Thursday, September 30, 2021

Adoption tails: Mixa

 Mixa was adopted on 21/8/21. He had been with us for quite a while getting used to people at face level. As an FIV positive cat, it took more time to find an understanding owner for him.

1 day: Mixa is doing very well, although still quite shy and nervous, he now enjoys lots of pats and scatches. It took him a couple of tries to eat a full meal rather than nibbling at his biscuits, but he got there in the end for dinner tonight. His owner is looking forward to lots of snuggles once he becomes more comfortable.

Mixa's safe place

1 week: Mixa is making lots of progress. He is getting more comfortable every day and certainly more cuddly. He is always loves his food and spends a lot of the time out of his cage and actually sitting with his new person, which is nice. He is still in the one room but is definitely getting more comfortable.

1 month: Things are going very well with Mixa. He has actually slept in his new mum's bed, twice, which she was very surprised about. Every day he explores the house more and gets more comfortable in his new home. His owner is so, so happy that she found SAFE and was able to give Mixa a forever home.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Scout went first

I expected a busy afternoon because of the number of calls in the morning about Scout, Latte and Harper who were newly on our webpage. So while the team was doing all the work in the morning, I made sure that they looked clean and neat.

Latte, Scout, Harper (clockwise from the back row)

For most of the morning they were separated one to each level:-- litter level: Latte, lower hammock: Harper, top hammock: Scout. I decided, before 1pm which is OPEN for Adoption time, that I really should know who was Scout and who was Latte. I couldn't find Latte's microchip and he cringed under the lower shelf so that I couldn't run the detector over him properly.

The first folk who came for them were really more interested in something smaller. So the second folk who said "I just fell in love with Scout" adopted him. His new owner is the flat mate/great friend of the woman who adopted Sock some time ago. Sock is doing really well and they think she needs a friend. Scout is it.

The first folk really fell for Summer and Autumn and we sent a message to Steph so that she can approve that adoption. . . . or not. They liked other kittens as well.

The third folk arrived wanting a bonded pair. As they are experienced at fostering shy cats I showed them around all our potentially difficult bonded pairs. And they chose Latte and Harper who, by this time were cuddled together on the top hammock. Latte was so blissed out that I could easily run the microchip detector all over him and found the wretched thing which matched his paperwork. 

We have 70 cats in residence. No boarders. The two who arrived on Friday afternoon have recovered from the shock and horror somewhat. They Puss (B & W) and Scrat (Grey & white) are large armfuls of loving cat.



The play place has been taken over by Leo, a Bengal. He was loud before I fed him but settled well after that. He did enjoy looking out of the window when I put him on the window shelf.

There are a pair of kittens under Snitty. I have only seen one. Catsie, who cleaned them, assured me that there are two squeezed into the scratchy pole.
Tinker and/or Mayka

And sad Jumi is near Tara and Bodhi who are both supposed to be 5 years old but one is twice the size of the other.



Friday, September 24, 2021

Shock news

 Cathy went to the vet to have an ultrasound to see if she is pregnant. And it was discovered that she is a he and his undescended testes were removed. Hence the Elizabethan collar. And hence his outrage at being put into girl's gear.

Chris was Cathy
By a strange coincidence, I recently knitted a basset hound for my brother to give to his granddaughter on her first birthday, next week. I made some dresses for it and then some boys' clothes and eventually decided that their names are Cathy and Cagney depending on how they feel on the day.
Cagney with their bag packed ready to go

Cathy dressed for a walk  
Back to the cattery:

Toby has one black whisker. He is the brother who hides under his bed. Finn had a bell on his collar but the collar has been removed. He is the one who is everybody's friend. Toby is friendly too and loves a tummy rub but would prefer to be under the bed. I gave him a bath mat to lie on down there.

Melody is back. She was thought to be pregnant so Steph took her home. She was not pregnant after all (the theme of the day) so now she is in Ashleigh's condo.
Schnitty went to the vet yesterday. Turns out that his eyelid was turned under so that his eyelashes were scratching his eye. He has had plastic surgery to turn the eyelid outwards. Not happy in a collar but loved the chicken.

Winnie and Quinn went for a vet check this afternoon. Quinn seems to have realized that her family is not going to pick her up. She is sad. 

Winne is just glad to get away from Beans who was introduced to the family when she was over a year old and he wasn't desexed until he was going on a year old. He was feeling his hormones and she didn't appreciate the attention. Consequently she is sometimes friendly/sometimes growly. But always beautiful.


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Adoption tails: Santa Maria and her kittens

Santa Maria
 Santa Maria (Dolly) was adopted on 7/8/21
1 day, 8/8: Santa Maria is still hiding under the bed. She is eating well and using the litter box. She has poked her head out from under the bed to eat a treat from Caroline's hand.
1 week, 14/8: Dolly still spends a lot of time under the bed but last night she appeared at her new owner's bedroom door and jumped onto the bed when her name was called. She also ventured into the lounge room for a quick visit while her owner was working. She always comes to her owner when she sits down near her and chats to her and purrs.
1 month, 7/8: Dolly has settled in really well. She is sweet and loving and has started talking to her owner with squeaks and purrs. We have been recommended us to all her friends.

Petite (adopted on 8/8)
2 days: Petite settled in very quickly into half the house and is slowly exploring the other half now. She is very cuddly.
1 week: Petite is doing great. She is becoming more and more confident each day and couldn't be loved more.
1 month: Petite loves to sleep in human beds; she is very loved and seems really comfy in her new home.

Norma and Petite

(adopted on 8/8)
1 day: Norma is doing well. She has come out of her shell and started asking for pats and is sleeping on her man's lap while he is working. She started exploring the rest of the flat. She is very affectionate.
1 week: Norma has settled in really well and loves her pats.
1 month: Norma is a massive attention seeker. She wakes her owner up by sleeping on his face.

Snowy (adopted on 12/8)
1 month: Snowy is a bit naughty at times, especially when she gets the zoomies, but her new family loves her unconditionally. Her owner is grateful for making the process easy and for guidance when required.


Patches & George (adopted on 21/8)
1 day: Both are still hiding, as expected. Their owner has set up a wonderful separate room for them and knows that he can't rush things.
1 week: Patches and George are still in hiding and they are hissing sometimes too. They are eating and toileting well. Patches will eat food from her owner's hand and let him pat her when eating, George will not eat near that man but he will come within 3m of him and watch him.
1 month: Patches and George are quite comfy in their room now. They play with each other and make lots of noise when the owner is not in the room. Patches accepts pats, George only does when he is eating. Slow progress is being made. 

George (L) and Patches in "their" box

Ceiling cat grounded

 On Saturday a Good Samaritan was decanting an adult cat from a cat trap into a lower condo in Incoming. The cat took one look around and shot heavenwards. It climbed up the face of the condos and leaped at the light. . . which moved a bit so the cat could squeeze into the ceiling space. And there it stayed until today. Various ceiling tiles had been left open so that the cat could get to bowls of food left on the top of condos or wheely cages. I was told to check all food bowls and then under and behind everything just in case the cat had come down from the ceiling and not made it back up again. I couldn't find any trace of a loose cat. 

In the afternoon Tim dropped by to check the trap that he had put in the ceiling space. There was the cat and an empty bowl. Tim said he went into Jasper's condo without a peep.

Perhaps all the excitement in the morning watching me crawl around peering under things is what drew Sarah out of her burrito wrapping. Isn't she pretty! Much to pretty to be wrapped up and spitting.

There were 65 (counting ceiling cat) cats in residence this morning. That may have been the reason that I had 15 bags of rubbish to distribute among the bins along the street. There are three more this afternoon because one of our foster carers brought in her three "kittens". She has developed a gas leak in her apartment and has to vacate it for at least 3 days while they fix it. Poor Michelle has to go to the Sebel Townhouse! She insisted that I write a condo card to say that Lily, Luna and Inky are not for adoption. They belong to her. They are her babies and sleep on her bed. She will be back for them as soon as possible. 

In the meantime, Ebony has gone to the foster home where Diego was. Diego was a bit much for his fosterers. He is in boarding row and has chewed the top off Doel's cardboard house.

There are some lovely surrenders. I may find out their stories later. 

Flynn and Toby are identical except that one sleeps on the upper level where he is ready to smooch with anybody who opens his door.

And his ?brother sleeps under the bed that is big enough for two down below.

Beans is another lovely ginger where Blacky was.
Mr Bean
And Winnie is a loving tortie where Ganda was. (I had an aunt Winsome but I don't think that anybody ever called her Winnie).



PS Ceiling cat features on the website, where folk send in funny photos of their cats and other folk add silly captions.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Petal in pink

 Petal has been posted as available. Expect a rush tomorrow as there are no other cats ready to be adopted. Plus, Petal has a loyal following of several families who are desperate to get her. We were rather surprised that nobody phoned this afternoon. But who looks at our website on Friday afternoon?

Petal collar free at last

This morning, before 10am, a woman arrived to surrender her friend's cat. They have to move and can't take Quinn with them. She was very upset (the cat) but eventually settled down to consider her options. I imagine that the three kids of her family will take longer to adjust to her loss. She is a gorgeous, medium haired, 2 year old, dark tortie.
Of course, we already have a Quinn in Incoming. She is one of the four in the Cannon condo: Yin, Yang, Quinn and Sydney. They don't have microchips/ID's, just names, so it was easy to change her name from Quinn to Adelaide. 

One of Freddy, Hercules and co vomited worms this afternoon. So, they all got treated and were quite uninterested in dinner.

Two new cats, Felix and Rebel were captured and are shocked at their situation in Incoming.



Champ has been moved to the Boarder's Row . . . . perhaps because he is an entire male and is more appropriately situated beside a window that can be opened. His left ear curls backwards. What battle over a sweet young female cat caused that, I wonder?

Nada has been moved below Ebony. Our two black cats are together. And a couple came in today to adopt Blacky. (Sorry, you should check the website before you come in. He went home on Wednesday).  Nada and Ebony are our only two all black cats and neither is ready to be adopted.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Adoption tails: Joy reports Coco's progress

Joy's friends Barbara and David lost their beloved Bella to illness just after Christmas. She was their third cat. 
Bobby was their first in 1995. She was a very timid, little stray tuxedo back when they took her in and loved. She wasn’t with them long enough but became sick and passed away. 
Next came along Shelley who no one who met her would ever forget. She was a long haired tortie with a lot of attitude who was left at a vet’s by a man who couldn’t keep her.  After Shelley went to pussycat heaven (perhaps!),  along came Bella, a beautiful, pure white cat who had had a bad start in life and needed a good home. She settled in for 8 years.
Now all these these lovely cats were taken in without questions and given years of love and care but they were never the ‘lap cat’ that Barbara and David longed for, or a cat they could easily pick up and cuddle when THEY wanted to. Well, this time they certainly got what they asked for!

It took all of ONE day for Coco to find her paws. She moved from one lap to another before exploring every part of the house and deciding that her routine would be to start the day with David who gets up early.
Coco's morning stretch

 And to finish her day with Barbara who stays up late!
Coco, the screen umpire

She’s lately discovered a lovely sunny deck with comfortable garden furniture where she can look down onto the garden when not occupying a lap!
Her deck chair
 Joy is very happy for her friends as this is the first time that they’ve actually ‘chosen’ a cat (or Coco chose them -- as cats do). Barbara calls her  Our gorgeous eleven year old teenager! She has so much energy, is so intelligent and inquisitive. Coco brings so much joy. She settled in immediately and has run the house ever since!
She is our precious little lap cat.
May they all have many happy years together in what has turned out to be one of the happiest adoptions for SAFE and all involved. 
We love you Coco.

Adoption fervour

 By Tuesday all the cats on the website had been adopted including Marigold and Miko. So Blacky, Ganda, Archie and Maranda were posted on Tuesday night. This evening only Maranda is left.

It was a busy afternoon. I didn't get lunch until 4pm. Archie went to a young couple who just loved him on sight. She has a lion tattoo on her left forearm so I think he will be forgiven any sins. She just wants to cuddle him and he was perfectly happy with that and the bloke looked as though he could afford any vet bills if the heart murmur gets to be a problem. 

Then a single woman who has just moved into a larger, cat friendly appartment arrived to choose between Ganda and Blacky. She chose Blacky because. . . 1) Blacky the smooch and 2) she wanted to adopt a cat who would be more likely to be overlooked by others. I think they will be very happy together.

Then an older couple arrived looking for an older cat to settle into retirement with. They had hoped for Archie but their meeting ran later than they expected. But they were happy with Ganda who really does have the most rumbly purr. He will have the rec room all to himself and, eventually when he has settled, will have the choice of a sunny deck or fenced back yard. 

 And the woman who adopted Shadow 2 yesterday picked him up. She was so excited I carried him down to her car in his cat carrier. I was afraid she would drop it she quivered so with joy.

Bronwen discovered a bare patch on both sides of Tori's rump. It doesn't look like ringworm.

Tori with bare patch between the orange spots

Petal is still wearing a collar. It is difficult for her to eat with it on because her neck is not long enough to reach the bowl.


Thelma and Louise will go to be desexed tomorrow. They have got much more relaxed with people and lean into your hand for pats now.

Thelma and Louise
Cathy's family is being caught one by one. One arrived this afternoon. The organiser, Michelle couldn't tell if it was a female (the mother) or a male (the brother) from the photo sent to her. I couldn't tell either because the cat was more interested in trying to get away from me than to make friends. But from the size, I imagine that it is the mother. In which case we might have a pregnant cat on the premises because the brother has been desexed. Cathy, by the way, is due to have another ultrasound to determine if she is pregnant.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Soxy's second chance

 First, go to yesterday's Adoption Tails to look at the lovely photo of Collette sent by her new owners. No photo of Candy, unfortunately.

They were two vollies down this morning at Safe Haven. Robyn to the rescue. She came in and helped Sophia who is a brand new vollie. Later in the day, Sophia brought her mother by to meet the cats. She cooed at them in Hungarian and all the cats understood every word she said. Pommie was particularly receptive. She is a girl, 5 years old, no history yet.

Archie, next door was not quite so ready to make friends although he did warm to me later (or was it to my chicken fingers?)

Petal is without her cone as is Magnus. They both looked more relaxed. And Wilson was in the play place all afternoon. Initially when there he walked around growling. Today he was happy enough getting pats from me while I ate my lunch with him. But when I opened the balcony door and noises came in from downstairs he was a bit grumbly. I never finished my lunch because a mother and daughter arrived to adopt Spot and Smudge. They have always had 3 cats but are down to one so wanted males to get their numbers up to normal. The finger test didn't determine which was who. And they were equally friendly to their new family. Kittens adapt so well, sometimes.

Even Harper and Scout are more relaxed. Their sibling Latte is to be brought in tomorrow "from the wild". That might set them back a bit. Or, perhaps, they will tell Latte how delicious chicken is.

Harper and Scout
There are new kittens in Incoming called Quinn, Sidney, Yin and Yang. I could only see one.
Looks like a Yang to me

But the very best news of the day is that Brandon came, sat with Soxy for ages and adopted him. He has his flat all set up with the box that his fridge came in on its side with another box with a comfy blanket in it along with a litter tray etc in his bedroom. He works from home, on the phone, so Soxy will always have somebody nearby. He has had lots of shy cats in his 21 years.
Soxy meets his new owner

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Adoption tails: Candy and Colette

 Candy and Collette were condo mates. They really didn't get on very well. Collette always won the battle of the dinner plate.

Collette and Candy
They were adopted separately, a month apart.

Collette was adopted on 19/6
At 1 day, 20/6
Colette is going really well, staying in one room by herself and slowly exploring the space. She has a lovely purr and is enjoying pats. Her new owner adores her.

After 1 week
Collette is a lot more confident, loves to purr on her owner's lap, is playing lots of games and has favourite spots to lie in the sun. Her owner is grateful for lockdown as it gives her time to bond with Collette

After 1 month
Colette has established herself as a beautiful loving family member. She shares a lap with the resident cat. Fantastic outcome for Colette.

Collette at home


Candy was adopted on 12/7/21

At 1 day, 13/7
Her new owner and partner called SAFE Haven prompted by a text from Irene. They were worried that Candy was still hiding & hadn't used her litter tray. She had, though, eaten a bit of food. They were assured that all this was normal. She has her own room and they are visiting her there. We advised them that if there was nothing in litter tray by end of the week to call us again. Seemed like they just needed some reassurance.

After 1 month, 12/8
Candy's owner has enjoyed seeing Candy develop from a nervous kitten to a well settled, affectionate family member. He did ask about her and the resident adult cat sharing food and he was told not to be too concerned. He could always try serving their food in a separate room. Adult food is not going to do any harm to Candy. He just needs to make sure that both cats get roughly the correct amounts of food for their size.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

How do you made a cat a little horse?

Well, if he is Magnus you carry him into the play place, take off his cone, let him groom all the bits that he can't reach with his cone on, and introduce him to the kittens on the other side of the transparent wall. He purred and purred and must have been a little hoarse when it was time to go back to his condo. As he hasn't really been out of it since his eye was removed, I think he will have to get used to his monocular vision. He certainly didn't try to jump up on anything. He mostly sat and PURRED.

We have new cats. Another grey one, Pommie has been surrendered. He is in hiding and not eating. By the look of his carry cage, he had not left his home in years. It looked as though it had been stored on the top of the shed out back.

There are four new "kittens" in Incoming. They might have been kittens when first noticed in the wild but they are quite big now. Two live at the bottom of a large igloo. The other two sit on a ledge, warily.

Spot and Smudge have returned from being fostered. Spot is supposed to be the friendlier, leader of this bonded pair. When I presented my finger for them to meet me, they both came forward to sniff. Neither minded when my finger patted their cheeks. So I don't know which is which. I did move their stand alone wheely cage to the opposite wall beside the merchandise shelves. They seemed very "distrait" when on the opposite wall being exposed to doors and lights. Much happier in the afternoon. I swapped them with Cathy who is happy wherever she gets attention.

Spot and Smudge

Harper and Scout are still skitty but not as bad as last Friday.

Harper and Scout

And Ebony is back from foster care. It was always a temporary placement. She seemed interested to see us again rather than frightened or pleased.



Friday, September 3, 2021

Licking the washing up

 When I arrived this afternoon Oreo and Lucky had been in the play place overnight and were hiding (probably because the vollies had cleaned everything with super efficiency and speed!) So I took some of the unassembled carry cases in there with me so they could help me put them together. A cat really helps by giving distraction when the b. . . y things won't cooperate. Oreo came out of hiding first and let me take off her too tight collar. She is the mother. Her fur is much better than when she arrived probably suffering from a flea allergy.

Soon Lucky (her son) joined us to help finish off their breakfast crunchies. I took off his collar too and there is what looks like a healed pressure sore under it. Those collars had been on for far too long.

Ragged collars

Lucky soon discovered that my shoes smelled amazing. And Oreo discovered the out-the-window view shelf.

Shadow (the "sister" of Ellie) was adopted this morning. And Alice took Gia home with tears in her eyes because she couldn't adopt her sister and brothers as well. In the afternoon a father arrived with his daughter for Sasha. They had read on the website that Sasha was overweight but rather baulked when they saw just how plump she is. So I introduced them to the other cats who are available and those who will be coming on line soon. There are some pretty cats among them like Cathy, some loving ones like Malabar and some charming ones like Wilson. But, no, the small girl decided that Sasha was the cat for her. They had looked after a friend's adult cat while the friends were overseas but the "friends" had come home to claim back their cat so she wants one all for herself. They took her home.

Chicken treats this afternoon were not enjoyed by Schnitty who was dropped off by his family last Sunday and has spend the intervening days mourning in a hammock. He has cried himself into unilateral conjunctivitis (or perhaps has a touch of the cat flu). He is miserable. I tried to get him to purr by brushing him but he is having ONE MAJOR SULK.


Blacky was just the same when he arrived at the end of July. But now he is eager for the pats that come with the chicken.


He needs a dental before being ready for adoption.

Gracie will do (almost) anything for chicken including coming down with the door open. She certainly has put on weight since she arrived last July.


Autumn and Summer have been trained to help with the licking up of chicken flavoured plastic bags and spoons.

Autumn and Summer