Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Short day

 I arrived late because my DH had pains in his right arm that stop him sleeping so had to be delivered to RNS. But Willoughby council was running late too so I managed to get the huge pile of poo bags from our balcony into other people's bins. And the cardboard into our Cousins bin. Willoughby still hasn't replaced our broken bin. But I didn't get to refill the Cousins bins which should have been emptied this afternoon because I had to leave at 2 to pick up DH from RNS and bring him home. He is fine. 

I hope Robyn visited because Tim was all by himself. Sue had to leave early. She was there yesterday and got rid of the pile of donated household cloth that I made last week. And she wrote a note for the front desk to NOT ACCEPT any more towels, sheets or any other kind of fabric. Our bedding shelves are full. And our food shelves are full too, so we don't need any donations of food either. Just give us money if you must!

Or adopt a cat. There are 25 on our for adoption page. Plus heaps more to come: another pregnant mum in the nursery, several groups of small kittens around the place. Including Tinkerbelle who is everybody's best friend. She is a bit chunky to be called Tinkerbelle, I think. Tinka would be better.


Mrs Claws' kittens are in the play place and ready to dash out as soon as the door is open. She seems to be missing them and has quietened down.

And Elsa yowled at us today. She hasn't been desexed yet. I noticed that her bottom left canine is missing which is why her tongue peeks pinkly out of her mouth.

A man came in suss us out before I left. He had dogs but has become allergic to them. (I mentioned that my niece is also allergic to dogs except for poodles and labradoodles). He thinks he might try a cat but needs to travel a bit until March. He is concerned that he might be allergic to cats. I had him cuddle several and then wipe his nose. No sniffles or sneezes. So he should be back.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Adoption Tails: Yumi, Cleo and Kat


4 days: She’s very good and is slowly coming out of her shell. She has used the litter tray (but only goes when no one is looking. Such a lady), eats all of her food and is drinking water. She is no longer in her safe room and has moved herself into the living room comfortably. All by her own initiative. They are trialing the name Maeby (Mae for short) to see if she responds.

 10 days: Mae is doing great. “She's a bit of a stairs goblin. She likes playing on the stairs with all her toys. She's comfortable in every room of the house now. Her personality is showing a lot more, just not enough to be cuddly yet! She will on her own time.” She’s eating, drinking and using her litter box well. She’s never had any litter issues and knows where her bathroom is.

 1 month: “She is great! Still a little nervous but very at home! Eating well. Using the bathroom well. She isn't very cuddly, but hopefully will feel more comfortable with touch in the winter. It's been very hot lately so I don't blame her.”


1 day: She has settled in really well so far. She is eating, and drinking, and has used the litter tray a few times. She has found a safe haven under one of their small lounges and she likes it there. She comes out when they talk to her and explores her room. Her owner has picked her up several times today and she is loving it. She is also purring. “She is a beautiful healthy baby girl”. Thank you for allowing her to become our precious beautiful girl. “We just love her so much”. They will keep her name although they sometimes call her Chloe. She may end up as CC. All she wants to do is play with her new toys when it’s bedtime.

1 week: She wants to get past the screen door but her owner is a bit scared to let her roam the rest of the house. She is sitting at the back door, looking out the window. She has a couple of favourite spots. She plays with her toys, eats more, uses her litter and lets her owner pick her up. “She is going really well”. She comes to her owner when they call her.

 1 month: “Cleo is just so precious. She has fitted in so well. We just love her with so so much.”


5 days: Kat has been renamed Cleo. She settled in quickly. She’s confident and is always asking for pats. “She has claimed one of the chairs in my lounge room which is perfect!” She is great with her litter tray and is always asking for more food. They have an appointment with her vet in a week to touch base and get some more of her medication.

2 weeks: “Cleo seems to be getting more and more comfortable each day”. She met her new vet and got more of her medication.
1 month: Cleo is settling in so well. Her owner’s housemate is also loving having Cleo in their home. “She is an absolutely beautiful girl, and we are seeing more and more of her personality each day”

Still navigating the best sleeping position

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Hammock havoc

 On Wednesday I wondered why Mia's top shelf was on the balcony and her hammocks were gone. Tim told me today that she seemed to be stuck on the top shelf and couldn't get down. Subsequently, she had pee'd and poo'd up there. That is why it was drying out on the balcony.

Also on Wednesday, Robyn brought in a cat igloo that her Charlie had jumped on the top of and collapsed. We decided that if it was that frail it wouldn't cope with our cats, flattened it and put it in the recycle paper bin. Today it was still there so I re-erected it and gave it to Mia. It took her about a minute to settle into her pineapple.

Mia well camouflaged on a black blankie
I also reinstalled her top shelf lower down.

Mrs Claws and co are all desexed and ready to go. They love their hammocks so I gave them more.

Still not enough hammocks but some kittens should get adopted this weekend.

Patches uses her hammock. I knew that because it is covered in hair. I managed to grab their black igloo while they were both out if it and got another two kitten's worth of fur from inside it. Later, Lily was on the top shelf looking longingly at Patches in the rectangular hammock. When I placed her on the triangular one, she stepped, regally, back onto the shelf.

Cassie is slowly coming around to being away from her foster home. She is said to love cuddles, but she is a bit hard to reach.

And Martin has come in from a foster home and is upset too.


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Adoption Tails: Tina and Timmy, Wilma & Wendy, Pixie

 Tina & Jimmy

1 day: They're quite OK. Running around the apartment at the moment. The owner's daughter had the two stay in the bathroom for a couple of hours to get used to the set up.
 1 week: They're really good! So happy with them, everything is okay.

1 month: No response.

Wilma & Wendy

1 day: The girls are going well! The owner noticed that they have started to explore during the night as all the pillows on the bed were moved!. They have had water but no food and yet to toilet.

1 week: They're really good! They have been exploring and getting more confident! One of them slept at the end of the owner's bed last night, he just was not sure which one. Wendy has been eating the wet food from the spoon but Wilma is the first to come up for a sniff and smack the ping pong ball at the owner.

 1 month: Girls have settled in really well!

Pixie, now Peaches

1 day: The owners have decided to call Pixie Peaches. She is settling in very well. She's eating and drinking and has used her litter tray. They are all very happy, she's a very fun cat.

1 week: She's wonderful, very fun and affectionate. She follows the owners from room to room and likes to participate during the kids' story time.
1 month: no response

A Terry kind of Wednesday

 I am a little late to post because I had to send Vicky the url of a really good anatomy podcast, https://www.instantanatomy.net/podcasts.html. If, like her, you need to learn anatomy to be able to teach pilates or some other such ambition, this is the podcast to do it. Run it on a loop while you sleep and it will percolate into your brain.

Today was busy, as usual. But busy with adoptions!

A mother and daughter came to adopt Rainy at about 11am. Seen her on the web, fell in love, had to have her! Done! But she is still with us because they have to get organised at home. Earlier in the day Vicky had thoroughly cuddled all of these kittens so they were primed to be adopted.

Then around lunch time a family arrived. . .mum, dad, boy who needed to adopt Rainy, his sister and two friends of the sister who were sisters. And Rainy was adopted already. So they had a little cuddle with Micky and Henry and decided that Micky would do.
They took him home with lots of other stuff. While the decision was being made, the daughter's friends fell in love with PC. And he with them. Unfortunately they are a bit allergic to cats so don't think that their parents will cooperate.

Later in the afternoon, the woman who said that she would come back as soon as she had a door problem sorted, came back! With her son to help. And adopted Trixie and Roxy. How good is that! I put together the last carry cage on top of the enclosures and popped Trixie in without any problems. I expected to have trouble with Roxy but she allowed me to hold her firmly around her chest and front legs and to place her gently into the carrier with her daughter. Quelle relief. (Perhaps that is just what Roxie was saying. . . . . "What a relief to be leaving this place").

During all this I let out Charlie and Champ for a wander. Champ seems to be salivating excessively. And there was vomit in their condo. As well as left over breakfast crunchies. Perhaps he has a sore tooth.

dribbling Champ
Robyn took this photo after he met the delectable Molly. But I don't think that is why he was dribbling.

Now, if he had met Tinkerbelle, I might have expected some drooling. Her leg seems much improved and she is, as Joy says, a Purr Machine.

Thanks for the photos Joy and Robyn. I didn't have time to take any today.

There is a pile of towels, sheets, pillowslips, bathmats, tea towels, adult sized bibs, etc, etc, in the foyer. They are not suitable for us to use for the cats: too big, too thick, too slippery, etc, etc. But they are good for people to use. So please take what takes your fancy. Or if nothing does, please take an armful to put into a charity bin near you. With all the floods we have had this summer, folk could well need some free bedding. Or some towels to clean up the mess.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Record set

 Berkshire was adopted today. He was in the shelter for 1 day. Perhaps we should name more kittens with doggy names!

Cricket was also adopted.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Much calmer today

And the poo bag situation is not so dire. Although it is better to have 0 bags on the verandah on Friday afternoon. I could have managed it if Willoughby Council had delivered our second bin already.

The good news is that Maggie has been adopted by a vollie. She (the new owner) is not able to take Maggie home just yet so she is still with us. Maggie was happy to have Top Cat time this afternoon. (Her triangular hammock is in her bed box).

Tim is still not well so cats were moved around by Irene. Cassie and Berkshire have come in from their foster home. Irene reports that Cassie is a lap cat. Berkshire would like a family with children or other animals. They both love company. (I would pronounce "Berkshire" barkshire. And think it is a name more suited to a dog than a cat).


Kenji was also adopted yesterday. He was reclaimed by his fosterer. Chad has moved into his condo and doesn't like the change of scene so far.

And Rocky's sister was moved into the condo below Aslan where Jack and Luna were. Irene and I tried to choose the calmer sister to move. I gave her a fluffy bed after taking this photo.
Raya or Raven.

Cindy and her four surviving kittens have gone home with an experienced foster mum who bought in some sweet kittens all ready for adoption. They are wiggly kittens so I will need a holder to get a good photo.

With all these kittens around, Lola has reverted to spending her afternoons in Opie's room. Some nice person put a towel on a shelf for her.

The cats in the Palace were fostered by Irene. She says that they are all lovely cats who love pats. They were more outgoing after she visited with them. They have got used to being with us.
Princes in the Palace

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Too busy

 Sue forgot that I told her that I would be late today as I had to take DH to the eye doc for another injection. She thought Tim would be on today but he
is not well. So when she arrived at 9am, nobody had been fed and the trash hadn't been taken out for collection. Then Mariko was hijacked by her bus driver and had to walk further than she expected, Robyn's car wouldn't start, other vollies decided they couldn't do today. Plus there were deliveries of large boxes of food, bags of litter and other mystery boxes.

Now, some heavenly person has cleaned out Opies room. It looks habitable. The table is clear, the floor is clear. Even Lola deigned to go in there to sit on a vacated shelf this afternoon! But there wasn't enough room for all the stuff that was delivered. So we left it in the corridor. [Sorry tomorrow].

On my heals, when I arrived at lunchtime, were visitors. The first lot was a young man who met us at a Dog and Cat show in town and bought a T-shirt. He later ripped the T shirt while skate boarding. Today he brought his (girl) friend to buy another T-shirt and meet all the cats. I introduced them all. And met Kenzi for the first time. He is in Rocky's condo because Rocky was adopted earlier in the week. They loved Dexter who was happily passed from arms to arms. He bought another T-shirt and a hoodie for his friend and left. 

As another group arrived. This was Charlie's family. They are considering another cat for their 16 year old. So I showed them all again. Dexter was happy with cuddles.

Then a happy previous customer arrived with friends who wanted a kitten or two. We went around the possibles again. There were 3 of Grace's kittens in the play place. They finally settled on two of them. They were two of the boys. The last remaining, all grey kitten is a female. I did the adoption. . . slowly and inefficiently.

Then a previous visitor came to see who was available. But they really wanted to see Dexter who they rather fancied. He, by this stage, had had enough of being picked up and admired. He latched onto his potential owners arm with teeth and claws. We had to pry him off. Her skin is AMAZING. She hardly bled. If he had done that to  me I would have been shredded. They were amazing and continued with the tour and admired Kenji. Who wouldn't!

Nobody got to have play time except Aslan for a while and Charlie and Champ. (Champ is getting more adventurous).
Charlie and Champ

Poor Cindy didn't get fed nearly often enough. Why is one kitten not in the clump?

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Adoption Tails: Ginger George, Tia

 Ginger George, now Tom

1 day: Tom is getting used to his new home and has found a gift nook somewhere in the lounge. He had dinner and has used the kitty litter last night. He is snoozing under the air con right now. Seems to like the carpet and has not used his bed as yet. The owner's invitation to the lounge was short lived. She went to bed at about 10:30pm and Tom went to his hidey hole as he was nowhere to be seen when she got up to check on him. He goes to his hidey hole whenever she leaves to do chores. His body clock seems to be readjusting as he has not yet come out for breakfast. She is confident that he will get more confident with time.

 1 week: Tom has really settled in. No more hiding. Playing with his toys and tunnel. Love his food and cons the owner into more wet food but that's ok as he may have lost a little bit of weight. He will be going to the vet as arranged by Tim but hopefully for small problems. He has made himself at home.
 1 month: Tom seems well and is enjoying life. He goes for walks on his harness. Currently, he is strolling in the garden.

Tia, now Lunar

1 day: The owners are calling Tia Lunar now. She has adapted wonderfully and from the first moment she arrived, she has not attempted to hide. She's been eating regularly and using her litter.
1 week: Lunar is doing well and has taken over her various little spots.

1 month: Lunar's doing really well and the owner will head into the council today for rego. She is a bit finicky with being held down to clip her nails. The owner is looking at other ways to clip her nails to keep her calm as the owner does not want to stress her.


New concrete

 The gap at the end of building 1 is due to be filled with concrete tomorrow, according to the bloke in a singlet who seems to be in charge. Means that nobody will be allowed to drive to building 2 How long does concrete take to set? Is it similar to how long a bit of string is?

Perhaps goodbye orange caps?
I told John next door about it so that they could warn potential customers tomorrow to drive into the basement and take the lift up from there. He says that the basement is closed on the weekend. So much for me trying to be helpful! But he thanked me for letting him know and they only have 2 or 3 bookings for tomorrow because their staffer is going to a rock concert.

Today I got to know Joey. He took a little while but did warm up to a lap that was sitting on the floor. I noticed that his testicles don't look as though they have been dealt with. They are pretty spectacular. But Tim assures me that he was desexed last week and that it takes a little while for the sacs to shrink after the balls have been removed.  . . . . . good to know!


Tim also agreed that Lola has some bare patches around her tail that seem to be spreading up her flanks. He suspects flea allergy. And when I was giving her some of her favourite chicken, he dripped her with the dreaded flea drops. She may never eat chicken again!


And . . . Tim asked me to move Cindy and her brood to the stand alone that Pickles brought up her kitten in. And to toilet the kittens on the way. I tucked one towel around the edges of the tray and put another towel on top of that one. 

Poor little things were very happy to pee all over my cloth covered lap but I didn't get any poo out of them. They are all rather discoloured because Cindy hasn't been scrupulously cleaning them before, during and after every feed. Once they were all in with her, she moved some of them to under the second towel. I guess she will work it out. There is nowhere else she can go in the stand alone as there is not hammock. In the condo she could wander off to another "box" when the littlies got too much for her.

Cindy in the litter tray, 3 kittens out on the towel, the others buried in the red towel.

Got to go. Two crimson rosellas want another almond each. And the rainbow lorikeets keep trying to steal them.