Wednesday, August 30, 2023

A wink is as good as a kiss

 Despite there having been no adoptions listed on the website over the weekend, in fact adoptions happened. We had run out of space on the www/cloud/wherever so the website hadn't been updated.

First news:

Rosie and Callie were adopted, together of course. That was a huge shock to Jagger who, when let out for his afternoon run, tried to run into their condo but couldn't because it was being cleaned. He settled on Lyra's condo above Rosie and Callie's. Lyra wasn't too thrilled. 

Lyra and Jagger

I eventually enticed him out with some treats and got him back (via the top of the condos) to his own place.

Adele is between Lyra and Jagger because the two fluffy tailed kittens who were adopted before they got listed by a vollie have gone home. She wasn't happy in the morning. She wouldn't get out of the carry cage that transported her there to eat her breakfast. So I put a modesty cloth over the big window. Some time later she got up on her shelf to see what was going on. So I took the modesty cloth and the carry cage away.


Her kittens, Billy and Britney, are in the stand alone that loiters beside the filing cabinet.

Billy and Britney

That means that the only cats in Isolation are Maggie's kittens. Maggie, who is the only one with ringworm traces left, has been moved into Incoming near the wormy cats there. Her kittens went to Olympic Park for the Cat Show over the weekend. They had such a lovely time meeting and greeting the crowds that they no longer want to run out of their enclosure but just want to play and be freindly/fed.

Copper and Citrine were picked up this afternoon by a young couple who looked very happy.

Copper and Citrine
 As was Deleon (deaf Leon) who when home with a mother and her adult son who have an outdoor enclosure prepared for him. I was so thrilled to expedite their adoption that I forgot to print the contract. Katie will email it to them for them to sign. There is no way he will come back as they are bespotted already.

Best news last: Opie has been adopted. He will be picked up on Sunday. By our Ark! And will be best friends with Pearl.

Opie . . . he is winking!


Friday, August 25, 2023

Paired off

 We have lots of pairs of cats.

Jack and Luna, the kittens with the long, will be fluffy tails will be picked up on Monday. They will go home with a vollie and never made it to the Adoption list.

Below them are Charlie and Champ who are settling back into the condo after being in foster home.

Charlie and Champ
They entertained Jagger this afternoon. He hid under their bed. Then he moved on to Rosie and Callie's condo and into their carry cage. Which made it easy for me to get him back into his condo for his share of chicken. . . . . he forgives anything for chicken.

On the other side of Kate and Helena are Trixie and Roxy.

Roxy (left) and Trixie,
And beyond them is Mabel and Tori. Very hard to get Tori to stay still for a photo.
Mable and Tori (the tortie)
They are below Virgo who has had her second curtain removed. She was very keen for chicken.

Not to mention Donatella and McQueen. Arlo was sitting on top of Annie today. Usually he pushes her to the front of the hammock. She is the shy one. He loves cuddles. Go figure.

Arlo behind Annie

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Dog's day

 Vixen came in this afternoon with Ainsley. 

Vixen shakes hands for treats

Citrine was not at all impressed and fluffed herself up to twice her size. Copper was just interested to watch her. They are in the stand alone that housed Timmy and Tina last week.  They were adoped by a thrilled pair of kids on Saturday.

Copper and Citrine focused on Vixen

Again, it was installed beside the filing cabinet. Somebody had left a paper towel roll on top of the filing cabinet that entertained them through the night.


A nice man came from Monica's to collect all the dog food that has been donated to us. Most of it will go to rural NSW where there are many dogs who don't get enough to eat. Katie and he cleaned out almost all the huge bags of dog food in Opie's room.

And trundled them in several trolly loads through the open front door down to the loading bay. And left the front door open. And Lola sat on her chair at the head of the table, supervising, in the way a cat does.

She must love us or she would have made good her escape.

And the lovely Ros cleaned behind and under the cleaning station and toy box in boarding. THANK YOU.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Robyn reports

 I went in today to get better photos of Leon for the website. Well poor love just isn't photogenic. I took about 30 but they weren't much better.


Copper, Citrine and Amber were running around everywhere, with Kate + Helena, and McQueen + Donatella. 
Mostly pics of Copper.


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

How did that happen?

 The two littlest kittens who haven't been posted for adoption have a "We have been adopted" sign. They are growing like weeds so perhaps it is for the best. They might not look cute in a couple of weeks but their tails should be nice and fluffy.

I went to take a photo today and my camera told me that its battery was flat. Never gives me any warning. It must be a catmera. Cats don't give you much warning either. Good thing Joy takes photos on her phone.

Roger whose nose looks cleaner today than last Wednesday.

We had the right number of vollies today: 7 and everything went smoothly because Catsie came and did ALL the washing up. What a hero. She even cleaned the cupboard under the sink.

During the afternoon we had visitors bearing gifts. One came with an armful of towels and got a walk around while everybody was out playing.

The next one came to pick up a pair of paintings that she had won at our auction. She has 3 cats at home (after going out to get just one) so was happy just to take home two paintings of cats.

The first one brought two bags of wet food because her cat had dietary problems and instead of buying one tin of food to try out on him, she buys boxes of food. So we are looking very well stocked on wet food.

And a vollie visited the kittens out back. Just because they are gorgeous.

Sidney, Sophia and Audrey (not in that order)

Junior on left and Lucy on right

Dean fell for Frank's blue, blue eyes.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Flat out

 My first job this afternoon was to rescue a kitten that had gone under the food shelves. The only way to see the kitten was to lie on my tummy on the floor. Good thing that it had just been mopped. 

It was Junior and she was pressed against the wall a full arms length away. I pushed her up the the corner where the food prep bench is and, with the help of Greenies, encouraged her to allow herself to be pushed out from under.

Later I spotted her back in with Lucy who was licking her face. Don't know whether it was with sympathy for her horrid ordeal or removing the last traces of Greenies.

The two cats in boarding who had TBC for the departure date, Holly and ? (I have forgotten his name) have been accepted into our shelter. So they needed to be moved into Incoming. The boy hasn't been seen out of his cat carrier since they arrived so I thought that would be easy. Sods law ordained that this afternoon was the day that he decided to explore his upper shelf. Holly was on her upper shelf too. And did not want to be enticed into her carrier, Greenies or no Greenies. The boy sensibly moved to his carrier after several folk opened his doors so was very easy to transport. We needed Tim to get Holly into her carrier but that was done expeditiously. And both are now in the far corner of Incoming.

Robyn arrived to get to know the cats that she is to write profiles of for the website. We shorted out, the C kittens, again, with the help of the microchip reader, again.

Amber is the white pawed and chested tabby with the really black stripes.


Citrine is the white pawed and chested tabby with the dark grey stripes.


The tabby without any white is Copper. She has a copperish hue.

Copper: no white paws or white chest

They are all eminently cuddleable. And seem to have recovered from their stitches.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

D Leon/deleon

 Our new Leon has decided that we are OK and is willing to make friends. He doesn't like to be brushed though. Pats are enough, even tummy tickles. But no brush. He even tolerated pats from the small girls that a vollie brought to meet the kitties this afternoon. Should we call him Deleon for Deaf Leon. They are fancy cars. He might like that.

Carreras and Domingo were adopted this afternoon. The young lady just wanted one kitten and got the impression from Cat Rescue that she could just take one. But Tim confirmed that they are bonded. She phoned her mother and took them both. They will live with her in the granny flat. There is an adult cat and large dog who love each other in the big house.

The play place has been emptied so that our serial boarder Ginger Megs can have play time.

After his play time, we put Opie there. He enjoyed seeing the sunshine on the balcony.


This will be the last time Mischa boards with us. Her person is taking her to New Zealand.


Melody is looking Magnificent. And she likes strokes before breakfast.

 Frank was named for his old blue eyes.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Third time lucky?

 For Max!


This afternoon Bron came in to do the paperwork on Thelma and Louise the two cats who were surrendered by Robyn's mother-in-law and whom Bron has fostered for the past year or so. After we did their paperwork she said "and I can take another needy cat, or two. I run a retirement house for difficult cats". Tim suggested Max and mentioned his personality traits. "Fine" says Bron! Max was popped into a carrier, covered with a towel and we did his paperwork too. She adopted him. 

He will love living in her backyard in a spacious shed with lots of windows and a screened porch. The kids will play in the yard and pool. There are lots of ibis and other birds to watch as they live on the water. They have a new German Shepherd to play with their older German Shepherd. And I will be able to see him when I walk past on my morning walk! 

I wonder how long it will be before he is living in the house with them, just supervising. . . .  everything.

A young couple came to look for a friendly kitten as first time cat owners. Don't know why they didn't fall for Pixie who relaxed in their arms. She is the only available single at Safe (apart from  Lyra and I don't like the look of the spot by her right eye). I suspect that they had looked at the web page and spotted Marguerite who is grey. So I gave them Irene's addy and they will visit foster homes.

I could have suggested Jagger but he was hiding out in Rosie's carry cage. As soon as his condo door was opened to let him wander this afternoon, he shot next door to Rosie and Callie's condo and went straight into the carrier. I think he misses Ronnie. I think Callie misses being number one kitten in Rosie's life.

Rosie sheltering Jagger


At about ten to four, as I was starting the evening feeds out back, I could hear cooing coming from the main cat room. A young, female in biking gear complete with a helmet was cooing at the cats. No other people around. She was talking simultaneously with her mum by phone (in Cantonese). They are about to move somewhere where they can have a cat. They want a really friendly cat. Just one. Most of our cats are paired at the moment (except Pixie. But I decided that Terry needs Pixie to keep his adoption numbers up for tomorrow). Besides she didn't notice Pixie. I introduced her to the friendly kittens from the fabulous fosterer who have yet to be desexed and she will return when they are ready. If I hadn't hustled her out the door she would still be there, cooing at cats.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

A new Leon

 A new Leon has taken over Ginger George's stand alone. He is 14 years old and deaf. (Most deaf cats are white but he is a tabby.) He is a bit shell shocked at being surrendered.


The old Leon is up for adoption. I offered him the Top Cat this afternoon but he was not going to move from the hand knitted rug that vollie Paris supplied. She made sure that all the condos with cats for adoption were sparkling clean with lots of toys. . . to make a good impression.

Another vollie made a good impression on me. I am not the only slightly OCD person around. This photo pleases me.

 Below Aslan are a delightful couple of cats: Queenie and Devo. Pity about the names.
Queenie and Devo

Seven kittens were passed on to us from a lovely lady who rescues little kittens from colonies and brings them up with love. They are all delightful and will be snapped up by some lucky adopters.

Lucy and Junior are both girls even though Junior is all ginger.


And Sidney, Sophia and Audrey next door under Hana.

Sidney, Audrey, Sophia.
There is Trixie and Roxy. When I first met them I thought we had lost one. But she appeared from under the blanket. They are all due to be desexed soon and then the bun rush will be on.

Trixie and Roxy