Saturday, November 27, 2021

Adoption Tails: Names change

Autumn and Summer adopted Oct 5, 212
1 day: New owner says: "Summer is totally playful and she plays with us and also with Autumn. Autumn spends most of her time in the cage, but I make sure that she eats as much as Summer eats. They are easy cats and we love them! 

Summer and Autumn

They also now have new names: Summer is Mocha and Autumn is Vanilla.

1 week: Vanilla and Mocha are doing great. They had their vaccine.

1 month: Mocha and Vanilla are doing great and growing up fast.

Chris adopted Sept 9, 2021

Chris when he woke up no longer Cathy

1 day: Chris has been eating and using the litter right from the start.  His owner and her daughter are still debating names.

1 week: Chris is settling in well. They say that Chris is adorable and very affectionate.

1 month: His owner called me to give me an update on Chris, now Arche. He apparently is quite the character and very affectionate. He also likes to eat all food in sight. He ate a little lily the other day and had to go to the vet as a result. Never a dull moment with Arche.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The next day

 I went back to Bilgola Plateau and processed the adoptions of Sunny, Stormy and Sky. They are much loved kittens. Sky, the only boy, is the boldest, Sky is the sweetest, Stormy is the most agile (for example, in an attempt to keep them out of the kids' bedrooms they installed a sheet of cardboard at the top of a short flight of stairs that has clear perspex instead of railings (like modern swimming pools). Stormy can jump up to the top of the cardboard sheet (at least a meter) from the top step and then walk along the edge of the cardboard to get to where she can jump down into where she shouldn't be.


Sky or Sunny: only difference is a spot of orange on her head

Today when I arrived Tim was introducing a couple to Schnitty. I took over when one of them wanted to meet Fawny. They need a cat to replace their rescue cat who recently died because their small, 9 year old dog needs a cat companion as much as they do. That is why Schnitty was first choice as he is used to dogs. But one partner spotted Fawny who was in the process of being added to the web page because he is the same colour as their previous cat plus their dog. Reason prevailed and Schnitty was chosen. They bought lots of stuff to go with him because they wanted to support us. 

To compensate poor rejected Fawny, I fogged the play place and put him there. He had a marvelous time, alternatively hiding, playing peek-a-boo with Mayka and racing around like a lunatic. By tomorrow he may be calm enough for somebody to choose him.

Manic mood Fawny
The mystery of Dusty and her kittens name kidnap is that the person who found them in their back shed now wants to adopt them all. She gets naming rights and has given them Indian names. So Ashleigh and Edie were left-over names. Then another couple of kittens arrived and were given those names. Ashleigh is on meds and is very shy. Edie is the purrer.

Edie up front, Ashleigh hiding

We have boarders including our Taylor renamed Tutu.

Tutu, not happy
And Heinz, so named because he was put in a Heinz box and thrown in a river and rescued. His foster carer has gone to Berrima for the weekend. She adopted Petal previously. Petal is terrified of Heinz!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Pipped at the post

I thought I was going to outdo Terry today with 6 adoptions. 

First an author came from Northbridge (and from north America some time before that). Her previous cat died recently and she is bereft. When she saw Tiger's profile, she decided that a second toothless cat was just what she needed. She brought a young couple with her: an Asian woman and a middle eastern looking man. They too were enthusiastic. Tiger liked them all and drooled. So they know she drools and there were no complaints. They look forward to brushing her daily. She brought a box of food that her previous cat turned up her nose at.


Then a young couple came from Earlwood. . . . by public transport with shopping for cat beds and carriers on the way. They had met Scrat and Puss last week and have decided that they cannot live without them. I had softened up Scrat by having lunch with them. It was good to have a couple to do the paperwork: it halved the time it took even though he didn't know her mobile number off by heart. But who can remember more than one 10 digit number! They took a uber home. Scrat and Puss were the easiest cats EVER to get into carriers.
Puss on top of Scrat
 And another woman arrived with a pile of cat food that her cats won't eat.

I quickly cleaned and fogged the play place and put Schnitty there overnight. He wasn't so happy initially but will probably settle down. While I was processing Puss and Scrat a couple of Chinese women came in to visit the cats. They asked where all our cats had gone. Adopted, said I. Hurrah, said they.

After quickly seeing the visitors out and feeding everybody, I took off to Bilgola Plateau to process the adoption of 3 fostered kittens. That would make my daily tally 6 cats. A record! 

On my way I thought that perhaps tomorrow morning might be a better time than at 6pm. When I got there the mum (the adopter) was still collecting the kids from after-school sports. The dad agreed with me that it might all go better when the kids were at school, or at least fed and out of the way. So we made a date for tomorrow morning.

Then, almost home, I had to drop off some Bravecto for Lasagne/Laurie who is now called Rory. I was instructed to phone the son when I got there. I couldn't quite figure out if the cat lives at the house I was at or somewhere else. It would have been great to see him.

PS There are two kittens in Incoming with Dusty's kittens' names. But they are not grey kittens. So something has happened. Dusty is nowhere to be seen. My guess is that she and her kittens have been put out to foster and the only sign with "2-4months" was put on these new kittens. One is unwell. The other, a ginger, purrs like a trooper.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Adoption tails: Second time perfect for Soxy

 Soxy was adopted for the second time on Sept 10, 2021. I have waited for more than two months just to make sure that he has found his perfect place.

Soxy in October, 2020

1 day, 11/9: Irene thinks this time Soxy hit the jackpot. His new guardian seems to understand him and Soxy is doing very well. He is eating, using his litter box and purring up a storm when patted. He loves sitting in a cardboard box lined with a blanket. It's his safe place he goes back to as he is adjusting to his new space.

1 week: Soxy is doing good. He has been learning about reflections recently.

1 month: Soxy is getting right at home now. He has his own little "away from people" spots he goes to during the day but he loves attention during the afternoon and night.

Soxy in August, between owners, August 2021

Since then: not a peep.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Cat training

 You may have noticed a number written on each cat's name card. 

1 and 2 category cats are very stressed and they may hide or show aggression.

3 and 4 category cats seem friendly and may bump into you while you clean their condos.

The number 1 cats on Naughty Row look much less stressed when they smell my chicken coming.

Casper loves chicken

Remi will eat from the spoon

Lucky forgets to spit

Victor will rub my hand through the mesh just at the thought of chicken. I can never get his door open because he reaches the spoon through the gap. As does Amy. I fed  her chicken through the holes in her perspex! Her kittens didn't have a chance of any. 

Kittbells loves chicken too but Rula was so chilled she wasn't bothered one way or the other.

And Coco wasn't offered any because she is getting everybody's grass.

Goldie's ear looks so sore. He has been treated for mites and fleas and it got better for a while but looks much worse now. Didn't stop him wanting seconds, and thirds of chicken.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 We had three visitors today.

1. Was a long time supporter. She adopted her second cat, Rigby (perhaps) from AWL Ingleside to be company for her childhood cat Annastasia. Annie loathed him on sight and has ever since. Nevertheless, she is an enthusiastic cat lover. She brought in a handsome cat igloo that Annie had only deigned to sleep in once and a cat tunnel that goes around corners. She often picks up and delivers our cats to vet appointments. So I showed her around. If Dexter disappears one day, she will be first suspect. The second may be me (us redheads need to stick together).


Then the man who adopted Billie to go with his problem boy cat came in to give us his surplus stuff, including litter, 3 beds, a water fountain (without the filters which he will bring in later with the surplus toys). All this stuff he bought from us in the hope of enticing Billie to settle in well. She settled in exceedingly well. The boy cat used to be on anxiety meds before she came, now he is not and is perfectly happy with her. 

The third visitor came at 3:40 to adopt Oreo. It was the fastest adoption I have ever done. She was determined to have him and seems to be the perfect mum for him.

And today Kingsley came out of his bed condo at breakfast to reveal that he has only three legs! I didn't know. So now we have three three legged cats: Petey, Kingsley and Charlie. Will the next one be called Jake?


As soon as Oreo left, I cleaned his wheely cage and moved Fawny into it. His collar is off. Time to be on the website.


I also moved Rula into Callie's condo. She seemed very interested in her new across the way neighbours.

We have a new cat, Mr MaGoo who has a cattitude sign but I think it might have just been initial grumpiness.

Mr MaGoo

But Jackie definitely has the shits again even though she has been moved out of Boarding.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Adoption tails: superior cats

 Lola is very happy in her new home and often finds places to look down on her people.

Lola on the microwave


Octavia used to look down on us before she was adopted.

Octavia in a hammock

But now, at home she "is still a princess but also accepts pats more willingly."

Octavia snuggles, plays, sleeps

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Second three legger

 Some months ago somebody brought in a tiny ginger kitten who I fed catmilk with a syringe (needle-less needless to say). 

Nameless kitten
It was whisked off to a foster home and is now back with us and called Dexter. I am surprised that he did not cause a foster fail. He is seriously cute.

He was next door to Cherry who was waiting to be collected by the person who adopted her last weekend. But that person reneged. So Sophie and I moved her into the welfare cat room. Before the afternoon was over she had the "I have been adopted" sign on her condo. The people who missed her last weekend are doubly thrilled to get her this weekend. She is not thrilled.

And Jumi is back. The person who adopted him had a housemate (recent, temporary) who developed asthma when the cat came home. We all thought "wrong choice of whom to ask to leave, mate!"

Mayka is back but Tinker is still in foster care. I never learned who was who. I can't tell if we got the shy one back or the bolder on. And she is not telling!


There are new cats in Incoming as well. Including Charlie who featured on our Facebook Page on Nov 8. He has had his left front leg amputated to try to correct the damage done by a car or a bus some months ago. Cats' ability to live with pain is amazing. He has been with the vet for some days.
And there is a Stella. Don't know her story. And she isn't saying anything.


She is next door to Trixie who is keen to go.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Wet outside and inside

 There was a thunderstorm this morning and torrents expected further north. But that all stayed outside. I created the wet inside by putting the emptied food tins in the sink to give them a bit of a clean before putting them into my rubbish tin for a fortnight. I turned on the tap, took the spoon back to the feeding desk and got distracted. Later when I went to go to the toilet before the vollies arrived, I discovered the sink overflowing and water streaming down the corridor. Oh dear! The floor there is now clean and my shoulders are tired from mopping. Thank goodness for the centrifugal mop!

Lots of cats were adopted over the weekend including Jumi, Sammy with Daisy, Garfield, Cherry (still with us waiting to be picked up) and Leo. I tried to get brownie points to counter the flood deficit by putting together 5 cat carriers.

Cherry waiting to be taken home

The man who adopted Jumi rang to say that his housemate (temporary) is allergic to Jumi. I did not say "Tough luck, get rid of the housemate." I said he should talk to Tim tomorrow.

Amy has a neighbour whom she loathes. That seems to be the usual reaction with Amy. She loathes us who feed her. She is sitting on her tummy so that her kittens can't feed from her while we are around. But she is not nearly as attacky as she used to be. I gave her kittens a dry bed (they made the flood by jumping on their water bowl) Two of them have claimed it. The third is on the outer.

Amy's kittens
I took this photo after I had carefully unfolded the bed that the kittens had carefully folded in half so that only two kittens would fit on it.

Amy's neighbour is Dusty. She has two adorable, friendly kittens who are grey, just like her.

And there is a heavenly kitten out back in Boarding called Lilly. It was very hard to get a photo of her because she wiggles with joy when a person is around. She has been desexed so will only be with us for the shortest time possible.

Below her is Cookie and her four kittens who have a very strange collection of names: Bianca, Raja, Violet and Evie!
Cookie with Raja, Bianca, Violet and Evie
I now know how Scrat got his name.  He and Puss are now in the play place. They need more space than a double condo. When I swept their floor he ran off to hide in a small space. Later when I mopped the floor beside the play place he again ran off to hide in a small space. So he is a Scardy Cat = Scrat.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Adoption Tails: Easy peasy

 Malabar was gradually introduced to Charli and had her name changed to Carlile. Now they get along like a house on fire (who wouldn't get on with Charli) and play together every night.

Carlile and Charli

Charli and Caralile

And Bibi settled in immediately. She remembers how good a home is.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Driving Ms Potter

 She had to go to SH to get a microchip and be vaccinated. As Bron lives 3 minutes from me, I picked up Potter on my way there early because my tennis was cancelled. Potter cried half the way there. When I turned off my windshield wipers, she stopped crying. On the way home, no rain, she only peeped once. I wonder what she can hear that I cannot. At the cattery she tucked herself into the smallest space.

One cat came in to board crying non stop. It was our Marmalade. His owner was just as upset but determined to go to the Blue Mountains for the weekend. She told me lovely stories of how happy Marmalade is at home and how in control he likes to be. His favourite toy is the feather on a string when it disappears under the edge of the rug. He has his favourite vantage points and his owner is his favourite person (everybody else gets hissed at). He settled down quietly when she left until Tim visited him when they both sobbed. . . . almost.
My heart almost stopped when I saw that Scrat and Puss's stand alone had a "Please Clean" sign on it. But they have only been moved to Thelma and Louise's condo. They don't seem too happy not to be able to cuddle up together in a hammock.

Puss (top) and Scrat

And Sammy has been moved to the stand alone beside Beauty who was off at the vet being desexed. I do not know where Mayka and Tinker have gone.


Sammy is a delightfully friendly cat. But he is a bit of a chicken monster. Although not to the extent of Rebel who must have been raised on BBQ chicken from his reaction to it. Victor is much the same.

Jumi was adopted today to a young man who chose him over Daisy of the dazzling eyes.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Foster tails: speaking of Magnus

I got this from his new owner:

Thought I’d send you this picture of Winston and Magnus for your blog. On the whole they are settling in together well -- but Magnus has proven to be an energetic, playful and vocal kitty, whilst Win is more sedate and snoozy!

Here they look like two little rescues looking to the future together…
Magnus and Winston

And when Winston was adopted from AWL Ingleside his name was Merry. So they are M & M . . . sweet.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Foster tails: Ashleigh, etc

 Ashleigh came to us in May last year and promptly presented us with two pretty kittens. Eventually the kittens were adopted but Ashleigh rejected all overtures of friendship despite many overtures from volunteers.

Time passed and she still spent all her time hiding in her condo until Sandy took her home where she hid in "her" room. It took months and the studious ignoring from Sandy's flock of cats for Ashleigh to come out of her room and discover that friends, both feline and human are not all bad.

Ashleigh and Franky

(Excuse the photo. Neither Sandy nor I are computer savy enough to know how to get a photo from a phone into a computer. I resorted to taking a photo of the photo she sent to my mobile from her mobile phone.)

Daisy was in foster care when she had kittens. She is taking too long to be adopted for such a sweet thing (despite her manic eyes).


Diego was in foster but was swapped for Ebony. He is getting less hissy every week with us. So either he is mellowing with age or he didn't like his previous home.


Mayka and Tinker are back from foster care and seem much the same. . . . but may relax when they get used to the change. All cats hate change.

I am sure that Magnus is having a magnificent time lording it over his foster carers. Who could give him back?