Saturday, July 30, 2022

Adoption Tails: Monica, Wanda, Oreo, Clover and Myrtle

Monica 5149 
1 day: Monica is settling in really well in the spare room. She's eaten, drunk & used the litter tray with no issues. Cuddled the blanket last night. Occasionally, she will get a little spooked with loud noises. She was let out to explore the rest of the home and has since returned to her own space. Monica was happy to cuddle with her owner. 

1 week: Monica is doing great, no concerns. 
1 month: Monica's doing really great, settled in really well. The whole family loves her.
Wanda 5096
1 day: Wanda is doing well but has tried to nip at her owner twice when she reached out to pat her. Other than that, no other incidents have occurred and Wanda is happily sleeping next to owner. 
1 week: Settling in well, Wanda has had a chance to explore her new home. Her new owner is happy so far and dealing with her grief from losing her previous cat.
1 month: Wanda is doing very very well in her new home. She jumps up for cuddles on laps. They are both very happy with each other. Her owner was able to stop Wanda from jumping into the high spots of the wardrobe and is now teaching her not to jump onto the kitchen counters. Wanda likes to wake her owner up at 5:30am to play.
Oreo 5124 (Ruby's kitten)
1 day: Oreo is doing well, she ate a little and drank quite a bit of water, she's also used the litter tray. The owner has got name ideas but still haven't decided on one yet.
1 week: Oreo's doing well, although the owner had to take her to the vet as she had an issue with her eye. They just gave an ointment to apply and it should be all good in a couple days. She's comfortable in the owner's room, but still a little hesitant to explore the rest of the house.
1 month: She's doing very well!

Violet's kittens
Clover 5076 (Violet's kitten)

1 day: Clover has had a little bit to eat last night but not today. She's used the litter tray once. The owner will keep the name. 
1 week: Clover is doing great, very cuddly and active.
1 month: Clover is great!
1 day: She has not used the litterbox. She has eaten and maybe drunk water. The owner is going to keep her name. She is currently hiding under a bed near the heating vent. She is okay and he thinks he heard her meow during the night.1 week: She's still hiding. Her owner is leaving the door open at night because she seems to want to explore at night. He is giving her limited access and there are no potential exit points for her.

1 month: Myrtle seems to come out at night when it's quiet. She eats, drinks and uses her scratching box. She has explored the whole house and seems to enjoy the upstairs rug as it is always in a muddle in the morning. She has retreated back into her safe room after he talked to her but she is making slow progress.

Friday, July 29, 2022


 I didn't take any photos this afternoon because I couldn't get to my camera. Tim was training Vicky about how to negotiate the Shelter Buddy adoption process with a real client. It took ages. The poor woman looked exhausted. She will pick up Zac tomorrow. In the meantime, Zac was perfectly happy in his condo.

Vicky didn't get to practice her chicken distribution technique. I had to do it. 

I actually got to pat Gus although Max was skittish. I patted Callie but Rosie, her sister wouldn't even eat her bit of chicken. And Raffiki and A? have incredibly soft fur. Even Princess allowed a pat. Means I am continually F10-ing my hands but I don't mind.

Left over Joy photos from Wednesday:

Kitty ate her chicken while I watched which is a first.

So did her downstairs neighbour, Ziggy. The other Ziggy above Lucky is a loving spoonfull. . . . any excuse for a cuddle!

Suzie needs a good brush, as well as a hug.


And Sabrina is a bossy boots who doesn't want to be touched or to have Lulu touch any of the chicken.


Theodore got thirds because he is still on wet food only and is starving. He sweet talks to Amelia which is very cute.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

More space for poo bags

 This post is dedicated to Helen who spirits off poo bags on Tuesday so that there are not so many for me to schlepp out on Wednesday morning.

I have brought home the pots of dead grass and put the rubbish bin of dead mops in their place in the corner beyond the clothes rack. This makes more room for poo bags so that they won't be damaged and leak all over the place. (I hope).

When I arrived, Max and Gus's door was open, again. And they were inside, again. The catch is very loose and when it is tightened up, it is either too tight to move or too loose. There is a gap in the mesh beside the latch. It is my belief that the cats stick their paw through the gap to push down the latch. There used to be a wad of sticky tape there to hold the latch in place. . . I think Catsie devised that. I have added some cardboard strips stuck on with gaffer's tape to keep the latch in place. Geoff needs to devise a better way.

Max says "It wasn't me"
This morning, I moved the Supermodel kittens to the Palace. . . . very carefully and one at a time. (They were the kittens who made me bleed dramatically and get a spectacular bruise all down my forearm some months ago). They each went to a different corner of the Palace and stayed there all day. One ignored the bed I put beside her. And they all ignored the food at dinnertime. They have superstar temperaments.

Joy took some great photos.

Ricki didn't enjoy her overnight stay in the play place. She much prefers talking to the people.

Zac has settled in to a different place since he moved from Incoming last week. He is a cat who doesn't like change.
Theodore got one of the new hammocks I made over the weekend. I tried to make some light sides for dark cats  and dark sides for light cats. Ginger cats look good on everything.
We tried to get Diego to get into a carrier so that we could give him a go in the play place but he wasn't having a bar of it. Eventually (when he'd had enough treats) we gave up and he got a new fluffy bed instead of the carrier that Joy bought for him.
Diego is where he wants to be

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Adoption Tails: Felix: a foster fail and Ivan the intrepid

We only have a 1-month update of Felix who was adopted by his foster carers. 1-month: Felix has settled in. He is doing better with guests and the resident cat. Still keeping the two separate at night but there are a few good sniffs and interactions with them now.


 Ivan, one of Violet's kittens

1 Day: Ivan (now Oliver) has settled right in -- he purrs like crazy on his owner's lap as they try to work! He has eaten last night and this morning, and used kitty litter (my other's cat litter for a wee, his own for a poo!) Our existing cat is very put out, not fighting but hissing and growling. Fingers crossed things will settled down soon.

Day 1: Ivan
1 Week: Oliver is going well, he had his F3 booster this morning. He loves his food and also getting into cupboards! He and Bette are getting closer -- alternating sniffing and giving each other lots of space!

Day 1, Ivan the explorer

1 Month: Oliver has very much settled in! He loves playing in boxes and with Lego (not eating it!) He also likes exploring the courtyard. He's full of energy and loves his food! He and our cat are going okay... Also the owners can't believe it's been a month!

Day 1, Ivan the purr machine


Adoption Tails: Macadamia and Walnut

 Adopted from foster.

 Macadamia is the champagne one (partially deaf and blind)1 day: All going well. Very happy. Very comfy in their safe room. Using their litter tray but a couple of misses. She was prepared as Stevie (previously Macadamia) is a special needs kitten. Eating and drinking too. They have been renamed -- Walnut is now Cleo and Macadamia is now Stevie.


Macadamia/Stevie with Cleo

1 week: Both doing well. Finding routines ok, not big fans when their owner sleeps in though! Cleo loves to explore everywhere, Stevie slower to leave the family room but to be expected with his partial blindness.
week 1 together
week 1: Cleo

1 month: Both have settled in very well. Lots of exploring around the house by both of them! Both starting to talk too -- very entertaining. Going to see the vet this week for worming/flea/tick care. Both giving and getting lots of love too.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Vicky learns to do magic

Bubbles and Cheena have been moved back into boarding which only has one boarder and Theodore who is getting more charming (and less pongy) every day. Suki was visiting today but she doesn't count (until she does a really stinky poo). It seems that Cheena has a middle ear infection which is most unusual in a cat and is why she holds her head on an angle. She is on long lasting antibiotics. She loves to be stroked, even with a comb. Bubbles is not so keen but warms up if you are persistent.

Bubbles (L) and Cheena

 We have a new pair of cats, who arrived together and were put into the same condo (Dynamo's). They didn't appear to get on very well. One, black fluffy, is upstairs and the other, dark tortie, hides in a grey, square igloo. They are Lily and Shelly. . .. no clues about who is who from the names.


Sammy and Cypher have settled down. They were enthusiastic about chicken. Because they got seconds, I asked Vicky who did the chicken delivery service today, to give Bambi and Thumbelina seconds as well. I am sure that they know exactly who is across the aisle from them and if they get special treatment from the days when they were all in foster care together.

Sammy and Cypher
Zac has been moved into Fern's condo (she has been picked up by her adopters). He was a bit shocked at first but the chicken did its magic.

Zac got seconds
Casper and Suzie missed out on seconds. They will remember!
Casper and Suzie missed on seconds

And here is Catsie's cat Tasha's reaction to her bruised temple:


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Adoption Tails: Pickles and Bingo

 Pickles and Bingo

1 day: Their safe room is great but they’re running all over the house already. They are very adventurous. They’ve used their litter tray and are eating and drinking well. They are living their best life and their owners are glad they kept them together. They are loving the freedom. They have been renamed - Pickles is now Boba and Bingo is now Mao.
1 week
1 week: They went to the vet and are great. They’re ruling the house. They have a new scratcher house/post and are living their best lives.
1 week, Mao (formerly Bingo)
1 month: “Naughty, cute, curious, loveable, cheeky, playful, cuddly, primal, constantly hungry, explorers, universally loved, family. We are content and besotted with the both of them”. They are getting very curious about the outside world.
1 month


Specs and Cocos

 The only photo I took today was of these glasses.

Joy did an extra shift on Saturday and had to put her glasses on to read something and inevitably left them behind. I just want to know if these are her's because I have brought them home to give them to her next Wednesday. Recently Joy and Vi visited Coco the Burmese adopted by her friend Barbara and got sat on.
Coco loves laps

Bambi and Luigi went home today (3 days later than originally booked). They have spent the last few days in the play place and they had a poo party last night. Knowing that the owners were coming today, I put on gloves to mop the play place floor before opening time. Good thing that I did because, on arrival, they immediately wanted to see their favourite cats. Then they, mother and daughter, exclaimed over Coco the rabbit. Having been taught by our intern, I picked her up and put her on the daughter's lap. They had a lovely, long cuddle. Evidently the family has had two rabbits before. One died of a liver complaint brought on by overeating. The other, an entire male, used to come in and out of the laundry door but eventually didn't come back for meals regularly, and then not at all. They have photos and videos to prove to dad that a rabbit is a good addition to their family. Luigi was giving Coco nose bumps at breakfast time. And Coco loves Jacky's dog who visits on Mondays. So fingers crossed.

Rabbit spotted at the library

All was going smoothly until Catsie stumbled coming off the short ladder and landed on the side of her head. The handle of her specs broke off and she has a lump which will develop into a stunning black eye. Sandy drove her home and Catsie's car will be picked up tomorrow some how or other. 

PS Adoptions over the weekend included Courtney, Ginger (never made it onto the website adoption page), McCartney and Starr, Violet and Fern (who is still with us).

Friday, July 15, 2022

Full Friday

 I swapped my Day Manager shift to day with Tim and Katie. I usually go in after tennis in the afternoon. By then most of the cleaning is done. This morning there were 6 vollies (one of whom brought her two young kids), Rosanna training 3 new recruits and Sandy in the afternoon. Everything got done. Including the best cleaning job by Jeff who arrives later in the morning. Because we have had lots of boarders the laundry shelves are looking quite bare. And the mould on walls behind the shelves was very visible. Especially when Jeff moved the shelves out of the way.

Jeff had already swept the floor at this stage

But look at the after photo!

Well done Jeff!

And he cleaned behind the shelves in the corner which were even worse.
"Ah, how I love the smell of bleach in the morning", he said.

Luigi had to walk further to get away from the smell. He visited Beauty although you can barely see her.

Fluffy cats
Luigi needs a good brush before he gets picked up, or they won't board him with us again. I did as much as he would tolerate.

Robyn had fun with Venus and Jupiter on Wednesday. They had made such a mess in their condo last night that I threw them in the play place as soon as the coffee shop kittens were out and it was fogged.

Robyn wrote:

I discovered the 2 boy kittens of Starr have boundless energy, love wrestling and rolling around, and are so sweet!
Does anyone know who is who? The grey one was much shyer but super cute!  
I added more toys which they tossed around before getting loads of pats. 
Finishing with ?Venus chewing my fingers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Prueless Wednesday

 I  swapped with Tim and Katie for Friday to let them go to a concert. But Joy was there and sent photos.

Juliet may be missing Romeo

Diego testing his new bedroom furniture

Luigi and Bambi are boarding

Thumbelina and Bambi

Lisa and Maggie

Princess and Precious


Tip, the boarder

Sabrina and Lulu