Friday, June 30, 2023

Missed out

As expected, several folk came yesterday to adopt Hank having come earlier in the week and not deciding on the spot to take him. They were disappointed. But we do tell folk that we don't "bags" cats. It is a matter of "first out or the house, best dressed."

 I didn't find time to sew the name tag pockets on the rest of the aprons this afternoon. I will try again next Wednesday. And I forgot my pinny so had to wear an apron, with my name on it much to the delight of the few remaining vollies and relief of the visitors.

A pair of young women came to spend time with the cats. Perhaps they came to us rather than go to the cat cafe over the hill on Eastern Valley Way. It is called Jiji's and charges $15 each to spend 20 minutes with their cats. These women spent at least an hour socializing with the cats who were out. They didn't get a cup of coffee though.

And a couple came to check out our cats. I gather they are fosterers and currently have a foster cat for just a few weeks more. They (she rather then he) is well up on our cats for adoption list as well as other shelters' lists. Are they shopping around for the nicest foster cat? Tiger gave them the regal swipe. Ginger George loved them. (But he doesn't need fostering. He needs a home. . . . and more food.)

Ginger George
Robyn caught Helena and Callie investigating his stand alone on Wednesday. (No surplus food there!)

Callie, inside and Helena in GG's stand alone

She also got a good photo of Leon who looks better than he did (believe it or not).


Aslan has a scratch on his nose. (When I went to take a photo and my camera battery went flat.) I suspect it was Simon because I'd put everybody else back in to let out Aslan after I let out Simon and Ruby who deigned to come out too. It certainly wasn't Lucky who was back in his condo and he wouldn't scratch a fly. (He made friends with both lots of visitors).

Lucky on Wednesday (Robyn's photo)
When I left Davo was having a wander and Geoff was in charge of the race of the Maggie brood.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Going, going. . . . .

 Joy spent ages this afternoon trying to get a decent photograph of Hank to go with his profile on our Available for Adoption webpage. He was more interested in cuddles than posing. Mid afternoon a mum and her daughter arrived to look for a replacement cat for their beloved one whom they adopted from Peggy Brown's branch of AWL 14 years ago (when the daughter was 5). He had just died. I think they said his name was Oscar when they adopted him and I looked up the old blog. There were lots of Oscars at Peggy's. But the one that seemed to match their story was adopted by a family of three boys. But this is a family of 2 girls. Perhaps I got the name wrong . . . . or the story wrong 14 years ago!

Anyhow, I think it is a match made in heaven. They have a pair of suburban kelpies and spend time in a flat in Newport and on a farm. So Hank will have a devoted teenager, a pair of dogs that will know where he is all the time, and a life full of adventure, on a harness and leash. (I sold them one and explained how to train a human to walk a cat).


Then I sewed plastic pockets on the aprons so that vollies can insert their name tag and everybody will know who is whom. The name tags are in a box on the desk next to the Japanese cat. If your name isn't there, write it on the bit of paper there and I will write a tag for you. I will finish off the job on Friday. And will welcome feedback on how they work out.

(The aprons need to be washed. That strip of tap to signify a pocket used to be white.)

Good news that Biscuit was adopted over the weekend. Lucky them. And Davo is where she used to be.

He must have some Asian genes: with those pointy ears, almond shaped eyes and ultra thin tail.

What does Roger have in him? . . . apart from germs and fungi.


And of course, as Joy was taking the photos, there were lots of Kat.

Robyn came to spend some time with the cats. Everybody was happy to see her.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Happy Pearl

 Today I discovered that it was our Arc who adopted Pearl. What a relief. I imagined that he was devastated that she had been snatched from him. She loved him best at Safe Haven. And from the photos loves him best at home too.


A woman came in today to do the paperwork to adopt Aster. She had been taken off the list because of the ringworm spot on her ear. But this woman and her daughter had seen her and fallen in love. They are convinced that she will fit right in with their 16 year old cat and doodle dog. And they are happy to wait until mid July to pick her up. She will be much bigger then than she is in this photo with her sibling River.

And a couple came in with Luna, aka Maisy whom one of them adopted 3 years ago from us. They are going to move in together and are uncertain whether their separate cats will get on well together. So Luna is getting time out with us while they sort out the move.
Maisy/Luna tells of when she arrived.

Kat has some bare patches under both ears. It is probably food sensitivity. Ringworms are not bilateral. She really wants her own person to love.


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Grass is greener

 When it is on the other side of the fence.

Notice that he is outside the area that usually contains him. To get him back to where he belonged, I lifted the tray of well chewed grass over the fence.
Kate and Simon
And Kate came out of her condo to try some. She usually stays inside while Helena roves around looking for any dishes that might have some left over breakfast in the open condos.
Helena, I think
Virgo has moved to where Coco and her sisters were, next door to Chia. Coco and one of her sisters (Muffin) were adopted over the weekend. The last sister, the shyest one, Venice, is above Thelma and Louise on Better Row. She spent the entire day in her litter box. No way was she moving out of it to let us clean it, or to eat breakfast, or dinner. She is Miserable without her siblings.

Maggie and her five have moved into the play place. They like it and are masters of the big, ring thing already. While I cleaned their area, Maggie forgot herself and rubbed up against my legs. And at early dinnertime her fluffy tuxedo was so jealously guarding a small toy, growling away his brothers and sisters, that he missed out on dinner. I told Tim who offered to give them a second dinner later.

Friday, June 16, 2023


 I noticed today that the Morten Bay Fig that grows on the cliff opposite our verandah is not looking well. A section of it's leaves are yellowed. Morten Bay Fig trees do not loose their leaves in autumn. I suspect it might be happening because somebody, with a chain saw, cut through the roots that run down the cliff face to the gutter beside our driveway. This may have been a spectacularly stupid thing to have done. Time will tell.

In the meantime, two of Virgo's boys have been adopted. She looks much more relaxed than she did when she had five boy kittens. Here she is with everybody piled on top of her. Her daughter is wearing the collar.
Virgo +4

 And Jordan got adopted. Of course. 

Milo has a leave by date: June 24. He can't wait to get home.


Maeve has moved to above Chia et al. She might regret the move because they are a rowdy lot and she enjoyed the peace and quiet of the Boarding row. I didn't have any trouble moving her. She stayed in her box. If you miss Opie, he might be hiding in the blue box in the foyer.

Where's Opie?

Geoff spent some time trying to ensure that the Top Cat is safe for the folk who set it up. There is a cord at the top between the middle bit and one side that ensures that the "roof" does not fall onto somebody's head when it is swung over and that cord is not in place. If you disconnect the cord in order to make it a line rather than a 3 sided square, please put it back when the apparatus is stashed or the next folk might be brained.

Geoff might be whisked off to Canada to help with the wild fires there. The organisers are overwhelmed so it might not happen which will be good for us. But imagine what interesting critters he could rescue in the Canadian wilderness!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

I thought it smelled funny

 Last week when I moved Gingi/y into Incoming from Boarding I noticed that not only was his bedding very wet, it smelled funny. I told Tim that he should take it to Dr Chris because the smell might be diagnostic. I don't know if Tim took the wet bedding (I wouldn't want that smell in my car!) or if Gingi/y provided another sample at the vets. But it seems that he has diabetes which is why he pees voluminously and why he has lost half his body weight ( 7 to 3.5 Kg). Now he is off the steroids and will have to go back to VetO to get his insulin dosage figured out. 

Every time I try to take a photo of Kenzie who is sitting quietly watching what is going on, she ducks back into her sleeping box. She has quite a lot of ginger below her chin which is very pretty.

We left Max in the Top Cat. He was so pleased to get a pot of grass this afternoon that he let me pat him. I thought he needed to be rewarded.
The photographer came today. She is allergic to cats so has to take an antihistamine pill before she arrives and still sneezes. Such devotion! She was told to take photos of Jordan and Aslan. I got to help her by letting her keep her distance. (Joy took these photos).


The Instagram shot of me brushing Ginger George is up to 8800+ views! He is such a charmer.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Pink carpet

 The blue Cousins bin (of cardboard/paper waste) was emptied today. But the red bin wasn't. Never mind. I promptly refilled the blue bin with the boxes that were delivered with merchandise for us to sell. Included were 5 large boxes with 4 large cat carriers in each. It took some time to put the first one together. But the second one was much quicker. It is a superior cat carrier and comes with a spare screw and a water/food bowl that attaches to the door. And the price was right.

And the blue bin is full again.

Two visitors this afternoon. One was doing the paperwork for Martini who is in a foster home. I assumed that Martini was a boy name (perhaps influenced by memories of Dean Martin). But this Martini is a girl. The new printer had a conniption fit and needed Katie and Tim's attention to get it to print out the relevant forms.

The other visitor spent lots of time looking for two boy cats, preferably with long hair to adopt. All his family have long haired cats. Kenzie and Hanna would have been perfect. . . . if they were boys (and available).

Hanna enjoyed her grass this afternoon
He fell in love with short haired Jordan. . . what is not to love.

And with Aster who is a girl and short haired.

And with Virgo's brood of boys who will be available later this weekend.

Eventually he decided to come back later this weekend when he has consulted his partner (who has 3 cats and a labradoodle) and his daughter who lives with him.

In the meantime, Maxwell had a bath yesterday. The water was brown. But he still looks grubby.

And Davo is wrapping the staff around his shaved paws.


 And finally I couldn't resist taking a photo of the house a few doors up the street with the newly landscaped front yard. Camellias have been spectacular this year.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Second bin

 We now have two Cousin waste bins and one paper Cousin bin. They emptied one of the two waste bins this morning but not the paper bin. But they did empty the paper bin earlier in the week. All good progress. We will hang onto our Willoughby bins until the Cousins are working twice a week, every week.

Geoff brought us a cat who had been found tick bit in a bit of bushland that his firey friends were burning off. The cat went to the vet for paralysis treatment and has recovered. Dean asked me what kind of cat he was. I answered "a shaved cat". He is very, very friendly. Goodness knows how he found his way into the bush. His name is Davo.

Davo, shaved cat

Another friendly newcomer is Jordan. He is way below Pearl (at floor level). He is a happy, stocky, energetic, hungry kitten who will be a delightful pet.
Maeve is settling back down to be her purring, loving self.
Gingi has been moved into Incoming because his skin is breaking out again. He is allowed to wander in the afternoon and he may be scavanging food that he is not supposed to eat. He enjoyed being carried in my arms. His condo is needed for boarders. I hope that Pearl will be adopted before the next holidays. She is getting so confident and loving.

Another kitten moved out of Incoming is Dahlia. She where Ussie used to be. Ussie was adopted over the weekend as was Chanel and Luigi. Don't think Dahlia will last long.


Friday, June 2, 2023

Maeve returns

 Geoff brought her back. He dismantled the chest of drawers that she was hiding behind, sat beside her quietly for a little while, picked her up and put her in his small carrier. The woman who adopted her is in hospital with a cat bite. She has had lots of experience with cats, possums and bandicoots but has never been bitten before. 

By Maeve! 

Our purrball Maeve! 

Perhaps Maeve really wanted to be back with us and this was the only way she could manage it.


Geoff decided that some of the back cats should have a wander while he did the feeds tonight as the usual suspects had a fine time out this afternoon. Maxwell was out in front. He settles down on top of Ginger George's stand alone after a short stretching walk.
Thelma and Louise ventured out but popped back into their condo when anybody approached.
Thelma and Louise

I really must find out who is who.

Geoff was going to give Pearl a wander as well as she is food motivated. Ginger Meggs is still not interested. There are two new cats on the other side of Gingi: Little Monster and Fluffy. No prizes for guessing who is who in this bonded pair!