Friday, September 29, 2023

Finishing off Wednesday's jobs

 The balcony was full of bags and the rubbish bins were empty when I had time to look after 4pm. Those are jobs I would normally do on Wednesday. They got done today.

Dr Chris, the vet and his nurse came to do vet checks on the cats who are too difficult to move to his surgery. That includes Mia who screamed blue murder when Tim approached her with the big blue gloves on. Dr Chris bravely climbed up to her condo and did the deed. She was not pleased. She wouldn't get down to eat chicken, even.


Hana allowed herself to be carried (securely wrapped in a large towell) to the examination table. She refused chicken later too.
Maybe this means that they will soon be up from adoption.

New additions on Better Row are Hugo and Mimi. Mimi is waiting until tomorrow to be picked up for fostering.


Kittah has moved from Incoming to Welfare because Chonk the cat with the amputated tail who smelled so strongly of boy cat when he arrived but smells sweetly now was adopted today.


And Tosca on the other side of Jagger was checked today so might be posted soon.


There were other visitors who are interested in adopting over the weekend or after the weekend. Busy days.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Short orders

 Again I had to take DH to the eye doc today so was only at Safe long enough to feed everybody their breakfast. When I got home at 10:30am to pick up DH to take him, my Cody posed under the poppies.


He was still there when we got home after 3pm! Cats do spend 22 hours a day sleeping, just like ants. But they sleep very lightly so need the extra hours.

I was surprised when the first new vollies arrived shortly after 9am Evidently 9am to 1pm are the new vollie hours. Traffic will make them arrive like Brown's cows.

Loki (Maggie's all black) was adopted over the weekend. The woman who came to line up Astro on Friday brought her 2 daughters in on Sunday. One girl immediately had an allergic reaction to our cats so they went home empty handed despite all the preparation the Mum had done. We know a lovely dog that they can adopt!

Belle went home with her vollie. Kat has moved into her condo. It is smaller than her previous condo and won't offer her the same variety of beds.  It was also pretty warm in there this morning.

I will share some of Joy's fab photos from last Wednesday.

Jagger has long legs

Louis is settling down

Chonk has lost his parfum de bloke

Aslan is available for adoption

PS. DH had to have an injection into his left eye. He is still lying down.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Lola has a new role

 Lola has taken over being office cat from Ginger George and Tiger. This afternoon she sat on a visitor's chair for an hour. She then moved to sit on the desk.

Luckily that was after I did the paperwork for Adele who has been adopted by a lovely, older lady whose cat died some time ago and who is now ready for another. Adele went into her carrier (a top loader) with no trouble at all. And didn't make a sound as I carried her down to the car. They will be happy together.

Devo and Queenie have been adopted but are still with us. They are boarding until Sunday while their new people get themselves sorted. The boarding area is already booked out so they get to stay in their own condo.

Sparkle has moved into Junior and Lucy's stand alone. And his name has been changed to Sparky. 

I gave Virgo more light in her corner condo. She seems to always been peering out without the hissing.

Kenzie looks as though she needs a good brush. There is a tiny brush on a long stick in her condo. I tried stroking her with it, gently. She, just as gently, pushed it away. Tiny steps. .  . . .   


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Flip a box

 Holly got out of her box at breakfast time for a pat. So later in the day, I tried to find her a larger box that she could sit up in. I couldn't find or make one. So I tipped her box on it's edge. She can sit as well as lie in it this way and it is wedged under the shelf so won't fall over.

Of course, she didn't like it. She migrated upwards to her top shelf where she made eyes at me, accepted pats and long body strokes and eventually purred. She climbed into the hammock for more cuddles. Vicky gave her more. She is a reformed cat. 

Her erstwhile partner, Tiger, didn't eat, poo or wee overnight. He might have the flu.

Annie on top of Arlo
Annie is back from the vet and Arlo has been ejected from the hammock while she recovers from being desexed as an adult. (Go Annie!)

A woman arrived after lunch to adopt Junior and Lucy. She has been stalking our Adoption Page so that she could get a red headed kitten for her two red headed girls. She bought lots of stuff and they will be happy, much loved kittens.

Speaking of which: Libby was adopted over the weekend. Her new owner emailed to say that she has chosen her favourite placeto sit: a small table by a window and she certainly looked comfortable on an embroidered, white tablecloth. Both are very happy.

Klaus is in boarding. He was our May cat on FB. He has the most unusual long, brown hair on his chest. I found a brush for him which he loves.


Talking of love: Leon loves a new, arty blanket.


Friday, September 15, 2023

No play time

 Nobody is allowed out to play until the sneezing stops. And the boarders are being cared for very carefully. The last thing anybody wants is a sniffle caught at the cattery. Phantom came in to board for the first time today. He is now called Sprout and is dearly loved. He spends his time sleeping on her bed or in an avocado-shaped cat couch. He likes to play with Q-tips so she included several along with his special food.

Sprout, was Phantom

Ginger Meggs is back too.
Ginger Meggs

Joni has been moved to where Lyra was (which was Phantom's old condo). She seems fine and enjoyed her chicken. If she is, it may demonstrate that flu viruses fall downwards because Kat has it and Thelma and Louise have it and they were all below her.
Arlo looked miserable. He is just opposite the Maggie kitten source of the sneezes who have moved back into the main cattery. But his misery was because Annie was off being desexed so he didn't have anybody nice and soft to lie on!

The single cat in Isolation is Sparkle. He is there because there is no room elsewhere. I suggested that his name be changed to Sparky which is more masculine sounding than Sparkle!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Ahchoo, choo, choo

 The flu train has come to Safe. When I arrived this morning to do the early feed, Maggies boys in the stand alone by the filing cabinet were sneezing in chorus. I wheeled them into isolation. Before I left, with Tim's agreement, I folded down Adele's crate and moved them against the wall. There is a new cat in the opposite stand alone but I don't know her story. Blossom and her kittens seem to be recovering from their flu and have finished their meds.

Lola joined me in the foyer from Opie's room where she spent the night. Good thing to be out of sneezing range. She hopped back into her stand alone enticed by a pot of grass.

Sidney and his condo mates are sneezing. The R kittens in the Palace are sneezing. Kat is sneezing, Thelma and Louise are sneezing. Good thing everybody has been vaccinated.

Sydney was adopted by a woman who checked with her flat's agent if it would be OK to have a cat. He said it would be fine. She already has a dog. But the owner said that she couldn't have a cat. So Sydney came back. In the meantime Ainsley, who has fostered Sydney for the past ?9 months, took Shadow home in the hopes of getting rid of his skin condition. This morning when I left early to take DH to the eye doc, Ainsley was cuddling with Sydney so that the vollie could clean around her. Sydney never has liked strangers.

Lyra was adopted on Monday too.


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Adoption Tails: Fluffy and Little Monster

Robyn reports: 

Of course they completely rule the house! Basically Monster progresses from one one lap to another throughout the day, as well as an assortment of beds. 
 Fluffy's favourite spot is lying in front of the TV. 
 Kathy says Monster is super smart, loves to play and not happy about the neighbour's cat coming over. 
Fluffy is not too sure what to do with toys and enjoys afternoon naps with Kathy's mum. 
They managed to escape over a gate when Kathy's mum wasn't watching which was a big scare but they did come back -- Fluffy took half an hour! 

So she bought them an outdoor tent/ tunnel thing. The pic is only part of it.
Life is good.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Sorry to be late

 When I arrived there seemed to be all the kittens running around the Main room floor . . . aided and abetted by vollies and a small boy. They had a lovely time because Maggie's kittens have been moved out of the play place into one stand alone and a condo and they have a serious playtime mojo!

Eventually they got put back and other cats were allowed out for Robyn to take photos of. She is helping to write up profiles of the cats for the Safe website. In the quiet time before she arrived, I opened Jane (Juliette)'s door. She ventured out much further than before. Doesn't look like the weight management crunchies work too well if you don't get any exercise.

Jane made it to the trolley


Jagger had popped into her condo earlier and she wasn't pleased. And it doesn't look like Devo was impressed by him either. They both need a name change perhaps.

Jagger and Devo.


Queenie (who shares the condo with Devo who is male) was her usual charming shelf.

Audrey (from the same foster home as Junior and Lucy) is bold and loves to play.

But her condo mates would rather stay in. Robyn forced them out by giving their condo a good, overdue, scrub. Soon as she was done, Sidney and Sophia moved back into their black bin.

Sidney and Sophia

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Short time

 I was supposed to drive my husband to his eye doc this morning so only went to Safe to give everybody their breakfast. His doc called in sick and he didn't go after all but will go next week (perhaps).

Several adoptions over the weekend. Opie went home with Ark and his stand alone is occupied by Holly who used to be in Incoming above Tiger who she came in with. She settled down in Incoming very well and sought pats after a couple of weeks. But she doesn't like change and is hiding in a box on the floor of the stand alone behind a sheet.

Donatella and McQueen were adopted! He looks like he had some inkling in this photo that I took on Friday. Donatella will hide for a month! Billy is in their stand alone by the front door.


Maggie's kittens were STARVING, of course. Five minutes after bolting their breakfast they started to bounce off the walls of the play place. The R kittens in the Palace were mesmerized. I was still handing out breakfasts at the time and by the time I found my camera they had all settled down.

Raven, etc

Maggie's kittens
Britney was adopted and Billy is all by herself.


 Robyn reported later today the Billy was adopted this afternoon as well!

And in Incoming, Roger is looking much better but is still a messy kitten. (Thanks for the photos Joy)


Friday, September 1, 2023

M' Mayhem

 Maggie's kittens were moved to the play place this afternoon. They had a fabulous time throwing themselves at speed from the top of the scratchy pole to the bottom of the multilevel hanging thing which they scrambled up on the outside. Then back down and around again. They did eventually wear themselves out.

Mariko who was a volunteer last year and who offered to foster Rebel has adopted him as well as Melody! Isn't she amazing! And she rescues mice from a breeder!

Molly has a sign that says that she is "Adopted Maybe" and will be picked up on Tuesday. Of course, there was a call from a lady who fancies her from the website. I said that she should call back on Wednesday to see if the maybe is a maybe not.

Molly wasn't saying anything
The muralist has added some cushions to the hallway.

And somebody managed to make a hole in the wall. I think she is clever enough to paint a cat disappearing into the hole.