Friday, June 28, 2024

Movement in photos

 Is not as desirable as movement in adoptions. But is inevitable. Trude and Prue were sitting at attention this afternoon, waiting for chicken. But as soon as I pulled out my camera one or the other moved.

 Miz and Riley have a "bonded pair" sign but they really don't act like a pair. Only one ever comes out for a wander when the door is open. Charlie likes them because they don't eat all of their crunchies and they let him come into their condo.

Riley and Miz

The folk who were going to come to adopt Yang either didn't come or got talked out of it. The sisters are both still here. Yang tends to hang out on a top shelf and Yin stays in a hidey hole. Both accept pats happily enough.

While Billy and Harley are not in the same condo (Billy is above Harley) they seem to have the one still/one moving vibe going:


I gave Harley a cuddle this afternoon and almost had to wash my face afterwards. She is very enthusiastic.

A bloke rang up about Cooper. He regularly looks after other folk's cats and wants one of his own because the hole in the house when the cat goes home is just too hard to live with. If he takes Cooper, he will be able to have other folk's cats visit because today Cooper, PC, Harry and Charlie all shared the front desk while Meatball frolicked in the corridor. Harry has been moved from Better Row to Betty's stand alone. I am not surprised that he preferred his bed on the desk: the stand alone was uncovered and hammock-less. It is habitable now.

Muffin and Venice were the last ones out in the Top Cat. (Sebastian and Pebbles had a fine ping pong ball game, Sparkle surveyed his domain and Abigail and Annabelle had a lovely time there too). I hope it is not too hard for Irene to take it down in the morning.

Muffin and Venice

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Movement at last

 After an adoption drought (despite the rainy weather), there have been adoptions and movements of cats.

Dexter got adopted by a man who "has experience with difficult cats". It has been 4 days which is 3 days longer than the last time he was adopted. So fingers crossed. 

And Betty has gone to a foster home. And Hermionie has gone to Katie's to live. And two of Honey's kittens have been adopted naturally including the super friendly Socks. Left are Luna, Scarlett, Patches and Panther. Honey is posted as 10 months old. What a heroine!

Honey plus 4 this evening at dinnertime.
The Squee litter in Isolation has been moved out except for Pumpkin who is still there and being treated as infectious. Two have . . . ? been adopted. . .. disappeared. And two are in Dexter's condo. They are still dedicated to eating.
Spots and Marmalade

We have new cats on Better Row. Moet and Jerry were surrendered. I will try to find out why. They seem to be a lovely pair. Jerry is the ginger male who is friendly. Moet is the ginger and white girl who is wary. Or the other way around!

Jerry and Moet

And Calli is under Josie who is getting friendlier every day.


As are Theresa's big cats in the stand alone in Incoming. They are very food oriented. They loved it when they were getting 2 month old kitten rations.

Theresa's three

Trude and Prue would like to go back to those good old days. But with patience, Sue is getting them used to being touched.

Trude, Prue and Sue

And for entertainment we have: Meatball, PC and Derek. Meatball is a comedian, PC is an opportunist, Derek is a fanatic (aka a kitten).

Monday, June 24, 2024

Adoption Tails: Pickle and her litter


1 day:  Pickle is doing well. She's quite curious and not hiding away from the family. She has been eating, drinking and using
her litter tray. The family will keep her given name. The kids love her! They've yet to introduce Pickle to the family dog and will do so gradually as suggested by the info sheet provided.

1 week:  Pickle seems quite settled now. She has her safe room that she goes to if she feels a bit unsure. Her stitches ended up being removed by the vet as the owner had some questions about her care. The resident dog is slowly getting used to her - they have met each other under supervision and still have separate spaces at this stage. The family expects it will be a bit of a journey for them both.

1 month: The family and Pickle are all getting into a routine at home now. Her furbaby brother and her are getting along well. He doesn't even care if she sleeps on his bed. She is particularly fond of the youngest son so she sleeps in his room but roams around the house with the dog.

Salt   No Response

Dill aka Shadow

4 days: She is eating, drinking, and has used the litter box. She is doing really well and has been renamed Shadow. She has a bathroom as her safe room (by necessity) and is adventuring around in there as well as sitting on their laps, rubbing herself on them, etc. She is very food-oriented but they are sticking to 2-3 small handfuls of dried biscuits and wet food in the morning.

 1 week: She’s exploring the flat now. She was getting very impatient to get out of the bathroom.

1.5 weeks: “She’s exploring the whole flat now, and while she’s still easily frightened she’s also very curious.”

 40 days: “Shadow is the undisputed boss of the house and loves to run around the top of all the furniture. We got her a climbing/scratching tower too to survey outside from indoors.” She’s ultra-affectionate which the kids love and is very happily settled.

Cucumber & Brine aka Mango

Brine was first adopted by the family who adopted Cookie about a year ago. Cucumber was then also adopted by them a few days later. 

1 day: The family loves Brine. She's so affectionate and playful. She's currently called Mango. Eating and drinking fine, had a bit of runny poo but is improving already.


1 week: Cucumber was pleased to see her sister! The family will keep them in a room for a few weeks before gradually introducing them to Cookie and Snoop.


1 month: Mango is all good, embodies "thug life" at home and has no problems settling in. Everybody has been getting along really well. Cucumber (currently Coco, potentially Dot if the mum can get her way) has been having some toileting accidents where she is missing the tray. She was also more timid than Mango and had some soft poos at the beginning. The family will get an additional tray and find a suitable spot where Snoop the dog cannot get into. Snoop, Cookie, Mango and Coco are all getting along really well, cuddling on the sofa together at times. Snoop can get a little over excited but the cats will let him know it's enough and they will end up cuddling together again.

Cucumber with Snoop

Caper  aka Whisper

1 week: “His name is Whisper and he’s settled really well.” His owner’s office is his safe space but he’s exploring the house. “He’s all good.”

1 month: Whisper is good and is growing enormously. “He’s very playful and now has full run of the house. Learning ’no’ in relation to bookcases and bench tops is slow but otherwise all is well.”

Caper = Whisper

Friday, June 21, 2024

Happy Harry

 Sorry I am late. Geoff usually does the night feed on Fridays but he has gone off to WA to swim with the whales and enjoy the big skies. For three weeks. . . . 

But Irene came today to catch up the paperwork on the cats who are ready for adoption. There should be new faces on our website soon. Hansel and Derek are ready to go. They want out of their stand alone. They wiggle so much it is difficult to get a good photo of them. Sod's law says that after all the efforts to get photos of them together and separate today by Irene and others, Terry will find them a home tomorrow.

Somebody was handing out clean cat beds. I don't know how Harry came to have his put on the front desk. He was happy and stayed there most of the afternoon while Cooper was on the poof under the computer.

Harry is happy
Later Charlie took up his preferred place on the visitors chair. (Lola spends her days on the conference table on Cass's hoodie in a cat bed in Opies room). Champ was tucked into a stratchy pole box.
I agreed with Sebastian and Pebbles that they NEEDED time out in the Top Cat.
And Miz actually got up to visit them. 

Riley was not going anywhere, thank you!

Theresa's four are only three these days. The little one has gone to foster. The remainders are getting bolder. There are two white ones and one tortie. We need names beginning with T.

Amelia has been desexed and moved to Boarding. She was quite confused this afternoon. But quite needy. As was Mira. And Epsilon. Maybe it was a bit chilly back there.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Cat fight

 Well, after the weekend we know which one is Harley and which is Quin. Quin has been adopted so it is Harley who is still with us. I can't tell if she is the friendlier tortie or has become friendlier since her sister left her.

My camera was playing up today so it is still difficult to tell who is who.

One of our earlier vollies, Monica brought in her cat. Molly whom she adopted from us, to board while she goes to Canada for a holiday. Somebody had left instructions about the eardrops to be applied to a boarding cat called Epsilon. Turns out they changed her name. She might be the same Molly who might have been adopted on the blog of September 1, 2023. Her name has been changed to Epsilon. (Google definition: Epsilon: the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet (E, ε). the consonant sound represented by this letter. Mathematics: an arbitrarily small quantity, used to indicate that a given quantity is small, or close to zero. 

She will be with us for three weeks. She is not close to zero.

Later, after letting Seb and Pebbles out into the Top Cat (which they love), I noticed that Dexter's window was covered in snot. So, as he had been happy out wandering with other cats before, I let him out and cleaned his perspex. Then the screaming started. He went for Cooper. I went for him. Used my foot to separate them. Shepherded Dexter back into his condo with the rubbish tin lid and retired for bandaging.
Cooper afterwards just wanted cuddles

Dexter afterwards (when my camera went on the blink)
Ignore the blood smears on the floor. They are either mine or Adrians who got smacked by Billy earlier in the morning or Azar's who got chomped on by Betty yesterday.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Anticipating a busy, wet weekend

 Liam doesn't have a younger sibling or cousin any more. Amelia's kitten died overnight. But she still looks very plump around the tummy. Liam is trying to adapt to life in the Welfare area. It is a bit busy for him.


His downstairs neighbours took ages to get to the stage that Charlie is comfortable sitting on PC's blanketed chair while there is a person sitting at the front desk. (Champ is still hiding more often than not).
We moved Annabelle and Abigail from Incoming to next door to Liam. I don't know which one didn't want her photo taken.

An A plus an A tail
Sparkle, on the other side is still confused about whether or not he likes people at face level.

But next door Isabelle loves everybody except those who want to put stuff into her left eye. Irene has her eye on the perfect adopters for Isabelle.


This afternoon while I was handing out ludicrously small pieces (in felines' opinions) of chicken I noticed that Tommy's colours are more like a tortie's than a tabbie's. There are male tories but they are invariably sterile. Tommy has been desexed. . . . hum!


A new cat arrived in Incoming called Jamie. (That is a good name because is could be male or female)

Jamie didn't like the chicken

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Because Jake and Josh got adopted their condo became available for Liam. 

Because Liam moved away from his "mother",  she promptly dropped another kitten in Incoming! I didn't get a photo. The kitten is too small and mum looks plump enough to have other kittens still to come.

Because Ryan and Luna got adopted (separately), Hansel and Derek moved into the front door stand alone and had a wonderful time in a space 6 times, at least, as big as their condo in Incoming.

Because Queen Victoria got adopted, Pickles was moved into her condo. He wasn't really pleased but I think he will enjoy watching other cats more than watching food.

So that means there are 3 empty condos on Better Row. Irene won't be able to resist that for long. She has 11 cats/kittens at her house.

And because a previous adopter dropped by few weeks ago to visit the cats and admire the hammocks I have two big bags of fabric scraps to make into hammocks. She was in the business of making face masks during Covid and has lots of left-overs.

And because an ex-vollie was collecting bedding for charity, she thought of us and rang to ask if we needed any fitted sheets. . . . no, thank you; blankets. . . . . no thank you; towels. . .. yes! please!

And, because we were busy I didn't get out my camera so here is an old photo of Dexter who made a dash for freedom during his condo cleaning. His cleaner was too wary of getting bitten to pick him up. But he is very good for me. . . . famous last words?


And a photo of my Cody who is a Safe adoption. Sharon picked up her Leo this afternoon. He was very pleased to see her after being abandoned with us for 5 WHOLE DAYS!


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Adoption Tails: Tinkerbell, Pistachio

 Tinkerbell aka Tika

1 day: She’s been doing really well! She hid under the couch for about an hour when she was first brought home but she came out of her shell really quickly. She’s eating, drinking, and using her litter box. She doesn’t like loud noises so they’ve been keeping the TV down and talking softly but are sure she’ll get used to it soon. She slept on her owner’s bed all night. Her owner’s bedroom is her safe room but she doesn’t really use it. She’s definitely fit in with her new family very well. They need to teach her not to chew everything she sees but she’s getting there.

 1.5 weeks: She’s been great! She isn’t really scared of loud noises anymore - not even the vacuum. She seems to have settled it really nicely and is the easiest cat. Every night, she takes herself to bed at 8 pm and doesn’t get up until her owner or her owner’s mother wakes up in the morning. She’s super happy and loves the couch.

 1 month: She’s adjusted perfectly to her food and is no longer having any stomach issues. She is happy to eat “anything and everything” - her owner has been switching her food around a little and she’s super happy with whatever. She’s eating Royal Canin wet food at night and Royal Canin biscuits. She has Ziwi Peak occasionally too. The other day she licked Vegemite off her owner’s plate and seemed to enjoy it. She has been renamed Tika and has a nickname of Tika-meow-sala. She has been registered and needs her final kitten vaccination. They’ve been giving her catnip dental treats to help with her dental hygiene. “This cat has been a blessing to me honestly I can’t wait to spend the rest of her life with her”. Her owner also said “She is super happy and playful and her legs don’t seem to be an issue at all”

 1.5 months: “just wanted to thank you guys for the last time. This cat was a blessing and more than anything I could’ve asked for and I feel like I made the complete right decision! thank you so much and if anyone I know wants to adopt or I ever want to adopt again you guys will be the first I turn to. If I ever go on holiday I know I can trust my kitty with you guys to look after her and if I ever need anything I know I can contact you guys”


Pistachio aka Kumo

3 days: “Pistachio is doing really well! He is mostly out from under the bed, is eating normally, he’s drinking and using his litter tray well now too. He’s becoming so confident and playful. So good to see!”

9 days: Pistachio has been renamed Kumo, which means cloud. He is doing really well. His owner opened the safe room door yesterday. He spent half the day exploring but chose to sleep in his safe room. He’s still eating normally and using his litter tray. “He’s becoming more affectionate and sleeps on the bed with me at night.”

1 month: “Kumo’s doing well. He’s a sweet, playful boy, he’s grown so much and become cuddly.”



Saturday, June 8, 2024

Adoption Tails: Akira and Natsu


Akira at Safe

 1 day: She's settling in really well. She's in the daughter's lap and really playful. Eating and used the litter tray. The family will keep the name but possibly call her something shorter like Kira or Kiri, they'll see. The biggest problem they have right now is that the youngest daughter, who is besotted with Akira, has an allergic reaction every time she goes in the room. Just the right eye, red and puffy almost immediately. The family is seeing whether it's upon contact only and will ask their GP as well.

1 week: Akira is settling in great - smelt the house down and she's really comfortable. The daughter is getting better with the allergies. Akira does not seem to be enjoying the new foods as much as what she ate at SAFE, she used to finish it all really quickly but not for the new food. The family is working on transitioning her food slowly.

1 month: Akira is great, really comfortable, very playful - makes the owners laugh so much. She loves ping pong balls and dribbling the ball between the chairs.

Naksu aka Uni

2 days: Her owners have decided to rename her Uni. “For the first and second day, she was quite reserved and hid under a shelf rack for long hours but would occasionally come out to explore and to eat, drink and use the litter box. We let her come to us and were able to pet her for short periods of time. From the third day, she was very comfortably walking out in the open and exploring the living room, rubbing her scent on everything, including our legs. She seems disinterested when we tried to play with some cat toys but nonetheless very friendly and affectionate when we give her a good petting.” She is currently cleaning herself under the dining table.

2 weeks: “Uni has been doing very well and seems very comfortable with exploring the whole place and coming up to us on her own accord. We've tried different toys with her but she seems to have settled with a simple tennis ball we had lying around. She is usually quite calm and mostly sleeps during the day, but becomes very active and hyper at night, as she zooms across the living room and hallways”. Uni has her meals twice a day. They give her mostly dry food mixed with some canned wet food.

Uni and the ball

3 weeks: Uni has been having some urinary issues but her behaviour has been otherwise normal. She plays with her toys, walks around, and lays about. Her owners took her to the vet and her bladder seemed fine but they were given some antibiotics to help her.
