Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Goodbye Ginger George

 He was adopted today by a woman who has always owned cats (and or dogs) who lives in a retirement community in the Hills district. He will be renamed Tommy. Her friend adopted another Ginger from us some time ago and is very happy with him. Lots of photos on her phone showed how much he is loved and pampered.

Ginger George's new woman plans to train him to walk on a lead. I told her that she wouldn't have any trouble, tried to illustrate how easily he cooperates but he, cat-like, didn't cooperate at all. But she knows that she will get around him and take him up to the residential section of the village to be introduced to all the oldies there. Won't he love that!

And there is a stream in the gardens that she will walk him to. And trees to admire. And lots and lots of love to be had.

Ginger George soon to be Tommy

Gingi, in Incoming, is ready and willing to step into Ginger George's shoes.



Tia has gone up on the adoption list. Geoff offered a bet that she wouldn't be still here in a week. Nobody took him up on it because she is grey and smoochy.


And Bella says.. .  "grey schmey. . . . black is beautiful" and "why is my bowl empty?"


Friday, July 21, 2023

Still tidy

 The laundry shelves. I added to the stacks in a colour coordinated manner and went to get my camera to take a photo. On the way I noticed all the torties having their time out:

Donatella and McQueen nibbling a pot of grass

Callie watching from her condo (earlier she was in  Ginger George's stand alone)

Lyra sat in her condo with the door open all afternoon just watching

Helena up close to the barrier and Kate hanging back (as usual).

And I forgot to take a photo of the laundry shelves. And then got too busy to take any other photos.

Cookie was adopted late this afternoon. Her test came back negative so her person is happy. Her sisters are in the Lucky condo and are quite shy. Virgo has moved to were Maeve was. And Chia has moved to under Belle. (Shadow looks moth eaten around his rear). And two pairs of cats from Better Row have moved into their double condos below Libby.

Maggie and her crew may have ringworm but they are full of beans. They manage to squeeze out of the Royal Cannin standalone in the narrowest of door opening spaces. They can get through a gap that I can't get my hand through. Adele's lot are angels by comparison.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

No kittens

 Well, no kittens available for adoption. Virgo and Chia are on their own. Neither looks pleased about it.


Donatella was much friendlier today. She jumped out to play and let me pat her (once).
And Lyra has decided that people are not so bad and allows some head scrunches.

But the most noticeable thing that happened today is:


The C kittens (not yet desexed despite their size) in the play place were fascinated to watch the mop go up and down the windows. Sue even made a new, laminated sign to remind folk to ask the day manager if you want to change the bedding.

PLUS: Catsie rearranged the clean towels, etc, shelves. They are now good enough to grace a very superior bathroom supply store. The colour coordination is ace. Thank you, Catsie and thank you everybody else for keeping them pristine for at least a week. . . . . please.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Adoption Tails: Miranda, Paprika, Cookie

Billie (previously Miranda)

1 day: Miranda (who is now called Billy) is now settling in well in a little spare room. She is a bit scared but as soon as the owner sits there for a while, she will come out and is very affectionate! She did use her litter tray once overnight. She has been eating too but not drinking much water so the owner is thinking of buying a water fountain to encourage her to drink a bit more. She also only seems to eat if the owner is there with her, they they leave her by herself, she doesn't eat any food.1 week: The owners decided to change the spelling to "Billie" as it is the more feminine spelling. She is doing great, not shy anymore and loves to explore the apartment! She eats very well and usually cries for more but the owner is not overfeeding because of concerns for Billie getting fat! Billie is super affectionate and loves people and loves to play with all the toys the owners got her. Overall, she is settled in very well.

Billie aka Miranda

1 month: Billie is amazing, she's the cutest little kitty. The owners love her to bits! No real concerns at all. The owner has just been experiencing all different brands of wet food (all veterinarian approved) so Billie does not get bored eating the same foods everyday but it is possibly upsetting her stomach as sometimes she does 3 poops a day.

Cleo (previously Paprika)

1 day: She's doing well, the family has renamed her Cleo. She is eating, drinking and toileting and very happy.

Cleo aka Paprika
1 week: Cleo is very happy. She spends most of the time in one area with two rooms and is happy there. Loves spending her time with the kids.

 1 month: Cleo is very happy. She is registered with the council and fully vaccinated.


1 day: Cookie is going great - eating, drinking and using the litter tray. Still in just one room but super friendly and lots of cuddles. The family will start introducing him to the rest of the house later but they are mindful to manage that slowly with Snoop the dog. They love the name Cookie so they are keeping it.1 week: The family is experiencing a few moments with Snoop being a bit obsessed by Cookie. Cookie has had an explore around the rest of the house but Snoop rushes at him to check him out, not out to attack. Cookie is gorgeous and very cuddly. There is currently a baby gate in the doorway of Cookie's room. They stand and look at each other, Snoop also whimpers a lot at him.

1 month: Going so well!! Cookie and Snoop are besties now. The family loves Cookie so much. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Ruby RIP

 It was noticed that Ruby was breathing with difficulty yesterday so she was taken to the vet instead of the three C's in the play place who are overdue to be desexed. When Dr Chris examined her he found a lump in her abdomen, had trouble with the anesthetic so X-rayed her to find that her lungs were riddled with cancer. The abdominal mass was cancerous as well. It was kindest to put her to sleep. We can console ourselves with the thought that her time with us must have been sweet compared to life on the streets. And her son Simon is safely adopted.

Ruby in March

Fluffy went to the vet too as he was thought to be sluggish on Thursday and Robyn's friend wanted to adopt him. He came back with a clean bill of health. And Robyn and her friend Kathy came this afternoon to adopt him and Little Monster. (I have such an aversion to that name that I can never remember it. I had to check Shelter Buddy just now and I did the adoption this afternoon!) I think Kathy should change her name to Monica and his name to Flavian.

Kathy bought two harness with leads so that "Monica" can get out for walks and so that "Flavian" doesn't miss out either. To demonstrate/try out the ones for sale, I put one on Ginger George who was sitting on one of our two visitor chairs, supervising the adoption (Robyn had to sit on the poof). 

Ginger George's chair
He graciously allowed me to harness him and obediently walked out through the door into Incoming and back to his chair. What a star!

Robyn sent photos just now to show how well they are settling in:

"Monica" on Kathy's lap and "Flavian" finding his comfort zone

An hour and a half later she has "taken over the house":

A granny came to do the paperwork for Pavarotti who is in foster. I shut the granddaughter in the play place with the C kittens while we did the deed. She needed to be pried out of there when we finished. He will be a happy cat.

Robyn's photos are from Wednesday (as I forgot to take any today). She had time to take them while Kathy was falling in love with "Monica" and "Flavian".

Thelma and Louise (R to L or L to R)

Billy (chanelling chicken)

Bassuria and Julie

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Booties back

 The room off the kitchen is a quarantine zone. Anybody who goes in there must wear booties and toss them in the bucket at the door as they leave to stop tracking ringworm throughout the cattery. Davo didn't get adopted. He got ringworm and is back in incoming. Mickey is where Davo was.

He looks much happier having a view of everything. (I didn't try to feed him so don't know if he is still desperate for food).

Ezra and his mum Lyra have moved from Incoming to where Tiger was. Ezra was adopted this afternoon. Somehow their condo was opened and Lyra moved out before the adopters arrived and into one of the hidey holes in the tall Top Cat scratchie. I was in the process of trying to tempt her back into the condo when they arrived. She is still there and the Top Cats surrounds her hideout.


Next door, where Maxwell was are Jack and Luna. They are shy.

Jack or Luna
Virgo only has one kitten left, Scorpio. The other two were adopted over the weekend. I caught him suckling her this afternoon. No wonder she looks fed up.
Virgo and Scorpio
Princess got adopted and Maria doesn't look too upset.

Vicky and I tried to work out the difference between the kittens who are in the play place. They were in Incoming. Two of them are almost identical. They are both stunning tabbies with white feet and tummies. The other doesn't have white feet. She is Citrine. One of the white pawed ones has darker markings that the other. She is Amber and the other is Copper. Or vise versa. They are all delightful and one even likes her tummy being tickled.

Amber and Copper

Friday, July 7, 2023

More ringworm

 Maggie and her kittens may have it. How did that happen?

They have been removed from the play place and installed, by Ark, into the Royal Cannin stand alone in Isolation. No more rocketting out at meal times to run like maniacs up and down the aisles.

I scrubbed, bleached and fogged the fungi out of the Play Place. Some Incoming cats where having a play there when I left.

A customer arrived with her husband. Her previous cat was a client of Dr Kim so she was fascinated to visit. Her name was Sue and when I introduced myself as Prue it took her right back to Kath and Kim days. She wants a cat who will be just like the previous one (always a mistake) and who will sit by her side as she works from home, help her do jigsaw puzzles and escort her around the garden, in fine weather. Ginger George is a no brainer. She liked him, and Gemini, and Maeve, and Ruby and Maria. She is going to think about it overnight. So you might have a customer tomorrow, Terry. The husband is the strong silent type who will go along with whatever she decides.

Davo was named after the Davidson Fire Rescue team. Geoff and he get on really well together. He won't let anybody else touch him. Geoff may be off to Canada in 10days to help with the continuing forest fires there. It seams that the peat bogs are still burning as well as the forests. He will be there for 5 weeks if he goes. (He won't be allowed to go if he throws another ringworm lession).

Can't imagine how I managed to stay so busy that I didn't think of taking any photos. Random photos: 

Thelma and Louise enjoyed their chicken. They are getting friendlier by the week.

Thelma and Louise
Melody lets Tim pat her.
And one of the Friday vollies is in love with Hanna who rather likes her too. They share treats and coos.

Lola will follow the sent of chicken for any distance. (And scream for seconds until I leave.)


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Adoption Tails: Lucky (girl)


1 week: “She is still very very shy and didn’t eat for the first day. She’s since come around and is eating and using her litter tray regularly!!” 

She’s still in her own room with the door closed but they have a cat camera in the room. 

“I can see Lucky has changed her comfort spot a few times (cupboard, under wardrobe, in a washing basket with clothes) and even comes out while we’re at home walking around!”

2 weeks: “Jordan and I were both just really just waiting for the right opportunity and time to adopt after moving in together. We both had been keeping our eye on the Roseville SAFE adoption page for a few weeks till one Saturday we decided we would go in.

 We both went in with very open minds and our only criteria was that they had to be toilet trained. After finding out they all were toilet trained, we spent all morning being introduced to ALL the kittens and cats at the shelter. When we got to lucky we both recognised her as one of the longer term residents and stopped so we could say hello. She was curled up in the corner staring back at both of us and we just fell in love. We were told Lucky is a very timid and shy gal but jordan and I were overjoyed when she came out and ate some treats that we offered to her. After we saw all the beautiful cats and kittens we always kept coming back to Lucky and sitting with her to feed her treats. We (finally) left the shelter on the Saturday afternoon but we’re back by Sunday ready to adopt Lucky.

 We’ve had her for 2 weeks now and we’re still earning her trust but love watching her slowly come out of her shell. during the day when we’re not around she loves to roam around in her big room, and to sit by the window soaking up all the sunshine. She’s made herself very comfortable in our washing baskets of clean clothes which we do not dare to disturb and have sacrificed for the time being!”

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

PS Maisy



And the lady who adopted Maisy came in to see if we had a laser toy. Or any other toy that she doesn't already have. We didn't.

It seems that Maisy is the crazy playing cat who demands constant attention. 

When she is not playing she is cuddling, cooing and smooching with her owner.

Needless to say, her owner is delighted.

But she plans a holiday, for the first time in a dozen years and is worried that Maisy will not forgive her if she goes away. She plans to board Maisy with us for one, or two, nights before she goes just to see if she will cope. And if all goes well she will board Maisy with us for the week that she is away. She was rather horrified to see that some of our boarders (the laid back ones) were scheduled to be with us for a month. Likewise some of the cranky ones!

But the alternative is to pay somebody $650 to live in with Maisy for a week!

She came

As promised to adopt Tiger and Maxwell. She brought her partner who had to sit on a stool because Tiger was on the guest chair! It will be interesting to see how they get on together. 

A woman arrived earlier to adopt Venus. But Venus hid in her carrier. Her condo mates/sisters were friendly enough but they aren't up for adoption. So I showed all the other available cats and the lovely lady feel for Lucky boy. I am sure they will be happy together as she is an experienced cat owner.

Robyn came to entertain the cats who were out. Helena usually runs around and plays but today Kate came out too. The toy was irresistible. Jagger needed it.

Jagger and Helena watch Kate play

Simon now jumps over the low barrier. He disappeared behind Opie's stand alone and pulled down his cover sheet. . . . just to annoy Opie.
Opie ignores Simon

While he was busy, his mum Ruby got head rubs from Robyn and was sent into a state of bliss

Happy Ruby   

How many canines does Ginger George have?

I finished putting pockets for nametags on all of the aprons. It really helps to know names of vollies.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Adoption Tails: Fred, Coco and Luna, Keith, Anastasia



1 day: Fred is doing well and has a good appetite. He is slowly gaining some confidence in his safe room and currently seeking pets as the owner replies to the message. The resident cat is currently kept separate from Fred but she is clearly upset when she can smell Fred. The owner understands the introduction process will take some time.1 week: Owner wants to return Fred2 week: She and Fred have gotten over the hurdle. He still has his moments but they will work through them together.1 month: The owner thinks they are all doing well now and have adjusted to Fred's high energy. The resident cat has also accepted him which was a relief. Fred is sweet and the owner is happy that she is able to provide him with a home.     

Eva and Hilda (previously Coco and Luna)

1 day: The girls are currently in luxury cat gaol (spare room totally kitted out for what's expected to be a long, slow settle in). They're eating well and using the litter. As the owner has been cautioned, the cats are timid and have been in hiding so she is just sitting in the room and talking to them knowing that she can see them but have not made any attempts to touch them at this stage. Right now, she is spending 5-10 minutes every hour or so in the room, talking quietly to them. The cats are watching her curiously. The owner is very happy that their appetite is increasing daily and that they're playing, especially at night and morning when they can be heard throwing toys around and being kitten like in general. "It's nice to lay in bed in the room next door and hear them having fun". The owner has changed their names to Hilda (white) and Eva (Dark) after her twin great great aunts.

Coco and Luna

1 week: Both girls are doing well. Hilda has become cuddly, purring and seeking out company. The owner is still working on Eva who is a purrer and will accept pats and being picked up though still very cautious. The cats will continue to stay in the spare room for a while and they haven't shown any real interest in wanting out of there and sometimes sill hide when the owner drops in to chat or get spooked by a noise on the street. Oftentimes, they are out in the room and stay that way which is nice to see. All in all, they are settling in well and eating well, "which has gotta be good".

Coco across and Luna down

 1 month: The girls are finding their feet and settling really well. Personalities are coming forward! They are happy and everything the owner would have hoped for.


1 day: Keith is good, he has used the litter tray and eaten some wet food. He is inside his little cat bed, watching the owners at the moment. Their other cats have had a sniff around him and said hi.1 week: Keith is having great fun. He is playing all the time. The other cats ignore him because they are all over the age of 10.1 month: no responseSuki (previously Anastasia)1 day: Ana is settling in very well, she's been eating and drinking and using her litter tray with no issues. She hid under the dresser for a bit when she was first brought home but seems pretty comfortable now. She slept on the owner's bed last night and has been following the family around the house! She's super playful and just so sweet. They have decided to rename her to Suki. "She is stunning, we're all completely bewitched!"

1 week: Suki is very happy! She follows the family around the house and loves being where the people are. She is so affectionate, especially in the morning before breakfast. When the owners come home from work, she is usually in the lounge room waiting.

1 month: Suki is dong really well. She made biscuits on the owner's shoulders for the first time a few mornings ago, "so cute!" She is sleeping like a bagel at the owner's feet right now.