Monica 5149
1 day: Monica is settling in really well in the spare room. She's eaten, drunk & used the litter tray with no issues. Cuddled the blanket last night. Occasionally, she will get a little spooked with loud noises. She was let out to explore the rest of the home and has since returned to her own space. Monica was happy to cuddle with her owner.
Monica |
1 week: Monica is doing great, no concerns.
1 month: Monica's doing really great, settled in really well. The whole family loves her.
Wanda 5096
1 day: Wanda is doing well but has tried to nip at her owner twice when she reached out to pat her. Other than that, no other incidents have occurred and Wanda is happily sleeping next to owner.
1 week: Settling in well, Wanda has had a chance to explore her new home. Her new owner is happy so far and dealing with her grief from losing her previous cat.
1 month: Wanda is doing very very well in her new home. She jumps up for cuddles on laps. They are both very happy with each other. Her owner was able to stop Wanda from jumping into the high spots of the wardrobe and is now teaching her not to jump onto the kitchen counters. Wanda likes to wake her owner up at 5:30am to play.
Oreo 5124 (Ruby's kitten)
1 day: Oreo is doing well, she ate a little and drank quite a bit of water, she's also used the litter tray. The owner has got name ideas but still haven't decided on one yet.
1 week: Oreo's doing well, although the owner had to take her to the vet as she had an issue with her eye. They just gave an ointment to apply and it should be all good in a couple days. She's comfortable in the owner's room, but still a little hesitant to explore the rest of the house.
1 month: She's doing very well!
Violet's kittens
Clover 5076 (Violet's kitten)1 day: Clover has had a little bit to eat last night but not today. She's used the litter tray once. The owner will keep the name.
1 week: Clover is doing great, very cuddly and active.
1 month: Clover is great!
1 day: She has not used the litterbox. She has eaten and maybe drunk water. The owner is going to keep her name. She is currently hiding under a bed near the heating vent. She is okay and he thinks he heard her meow during the night.
1 week: She's still hiding. Her owner is leaving the door open at night because she seems to want to explore at night. He is giving her limited access and there are no potential exit points for her.
Myrtle |
1 month: Myrtle seems to come out at night when it's quiet. She eats, drinks and uses her scratching box. She has explored the whole house and seems to enjoy the upstairs rug as it is always in a muddle in the morning. She has retreated back into her safe room after he talked to her but she is making slow progress.