Tosca was. Tosca must have been adopted yesterday. Her coat looks as though she needs to go to the beauty parlor for a good shampoo and blow dry. She doesn't mind being brushed but it doesn't seem to do much good.
Jane's condo was opened when things quietened down for her to go for a wander. Somebody opened Kenzie's door as well. Within a few minutes they were both in Jane's condo and perfectly happy to stay together. How to get Kenzie back to her's? I waited and she didn't do it by herself. Eventually, Jane jumped up into Kenzie's condo and Kenzie moved into Jane's bed box. It was as though they had discussed it and came to a decision. I swapped the litter trays, the bedding, the water bowl, the food bowls and the name tags!
Jane upstairs

Kenzie downstairs

Somebody had attached the balls that run dye when wet into the condos. I took them out and threw them away. But I did save the clips that might come in handy. Mariko was apologetic that her Christmas toys are not safe for our cats. She came with more toys and gifts for us as well as three bags of Mother and Baby Cat crunchies that we had run out of. Mariko is a treasure.

I clipped them together and hid them in small balls drawer

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Westfield appearance: Joy reports

All went well but Peanut & Cherrie found it quite tiring! Luckily we were only there for 3 hours and Fiona bought them a lovely box to curl up in!

Peanut and Cherrie

Gillian & I posed for Instagram apparently! 

I sold one calendar. Nobody wanted to spend yet the cafes & food courts were all full!

Thank you for stand-alone instructions - all good,


Friday, December 8, 2023

Not forgetful, just busy

 Didn't take any photos today. We were running around like the proverbial headless chooks because tomorrow there is to be a Safe appearance at Westfield Shopping Centre in Chatswood and Tim is still sick so wasn't there to gather up all the stuff that the team will need. 

Sue was unsure about how to erect the stand alone required so I took photos of it laid flat in the hallway and with the help of vollie Stephen took photos of how it is erected. Then I described it in an email to go to the photos. Thank goodness for Stephen who could show me how to attach the photos to an email to several people!

Then Sue and I had to search Opie's room for the stuff that the vollies at the show can sell to the visitors. . . . there should be a price to pay for cuddling Blossom's kittens. We tried to get the sensible things. Even discovered a clip board with prices on it for Sue to send as an email to the Westfield vollies. And the instructions for using the Square to take any money. 

Tim would have done this in half an minute but he is still full of lurgi and is not welcome anywhere near us healthy types. 

I did manage to distribute chicken and discovered, to my horror that when I let out Aslan for his first wander of the day in the late afternoon, he immediately tried to steal any bits of chicken in the new enclosures. Mia hadn't eaten her bit. I had to pluck it out of Aslan's mouth. And then scurried ahead of him to push any odd bits to where he couldn't reach through bars to get to. He may be a smoocher but he is a determined feline.

Aslan in April
The last job I did with Sue was to weigh Elsa's kittens again. Elsa managed to belt Sue. . . again.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Forgetful Prue

 No photos again. I left my camera at home and my phone is still at the shop getting fixed.

Mariko had the day off from her jobs (one is a Haig's chocolates and she left some of their goodies). She reports that Rebel and Melody are getting on OK together. She can stroke Rebel with a stick. And she only has 3 mice left. Perhaps the mice died of fright because of the cat smell! Luckily the mouse breeder that she took the surplus from has given up breeding mice.

She brought, of course, a big bag of Christmas toys for the cats. They are in the form of three coloured, rope covered balls possibly with catnip inside which hang from a nifty hook. We put one on the handle if the box the Tosca hides in. The red ball managed to fall into her water bowl. And the water was stained bright red! 

I think she needs to get a refund from whoever sold her those cat toys.

A pair of Chinese ladies came to get their first cat (since the younger was 5 years old). They liked Molly whom they had seen on the website. And Dexter, and Yuki, and Angus and. . . . .  They have some preparation still to do at home before adopting one.

Since the beginning of the month, Margurete, Kittah and Hunter have been adopted. 

I schlepped two bags of washing, 1 bag of recyclables, a disgusting cat carrier and litter tray down to the loading zone and left them there. Rosanna has done the same thing. So I am not the only vacated minded vollie at the end of a long day. Luckily Sue was still then when I got home and can rescue the things I left behind.  I will get them on Friday.

Recent photo of Cody will have to do.

Upside down Cody

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Adoption Tails: Simon


1 day: He loves the spare room and has three places to hide and nap. He didn’t touch his dinner last night but ate breakfast and dinner today. He’s used his litter tray perfectly too. “He literally can’t get enough pats and scratches” and he has had half an hour of exercise play today. His owners sat at either end of the room and rolled a tennis ball to each other and he had so much fun chasing it. “When he goes into a sleeping place we take that as a sign he’s had enough, but within hours we’ll hear him meow and we’ll visit and have another pat play session. He seems pretty relaxed, we’re letting him set the pace”.
 When they visited SAFE yesterday, they didn’t intend to fall in love as they recently lost their previous cat. When his owners stood in front of his condo, Simon meowed at them and bunted their hands. Since he spoke up when they were deciding to adopt him, they renamed him Locutus, Latin for ‘the one who speaks’. For short, they’re calling him Locky.
4 days: His first adventure out of his safe room wasn’t a big deal. He’s happily napping while his owners are watching a movie. “Just likes being close to us, we couldn’t feel luckier to have found him”.
  1 week: He has really come out of his shell and sleeps on his owner’s pillow. His owners bought him a scratching post and some more toys, but he “can’t get enough pats”. They had 7 friends come over last night and he was getting pats from everyone before snoozing on the couch next to them. He is very social and loves the den they have made out of the TV cabinet. His owners have said “he’s perfect” and it’s a “match made in heaven”. “We appreciate him so much”.
one month
 1 month: “He was way too playful for either of us to keep up, so we got him a brother to play with”. His new sibling, Ninja, is three months younger and they play chase games, wrestle, and play with toys. “It’s a riot. He couldn’t be more spoiled. He’s a pretty happy boy, so much more affectionate now.”
2 months


Saturday, December 2, 2023

Adoption Tails: Fluffy and Little Monster

 Fluffy and Little Monster

1 day: Fluffy and Little Monster have settled in very well. They are eating well and using their litter tray. Monster is more confident and enjoys pats with everyone, loves to be on anyone's lap. Fluffy is a little more reserved but still happy. He likes pats and being picked up and rocked. They both love looking out the window and will wake the owner up in the morning to open up the blinds in the room so they can start bird watching. Monster has taken quite a shine to the owner's dad and loves being on his lap. They will be keeping their names. The owners all love them so much and Monster and Fluffy seem very happy and comfortable. Monster's nails need clipping which the owner is a little nervous for but she is very good natured. "They have already brought such joy to my family and we look forward to many happy years with them."

1 week: Monster and Fluffy are so good! Both settled very well and seem comfortable and happy with their new humans. Monster is still much more outgoing and attention seeking while Fluffy prefers a nice sunny spot to nap (but he still likes getting pats and cuddles). Monster will spread her time evenly between mum's lap, dad's lap and the owner's lap so none will get jealous! The family is so happy with them and cannot imagine life without them.
Mum's turn

1 month: Monster and Fluffy are great. Everybody is super happy, the cats get lots of attention and pats and cuddles all day. Fluffy is a snooze-a-holic. Monster is more playful and outgoing and loves being on a lap or chasing a ping-pong ball.

Adoption Tails: Chessie, Cookie

 Chessie = Jessie

1 day: “We are already loving our new fur baby.” She is doing great in her safe room! Her owners are surprised at how fast she is warming up to them and feeling comfortable. She's playing with them, climbing on her poles, using the scratching post, purring and being so affectionate and gentle. She already has a cheeky personality coming through! She only hid and hissed once. She is eating, drinking and using the litter, but hasn’t gone poo yet. They’re thinking of renaming her Jessie and she’s already starting to respond to it.
2 days: Her owners accidentally left her safe room door open a little and she explored on her own. She explored the house a bit before returning to her safe room and wanting to play with her owners. Her owners will let her decide when she wants to explore more and see how she goes.
2 days

3 days: They noticed fleas jumping off Jessie and onto the carpet. They needed to clean her safe room and wash all of the towels and blankets.
1 week: She’s great now. She was angry at her owners for a few days after the flea issue and her owner thought she would never come around. Fortunately, she really came out of her shell again yesterday. “She's sleeping with us, playing heaps and exploring the whole house.”
1 month: “She has been amazing” and “has come around in every aspect”. She doesn’t hiss, run away or get scared. “She loves attention and is so affectionate”. Her favourite toy is an elastic band and she loves to play fight.
1 month

Cookie, now Umami

1 day: She has done well so far and has been renamed to Umami. The owner has only had her in the ensuite as it is the easiest place for Umami to be kept away from the other resident cats for the next few days. The owner thinks the small space has been quite a good adjustment place and might graduate her to the bedroom plus the ensuite later. There is a little woollen cat cubby in there that she is very partial to. Umami has been eating ravenously (biome kibble and some fresh cooked chicken) and using the litter with no hassles. She has not had any further diarrhoea since coming home. Umami is gaining confidence each day and is asking for pats whenever the owner goes in. "She's quite chatty and chirpy". The resident cats know she's in there and have been sniffing under the door but the owner has not allowed any introductions yet. 

1 week: Umami is doing really well, pretty confident. She was introduced to the other cats on Friday and they're all playing together now. She's enjoying roaming the house and learning how to activate her microchip feeder! The family is amazed that she's slotted straight in, not hiding away at all.
1 month: Socially, Umami has done so well. All the cats got on basically straightaway and she settled into the house as soon as the owner let her out of the ensuite - no hiding or shy behaviour at all. Quite amazing! The owners feel very lucky to have 4 cats that are all friends, since they know people that have 2 that hate each other! They continue to have ongoing issues with Umami's toileting. Firstly, she does get poo in her tail every few days and then it tracks around the house. They have got a fibre/probiotic product that the vet recommending which they hope might help with the consistency. They also need to find a way to train her to check her cleanliness more! The owner thinks Umami has just missed this skill due to her unfortunate life during the formative months. Secondly, Umami tries to use the houseplants as additional litter trays. The owner is confident that she can be trained out of this but it has been a bit of a teething issue and drives the husband wild. Hopefully, it does not take too much longer for her to change those habits. Umami is definitely very happy. She's super social and loves playing with her siblings and chilling with the owners on the couch in the evenings.