I arrived around midday to a busy scene: there were new vollies being trained, lots of regular vollies and Geoff trying to get odd jobs done before having to leave, Helen came in to be trained in the new computer system. We will all have to learn how to log on when we come to do our shifts. . . . yet another password to remember!
The coffee shop kids had been in the play place since the day before. I sat with them to have my lunch. The tuxedo, Bean, was very keen to share my salami. The others had to be tempted with tiny fragments. But when it came time for chicken, 3 of the 4 jumped into their stand alone to get their share. I had to carry the last, reluctant tabby and white one in. Will have to learn their names.
Now Caramel can have a turn. She is staying an extra day or two because her people's travel plans have been delayed. That's no trouble for us as she is a sweetie.
Caramel |
We are fully booked for the school holidays which start next Friday. And every condo is occupied. Baby was moved out of the big stand alone in incoming. Her flu is much better. She LOVES chicken so she will get the leftovers today. Bubbles and Cheena have been moved in to her big one because their condo in Boarding was a mess of splatters. One of them has an ear that needs to be "drained".
Dymano is looking better but definitely not dynamic.
Dynamo |
Diesel accepted seconds of chicken (Joy's instructions) without a sneeze. And Oreo, below him, is a girl. Our previous Oreos have been boys. Perhaps Orio for a girl. Or Oriette, Orea, Oray. . the possibilities are endless. One of the vollies spent so much time with her at the end of her shift that I was tempted to check her bag as she left!
Oreo-f |
Suzie is looking much better too. So this has been a mild, albeit highly contagious strain of cat flu.
Suzie |
Even the supermodel kittens have got over it. And, because of the extra attention and medications, they are much more friendly. . . . . or was it the chicken?
Cindy, Kate, Naomi
And Helena upstairs is more wary because she has had more stuff put into her eyes.
Helena |