Friday, March 31, 2023

Adoption Tails: Deacon, May and Mercury

 Deacon, aka Mo

 1 day: He’s going well. He has used the litter tray multiple times and is eating his food and drinking. He’s getting used to his new home. He meows a bit when he’s left alone but settles down quite quickly. 

Deacon, 1 day

 1 week: He’s doing great. He has explored the rest of the house and loves it. They’ve renamed him Mo.
1 month
: He’s going well! He’s developed a bit more of a habit of biting and scratching hands but they are redirecting him to toys and his scratching post. He’s now very comfortable around the house and the vet said he was healthy at the checkup.

He is currently boarding with us.

 May, aka Klaus

1 week: Everything is going well

May (They didn't send any photos)

1 month: He is very well. He has been renamed Klaus 

Mercury, aka Pippi

 1 week: He has been receiving non-stop love, care and attention from the owner’s three sons, who renamed him Pippi. His safe room is the youngest son’s room, where he sleeps on the bed. He has begun exploring outside the safe room and wanders around the house with ease. He loves being with humans, never scratches, and has been eating and using the litter tray without worries. He loves watching the owner’s sons play outside.

Pippi, 1 week


A recurring pattern?

Today Marmalade and Duke went to be desexed. 

Duke and Marmalade

They are both ginger,  have been with us since they were tiny kittens and it was just assumed that they were both boys. They came back Marmalade and Duchess! They had a lovely trip to the vet on a sunny morning. They haven’t, perhaps, ever seen or felt sunshine. They pressed their bodies against the door of their carry cage to absorb the warmth.

And we are not quite sure if Saffron is a boy or a girl. His/her tummy has the typical, desexed female sag/spare handbag. We did manage to remove the remaining clumped bits of fur from his/her side this afternoon with the rechargeable trimmer.

The fluffy pair of the C kittens originally named Clementine, Claudius, Cornelius and Cordelia and all tortie, to a greater or lesser degree, went to be desexed and came back to their sisters all with Elizabethan collars this weekend. (The vast majority of torties are girls and if they are boys they are XXY and sterile which would save us money.) A group of young folk who are about to move into a flat where they have permission to have a cat came to look at some of our older cats. Then they saw the C kittens and fell for them. They will watch the website like demons and come in at the first listing to claim one.

There was lots of mixing of cats in the Top Cat in spread out mode. . . ie rather than just being the extension of one condo, you can stretch the Top Cat so that is creates a ”fenced” area in Welfare. Most cats don’t seem to realize that they can scale the mesh sides of the condos and climb up to the top where they can hide amongst the carriers (which is a great relief. Even though Opie often clambers up there to lord it over everybody else). So we mixed Tibby, Tabby, Alfredo, Helena and Kate who all got on well. After we put them away, we wheeled in Lola and let her out. She hissed at some cats but eventually agreed to play with a fluffy wand toy. She put herself back into her stand alone after 20 minuets so I wheeled her out and rewarded her with the chicken remnants. She licked the spoon clean.
Outside the Top Cat, Tiger, Ginger George and Maxwell all enjoyed separate, stretchy walks to entertain the confined cats in that area. Opie disported himself in Incoming.

Opie on (Katie's) his desk

Maxwell is a very handsome boy. His squinty right eye is because that eyelid has had surgery to correct  an inward roll which made his eyelashes scratch his retina. It doesn't stop him talking. . . as long as there is someone  to talk back to  him.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Jolene is boarding

 Her new owner picked her up as planned but then a pipe burst in her apartment so Jolene is staying with us for a week while it is fixed. The vollies were overjoyed. She got lots of cuddles. She wears a very fetching pink collar which matches her ears.

This morning a couple arrived to look at Prada (adopted over the weekend), Milo and Baloo who walked straight into their hearts. Their 20year old cat died late last year and they were ready to fall in love. Baloo was IT. They got the urinary problems are common in cats especially in highly (in-)bred ones lecture and went away very happy.

Baloo last week

We have a new B cat who lives where Tiger used to be: ie beside Biscuit and above Bissie. She came from a vet where there were barking dogs and she attacked the vet nurses. She seems as sweet as she can be with us. Her back end is bronzed.
Because Baloo vacated the stand alone, Maxwell moved in. He came into quarantine with rampant ring worm but is all good now. He likes to chat. All you have to do is look at him and he will talk to you.

Salazar is settling into his AWL condo slowly. The vet decided that he has a dicky heart as well as a warty chin. He wouldn't survive chin surgery. We should offer him to somebody who wants a fragile but super-loving cat to foster.

Saffron has moved into Salazar's old digs above Bassuria and Julie. He looks somewhat overwhelmed. His owner visited over the weekend and is adamant that we not "give him away" to anybody else. He is still boarding with us.


Julie and Bassuria

Milo has a funny toe.

Milo's missing toe

what about the other foot?

Friday, March 24, 2023

Jolene adopted

 That is what the sign on her condo says. But she is still with us and will be here until next Wednesday. And she will come back in May when her mum goes on holiday. Her mum is keen to volunteer with us so we will get lots of updates about her and photos.

Jolene adopted
The paperwork wasn't done until I muddled through the process early this afternoon. So she was still on our website. There were lots of disappointed potential adopters but Katie chose her new person because she doesn't have any other small critters in the house. She will need to take great care of those tender back legs.

The small stand alone beside the merch shelves has been moved into Incoming and has an occupant from Greenacre. Paprika was rescued from a local who throws boiling water over the stray cats to get rid of them. Some cats have had been blinded by this treatment. Paprika looked at me and blinked. She is fine.

Salazar didn't feel well today. His breathing was laboured and he didn't eat his breakfast! So after being on laps all morning he was taken to the vet this afternoon. Dr Chris couldn't hear anything wrong with his heart. All the TLC probably cured him.

Lola had a wander around this afternoon. She behaved very well. I took advantage of her absence from her stand alone to change all her bedding. She appreciated it when I enticed her back inside with chicken.

Clean Lola
At chicken time I couldn't entice Charlie and Champ out of their cat carrier even though this is the most I have ever seen of them.

 one leg of Charlie or Champ

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Adoption Tails: Beans


1 day: Beans is settling in very well. He has been eating all of his food immediately and has been regularly drinking and using the litter tray. He explored the carrier, ensuite, wardrobe, and then the bedroom. He’s very friendly, loves scratches and “has the most beautiful purr”. His owners used a pom-pom to play with him in the evening. He started chatting to them in the afternoon. He’s still very cautious of random noises but will come up to his owners for attention. He’s already very inquisitive, and comfortable and has been interested in the rest of the house.

Confidently exploring the house

2 and 3 days: They’ve been actively stopping him from walking out of his safe room so he definitely wants to explore. He’s been sleeping in the ensuite and is happy to stay there overnight. Beans wanted to explore so they let him wander through the living room. He explored it with healthy caution and is now very comfortable walking through the apartment. Beans met two family members and he was happy to be pet and have a play.
Leash training begins
1.5 weeks: Beans has had issues scratching spots on his neck. He went to the vet and has to wear a scarf for a week. He was very well-behaved at the vet. He’s now being a very cheeky boy sneaking into the kitchen when he knows he’s not allowed. He tried sitting at the table this morning to get a share of breakfast. Beans was very lucky that his patch was too low on his neck for a cone, so he has to wear a scarf instead.
A stylish bandana instead of a cone

1 month: He’s settled in really well! He’s still always looking for food and scoffs down anything he’s given but is otherwise very comfortable in and around the home. He’s absolutely adorable and they’ve been having fun exploring and training. They’re working on leash walking so he can get a little bit of supervised outdoor time. He’s still a bit nervous around new noises but enjoyed walking in the apartment stairwell. Beans is currently having a sleepover with their in-
Waiting to be picked up from in-laws

laws. He had a practice visit last weekend and is settling in there nicely.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Adoptions Tails from foster: Prince Azriel, Timi

 Prince Azriel,  aka Billy

1 day: He’s doing very well.1 week: He is so curious. He was exploring the house on his first day and is dying to go outside.1 month: He has been renamed Billy. He is doing so well. He is settled, happy and very cheeky. He is one of the most affectionate kittens the owner has met and is also quite wild. “We are very happy with him”

 Timi, aka Mooncake

1 day: She is settling in very well. She’s using the litter tray well and has been eating and drinking well. She has been super playful and is becoming more friendly with her owners. She has been renamed Mooncake.

Mooncake, 1 day

1 week: She is doing well and has been exploring the rest of the apartment. She is very playful and interactive.



3 days
: She is great. Her safe room is the bathroom and she loves to sleep in the sink. She is running around and playing with her new older brother Max. She chases him around and they pounce and play until they’re both tired and then they sleep across from each other. They have been eating from the same bowl and are using the same litter box. They will be keeping her name. 

Ginger George conquers Vicky

 This afternoon when it was quiet, I let Ginger George out for a wander. Vicky said that she is wary of him. So I sat him on my lap and brushed him. Gave the brush to Vicky. Ginger wandered over to her to get more. Love at first brush stroke!

Vicky and Ginger George

Earlier she asked me about Salazar because she was writing up his profile. I told her how cuddly he is. Eventually a vollie was giving him a hug (or vice versa) and I told her to take him into Opey's room where Vicky was so that she could see for herself what a smoocher he is. He reminds me of Jimmy Durante . . . . short, kind of ugly but very lovable with a great voice. Here is a photo of him when he had been with us for less than a week.
Salazar and Katie
Calvin is a contortionist cat. He still has a weepy eye but seems fine otherwise. And Vivienne is getting more loving by the minute.
Joy took some photos of the Quarantine cats for us:
Genie, sister of Rajah


Marmalade and Duke  

And Maxwell who has recovered from his ringworm and was happy to have a clean condo at last.

Around 3:30pm a couple arrived laden with bags of "towels and sheets". I said "thank you for the towels but no thank you to the sheets". They gave us one bag of towels (4) and took away 5 bags of sheets. (Phew). They got the quick whip around to meet the cats as a reward for thinking of us as they downsize. They have a cat at home who they hope to pass on to a daughter-in-law. As it is a Burmese, I am sure that that will work.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Adoption Tails: Amber, Pumpkin and Midnight, Peach


 1 day: She is going great. She is gaining confidence after a day to run around the house and approach them for pats. She has been eating, drinking, and using the litter tray with no trouble.

Amber, day 1
 2 days: “We are already in love with Amber”. She was very timid at first and kept her distance but now she is very talkative and will flop down for pats.

Amber, 1 week
1 week: She is going great. She is opening up more all the time and is more affectionate. She’s still a bit skittish when she is in new parts of the house, but she is really doing very well.

Amber, 1 month

1 month: She certainly is getting much more confident. She has been sleeping on their beds during the day now. “We absolutely love her”. She has picked her favourite person, their son. Probably because he plays with her the most. She has officially become an adult cat and looks a lot bigger than she did a month ago. She is super energetic and always ready to play or hunt toys. She still doesn’t really like being picked up but she purrs like crazy when they pet her and scratch under her chin. She is a lot calmer now, but she is a ball of energy and runs around the house in the evenings. She is always very curious about the outside and tries to get out when they open the door so they’ve been very careful.

Pumpkin and Midnight

1 day: They are both settling in well. They are both eating, drinking and using their litter trays. Midnight is very playful and adventurous. Pumpkin is slowly getting more comfortable with her new family and her new home. Last night, Pumpkin and Midnight were playing together.

Midnight, day 1

 1 week: They are doing really well. Both have explored further around the house. They spend their time on the couch and chairs and aren’t hiding so much. Midnight is still feeding a couple of times a day from Pumpkin when she allows him. 

Pumpkin, day 1
1 month: “I cannot believe it’s been a month, they are such a part of the family. They are very confident exploring the house and finding nooks to explore. They seem very settled and comfortable and have their favourite chill spots.”

Peach = Hinata

1 day: She has been renamed Hinata, which is a Japanese name meaning towards the sun. She ate a few treats on her first night and peed in her litter tray. On her second night, she seemed interested in the food so her owner brought wet food for her. She couldn’t wait for it to be put down before starting to eat it. Hinata didn’t mind the owner next to her while she was eating. She has a nightlight which keeps her relaxed. She has been napping with her back towards her owner.

Peach, 1 month
1 week: Hinata is doing well. She has explored her safe room and has even opened the door by herself to venture further. She met the resident cat, Bobby. She tries to cosy up to him and he completely ignores her. She has started pooping regularly and enjoys licking the gravy from her wet food. Her owner says “she’s such a cute character” and loves seeing her roll around trying to get Bobby’s attention. Hinata answers Bobby’s meows for attention with little squeaks. She looks like she wants to play with different strings and toys but is a bit shy still.

Peach/Hinata, 1 month

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Adoption Tails: Johnny, Aladdin

 Mack, previously Johnny

1 day: He’s doing really well. Very quiet and smoochy. Lots of purrs and love bites. He hasn’t eaten much but is drinking and toileting fine. A few hisses at the other cats and dog under the door which is normal. But he doesn’t seem to be too stressed about anything. The owner has renamed him ‘Mack’.

Johnny = Mack, 1 day

1 week: Mack is doing really well. Still a few hisses here and there at the resident cats and dog but no actual confrontations. He is a very funny little man. Super affectionate and sassy. Very big voice! "I love him." The owner thinks he will be fine, just needs a little longer for all the pets to get to know each other.
Mack and dog, 1 month
1 month: Mack has certainly made himself at home now. He is an absolute crack up. Very boisterous and cheeky and insanely greedy. "He is mad and I love him".
Mack + 2, 1 month

Toshi, previously Aladdin

1 day: Aladdin is settling in beautifully. He wasn’t keen to stay in his safe room and he had been out roaming and playing. He is very affectionate, gentle and inquisitive. He is eating and drinking (preferably from the owner's glass of water). The family loves him! They are working through names at the moment and will be deciding on one over dinner tonight. He’s used the litter tray as well as a couple of other spots in the house (He’s only toileted on the family's old dog’s bed so the owner thinks it may have been marking more than anything else. They will keep him in his safe place (the laundry) with short periods out in the connected lounge area.

1 week: Toshi is the perfect kitten. He is confident and curious, chilled and playful. Knows where his toilet is which makes for a happy cat mum and has been exploring the house.

1 month: Toshi rules the roost! He is divine and the whole family loves him dearly. He loves exploring the backyard (under supervision) and to play with leaves which he brings in from outside throughout the day. He's started taking to the wife's pillow early in the morning and licking her forehead. His favourite spot to sleep is still on the wife's desk while she works. They will have a golden retriever puppy arriving in 3 weeks, so that will be a transition for Toshi but they have done the research to introduce the two mindfully and carefully. The family will make sure the pup "knows who's boss". Toshi will also have access to areas of the house the puppy will not, so he can feel secure and safe. The family is so happy Toshi came into their lives. "Thank you SAFE for bringing us together and for raising him with love until he was ready to join our family."