Thursday, June 30, 2022

Adoption Tails: Archie

 Remember the woman who came to adopt Mayka but took Archie home instead. Here is their story.

 Archie, adopted May 27, 2022

1 day: He is doing good. He is eating and drinking daily but no toilet yet.1 week: He has settled well and started to explore outside on Day 4. He loves to play and eat.1 month: His new name is Ginger. He is getting used to his family. He loves to play hide and seek with the kids. "He is so cute".


PS Mayka spent time with Sandy in the play place on Wednesday (in her standalone). It was rather marred by the hairballs that had to come out when induced by small pieces of chicken. They both felt much better when that was cleaned up.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Flu largely gone

It worked . . . . either my blog title from last week or the antibiotics . . . . but we are largely free of flu at the moment. Ginge and Sabrina are still sneezing but Florence is clear headed and full of bounce. As is Ricki. And all the snufflers in Welfare, including Dynamo, are much better. But we almost lost Star on Saturday. Terry was in today being, as usual, our hero by delivering a full load of litter from Arundel Park. He said that at 5pm last Saturday, Star suddenly couldn't breathe. Luckily Dr Kim was in her surgery and dealt with the problem. Star is on very fancy antibiotics and looks well today. All bar one of her kittens are off flu treatment.

Akela or Rafiki
Now that these kittens are getting used to us and more friendly, I must figure out who is who.

As usual, I didn't get around to taking any photos. Luckily Joy was in. Her photos are much better than mine because I use a camera and she has a fancy phone.


Cocoa (left) and Mocha


 The coffee shop kittens were in the play place when I arrived. (Thanks to the poo bag fairy who only left 5 bags for me to schlepp out to the garbage cans). They hopped back into their wheely cage for breakfast and spent the day supervising from the front door. 

Fern, Linda and Yoko, Mayka had turns in the play place before the Coffee kittens went back overnight.

Nobody was adopted over the weekend but Myrtle and Wanda went earlier this week. Myrtle went with an older man who came in a couple of weeks ago. His was a considered choice. Myrtle came out of her shell very well in the interim. And Wanda was adopted by an older woman. Almost all of the cats in Welfare are available for adoption now. There are 36 cats and one rabbit listed on our website!

And today, there was an emailed enquiry about Coco, the rabbit. Somebody wants a companion for their lop ear boy who has lost his mate recently but plays nicely with the puppy, has full run of the house and is getting the garden rabbit proofed! Sounds perfect. So I gave her extra cuddles today . . . just in case.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Flu begone

 I arrived around midday to a busy scene: there were new vollies being trained, lots of regular vollies and Geoff trying to get odd jobs done before having to leave, Helen came in to be trained in the new computer system. We will all have to learn how to log on when we come to do our shifts. . . . yet another password to remember!

The coffee shop kids had been in the play place since the day before. I sat with them to have my lunch. The tuxedo, Bean, was very keen to share my salami. The others had to be tempted with tiny fragments. But when it came time for chicken, 3 of the 4 jumped into their stand alone to get their share. I had to carry the last, reluctant tabby and white one in. Will have to learn their names.

Now Caramel can have a turn. She is staying an extra day or two because her people's travel plans have been delayed. That's no trouble for us as she is a sweetie.

We are fully booked for the school holidays which start next Friday. And every condo is occupied. Baby was moved out of the big stand alone in incoming. Her flu is much better. She LOVES chicken so she will get the leftovers today. Bubbles and Cheena have been moved in to her big one because their condo in Boarding was a mess of splatters. One of them has an ear that needs to be "drained".

Dymano is looking better but definitely not dynamic.


Diesel accepted seconds of chicken (Joy's instructions) without a sneeze. And Oreo, below him, is a girl. Our previous Oreos have been boys. Perhaps Orio for a girl. Or Oriette, Orea, Oray. . the possibilities are endless. One of the vollies spent so much time with her at the end of her shift that I was tempted to check her bag as she left!


Suzie is looking much better too. So this has been a mild, albeit highly contagious strain of cat flu.

Even the supermodel kittens have got over it. And, because of the extra attention and medications, they are much more friendly. . . . . or was it the chicken?
Cindy, Kate, Naomi

And Helena upstairs is more wary because she has had more stuff put into her eyes.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Shock and horror

 The shock happened half way to Safe Haven this morning. I realised that I still had my slippers on.

Luckily my tennis racket and shoes live in my car so I had something to wear and didn't have to expose the uggies to the germs in SH. There is lots of flu about. Diego leaned into my hand when I gave him his breakfast. I thought that he was just pleased to see me but he probably had a headache and wanted some comfort.

Diego last week, pre flu

The horror came from Mariko who saw Linda vomit and called for help. Sandy and I came running and said "Not to worry, it is probably only a hair ball". And sure enough, another heave and up came a 4 inch one. Mariko was impressed. We said that it is the price of being beautiful.
We found a perfect sized box for Coco. She spent the morning in it, making it shake and quiver until she had chewed a hole in one corner big enough to use as a door. She was a happy rabbit.

Because Chloe was adopted I moved Violet, all of whose kittens now have homes,  into her stand alone. And Oreo moved into Violet's condo. He was discombobulated and tried to hide under his blanket. The coffee shop kittens were in the play place all weekend. I moved them out because a boarder has paid to spend time there. It was easy. I wheeled in their stand alone, put their breakfasts in there. They hopped in. I shut the doors and wheeled them back to their place below the clock. Later Mayka had a wheel in. Sandy opened her doors. She hopped out and explored. Later, when Sandy came with treats, Mayka hopped back into her SA. What a good girl!

Adelaide was died yesterday. We hope that Sydney doesn't have the same, unexplained, possibly neurological condition. He actually came out of his sleeping box to ask for dinner this afternoon.

Adelaide with Sydney before he got sick

Florence is much better than last week. She can breath through her nose now and is eating to catch up. And Midsummer is enjoying a holiday at Catsie's house. She is one fast kitten who only stops when she is asleep.


Monday, June 20, 2022

Adoption Tails: Squiggle and Quentin

 Squiggle and Quentin, adopted May 21, 2022

Dad needed 8 arms from the get-go.
[Squiggle was one of the three kittens that Wanda took on before she had her litter of kittens. Quentin is the sole survivor of her litter.]

Squiggle and Quentin/Cornelius
1 day: They have settled in. They have some safe areas that they like. Squiggle is a bit shyer but coming out to play. They have both eaten and both used the litter tray. The owner thinks Squiggle will keep her name. Cornelius appears to be the boy's name from what he can tell.1 week: They are great. Always playing with each other. Eating well and using the litter. They have been in the owner's kid's room and his office a lot. They are coming for cuddles too. Happy cats.1 month: They are great. Settled in and have taken ownership of the  house, the kids and him. They will go for their first vet check-up  this week and go from there. Cornelius tried to kill himself last night by eating a bit of Lego but the vet nurse in the owner kicked in and gave Cornelius the Heimlich manoeuvre. They don't know there is a sky and seem content. His girls love the cats and it appears mutual.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Adoption Tails: Bambi and Luigi

 Bambi and Luigi: adopted May 19 2022
Bambi, day 1
1 day: Bambi and Luigi are so beautiful, curious and confident cats. They have settled in so well into her daughter's room. They jumped up and slept on her bed and under the doona! They have had their meds in their meals and used their litter tray. They haven’t stopped purring. They love attention. So sweet and they are all in love with them. Bambi and Gigi quickly made themselves at home
Bambi and Luigi, day 1
1 week: They're dying to explore the house! They are 80% relaxed here
and they seem to be tolerating each other. Bambi is definitely more shy. Our dog has eaten their dinner once or twice. All going well so far.
1 month: Bambi and Luigi are beautiful and happy. They are having their first clip groom session at the vet on Tuesday. Their new owner brushes both daily when they are eating or just finished but Bambi is developing some knots on her tummy. The vet knows to be gentle and if they are not happy he will sedate them. She doesn’t want them to be scared.

Adoption Tails: Hazelnut, Suga, Tommy and Mia

Tommy and Mia adopted May 1, 2022
 1 day: Tommy was instantly out and about when he was let out of his cage and wandering around. Mia came out a few times but spent the day in her cat cage in a dark room set up for her. They've both been using their litterbox, eating and drinking (they have separate bowls for now so he knows if they are or aren't). As for renaming then, the owner thinks he's going to keep their names. Tommy responds well to his. 
Tommy liked a lap from day 1
Another day: He spent some time with
Mia and made some great progress. She ate outside her room and let him give her a quick pat. After a few days, Mia has started to warm up and she's doing very well. 
The following day: she made behavoural improvements. She came up to her owner while he was getting her food. She's definitely a slow eater but Tommy is learning to leave her bowl alone.1 week: Mia is out and about exploring the place and doesn't spend much time in her room anymore.

1 month: They're both doing well. Tommy is a lazy boy but loves chasing laser pointers. Mia, whilst still very shy has become a lot more affectionate. She'll come up for pats and will hang around their owner for most of the day

Mia had some flu symptoms along with her hissy breathing but she seems to be doing very well now.

Suga, adopted May 13, 2022

Before he was picked up from foster care: Suga has been renamed Leo. He came for a visit and stayed 2.5 hours. He explored his manin room, played with his toys and used his new litter box!

1 day: He's very much at home already.

1 week: He was taken to the vet for his third vaccination and she remarked on how confident he is! He loves exploring the house . . . but lkes to retreat back to "his" sofa.

1 month: "One happy cat!" They love him already, although he only seems to love his food.

Hazelnut, adopted May 14, 2022
1 day: She loved exploring her new house. Her new owners gave her access to a small part of the house to not overwhelm her. She has been eating well. She used the litter tray yesterday for a poo but has had a few pee accidents.1 week: She has settled in really well and loves playing and sleeping. She is using her litter tray properly and has thoroughly explored the whole house. She loves sitting on her owner when she's watching TV and sleeping in her daughter's room. She is very curious.

Hazelnut 1 week
1 month: Hazelnut is doing well, her owner thinks she is very settled. She is exploring everything and has grown. Her balance and jumping ability are improving. She loves playing. She doesn’t always eat all her food and sometimes she thinks Hazelnut needs the security of them being around before she will eat. Hazelnut is left alone while she is at work and when her daughter is at school. If she works from home, Hazelnut usually sleeps most of the day. She is curious about what is beyond the back door or the windows but doesn't try to escape.
Hazelnut supervises WFH